February 8, 2025
Dr. Conrad Worrill Indoor Track and Field Facility - Chicago, IL
200m (Banked)

Women's 3000 Meters

1 Nina Amicon   Unattached 9:16.22
2 Jackie Holman   Unattached 9:25.05
3 Tessa Roe FR-1 DePaul 9:31.39
4 Bella Jacobson   Unattached 9:34.04
5 Evelyn Battleson-Gunkel SR-4 U. of Chicago 9:34.31
6 Katherine Hessler SR-4 Northwestern 9:34.54
7 Myra Stray SO-2 Wisconsin 9:37.03
8 Cary Drake   Unattached 9:38.15
9 Liv Phillips FR-1 Wisconsin 9:41.51
10 Zaira Malloy Salgado SO-2 Wisconsin 9:41.59
11 Anna Watson SR-4 U. of Chicago 9:41.94
12 Nora Holmes JR-3 U. of Chicago 9:43.38
13 Estelle Snider SO-2 U. of Chicago 9:46.79
14 Ali Gillooly JR-3 Loyola (Ill.) 9:58.08
15 Kailey Zagst SO-2 Northwestern 9:59.83
16 Emily Akin   Unattached 9:59.88
17 Mackenzie Aldridge JR-3 Eastern Illinois 10:00.88
18 Peyton Smith FR-1 Indiana State 10:05.36
19 Hadley Gradolf SO-2 Indiana State 10:06.24
20 Emma Coon FR-1 Marquette 10:09.17
21 Alex Morris SR-4 Loyola (Ill.) 10:11.44
22 Kylie Haacke SR-4 Eastern Illinois 10:14.04
23 Katherine Klimek   Unattached 10:15.53
24 Lindsay Ott   Unattached 10:18.82
25 Gnister Grant FR-1 Indiana State 10:34.53
26 Isabella Marcum SO-2 Eastern Illinois 10:39.33
27 Grace Havern SO-2 DePaul 10:46.06
28 Sadie Kibelstis FR-1 Marquette 10:49.43
29 Vivian Rahmel SO-2 Valparaiso 10:53.42
30 Mia Nutile FR-1 Marquette 10:59.82
31 Sara Cordova SO-2 DePaul 11:01.25
Women's 3000 Meters Section 1
1 Nina Amicon   Unattached 11:24.15 12:03.09 9:16.22 9:05.10
2 Jackie Holman   Unattached 11:01.11 9:47.66 9:25.05 7:26.39
3 Tessa Roe FR-1 DePaul 8:51.40 11:59.96 9:31.39 6:51.40
4 Bella Jacobson   Unattached 9:57.01 8:59.60 9:34.04 9:39.78
5 Evelyn Battleson-Gunkel SR-4 U. of Chicago 10:48.97 7:56.68 9:34.31 11:00.46
6 Katherine Hessler SR-4 Northwestern 12:03.92 12:09.67 9:34.54 6:47.93
7 Myra Stray SO-2 Wisconsin 9:54.34 12:24.37 9:37.03 10:17.43
8 Cary Drake   Unattached 9:09.25 7:59.87 9:38.15 9:55.50
9 Liv Phillips FR-1 Wisconsin 8:49.18 7:10.32 9:41.51 10:45.48
10 Zaira Malloy Salgado SO-2 Wisconsin 10:10.67 8:02.72 9:41.59 12:24.44
11 Anna Watson SR-4 U. of Chicago 11:20.87 10:51.78 9:41.94 8:49.57
12 Nora Holmes JR-3 U. of Chicago 10:41.72 10:35.89 9:43.38 9:37.55
13 Estelle Snider SO-2 U. of Chicago 8:30.51 9:52.66 9:46.79 12:07.62
14 Ali Gillooly JR-3 Loyola (Ill.) 11:33.78 10:39.95 9:58.08 10:16.03
15 Kailey Zagst SO-2 Northwestern 9:05.85 7:41.87 9:59.83 9:23.84
16 Emily Akin   Unattached 11:47.86 12:59.85 9:59.88 8:41.90
17 Mackenzie Aldridge JR-3 Eastern Illinois 9:06.80 9:06.80 10:00.88 11:49.04
18 Peyton Smith FR-1 Indiana State 12:42.76 11:54.33 10:05.36 9:41.15
23 Katherine Klimek   Unattached 10:52.47 7:17.03 10:15.53 12:00.17
Women's 3000 Meters Section 2
19 Hadley Gradolf SO-2 Indiana State 10:06.24
20 Emma Coon FR-1 Marquette 10:09.17
21 Alex Morris SR-4 Loyola (Ill.) 10:11.44
22 Kylie Haacke SR-4 Eastern Illinois 10:14.04
24 Lindsay Ott   Unattached 10:18.82
25 Gnister Grant FR-1 Indiana State 10:34.53
26 Isabella Marcum SO-2 Eastern Illinois 10:39.33
27 Grace Havern SO-2 DePaul 10:46.06
28 Sadie Kibelstis FR-1 Marquette 10:49.43
29 Vivian Rahmel SO-2 Valparaiso 10:53.42
30 Mia Nutile FR-1 Marquette 10:59.82
31 Sara Cordova SO-2 DePaul 11:01.25