March 27-30, 2024
Texas-Mike A. Myers Stadium - Austin, TX

Boys 4 x 400m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries

1 Archbishop Carroll Damill Bostic, Farraj Al-Amin, Chrisitan Barber, Keenen Davis 3:18.36
2 Houston Christian Julian Dawkins, Samuel CdeBaca, Bennett Mallory, Jordan Elie-Stuart 3:19.64
3 Liberty Christian School Blake Werner, Ewan Curtis, Nick Blevins, Jaylon Hawkins 3:19.67
4 Cornerstone Christian (SA) Israel Cuellar, Davis McCray, Deshaun Horn, Christopher Harris 3:22.96
5 Glen Oaks Ethan Washington, Na'Ryan Delone, Darius Williams, Catron Hargrove 3:24.25
6 Lindale Clint Thurman, Hayes Brooks, David Lindig, Colter Maya 3:24.27
7 Gilmer Te'Erik Tate, Trillyon Butler, Connor Dodd, Jamar Byrd 3:24.31
8 Southwest Christian (FW) Zachary Rodgers, Jaylen Thomas, Caleb Buell, Tristan Smalls 3:25.27
9 Kaufman Aljour Miles, Ty Burleson, Bronson Chavez, Jeremiah Brown 3:25.40
10 Aubrey Brock Temple, Landon Martino, Nate Nkowdinma, Tyler Brown 3:25.93
11 Falls City Breiten Ramsey, Kash Brown, Christain Moy, Jacob Swierc 3:25.95
12 Huffman Hargrave Nolan Cook, Tristen Listi, Robert McNeal, Garrett McNeil 3:26.19
13 Wall Evan Boehle, Hagynn Barbee, Mason Snowden, Reid Robertson 3:26.26
14 Stafford Brian O'Neal, Jordan Johnson-N'Tuk, Emmanuel Osom, Weldon Moffett 3:26.38
15 San Antonio Christian Nate Griffin, Ethan Zimmerman, Logan Bates, Adrain Rule 3:28.08
16 Dallas Carter Charles Anderson, Kingston Williams, Trenton Levingston, Antoine Nelson 3:28.28
17 Beeville Jones Jaiden Gonzales, Davyn Perez, Darion Perez, Brian Rivas 3:28.91
18 Lutheran South Matthew Gaitan, Jonah Weber, Case Noack, Marcus Gaitan 3:28.99
19 Taft Enrique Rodriguez, Jason Martinez, Jasper Martin-Belk, Michael Hernandez 3:29.56
20 Gordon Riley Reed, Stryker Reed, Brayden Walters, Asher Salinas 3:30.10
21 Goliad Corbin Fair, Zamzow Cord, Landon Psencik, Hunter Cano 3:30.96
22 McGregor Zach Ainsworth, Benji Castro, Rolando Medina, Sebastian Torres 3:31.09
23 St. Stephens Episcopal School Darrell Houston, Truman Bares, Graham Boles, Beltre Curtis 3:31.58
24 Episcopal (Bellaire) Carson Fowler, Rodney Thomas, Garon Sampson, Clayton Gaither 3:31.61
25 Wolfe City Ryan Wallace, Brodie Hilary, Austin Campbell, Caden Thurman 3:31.94
26 Kinkaid School Adrian Rendon, Andrew Wright, Talan Tellepsen, Darnell Joseph 3:32.37
27 West Charlie Concepcion, Coy Klish, Gage Kirkpatrick, Nick Munoz 3:32.69
28 St. Marks of TX -Dallas Ethan Singleton, Zach Andrews, Tripp Schoellkopf, Mateu Parker 3:33.19
29 Fort Bend Christian Dylan Rayburn, Max Granville, Elijah Savage, Tyler Currie 3:33.33
30 Greenhill School Timo Kamgang, Alex Sharma, Gabe Shiloh, Laird Burke 3:33.50
31 Beckville J'Koby Williams, Aiden Harris, Major Morris, Aiden Brantley 3:33.73
32 Wharton Keilon Jackson, JaCorric Allen, Jameir Hearne-Robinson, Dyllan Huey 3:34.22
33 Central Catholic (TX) Noah Fernandez, Cairo Prezas, Andrew Rivas, Ryan Fisher 3:34.92
34 Franklin Joshua Lopez, John Lebouf, Alejandro Arriola, Kade Kram 3:35.19
35 Hitchcock Caleb Sowell, Bryce Dorsey, David Howard, Chase Bruton 3:35.99
36 Lago Vista Miguel Rocha, Matthew Purkey, Brock Morton, Swayde Griffin 3:36.33
37 Bishop Lynch Lanham Bevers, Dash Raya, Grant Benavides, Devin Miller 3:37.73
38 St. Dominic Savio Patrick Engesser, Paul Earthman, Jude Webster, Jaden Williams 3:37.88
39 Ingleside Asher Alaniz, Aidan Contreras, Javier Solis, Jayden Arevalos 3:37.95
40 St. Andrews Adrian Peradoza, Alex Nield, Miles Nunez, Reed Robinson 3:38.64
41 St. Johns School Adam Tibary, Jack Bowling, Marshall Dunahoe, Andrew Wasserman 3:39.04
42 Pearsall Abel Elizondo, Aiden Rodriguez, Dillon Wolfe, Alvaro Abrego 3:39.40
43 Dallas Lincoln Roy Hughes, Korrdrick Johnson, Arthur Fulce, Jakristian Rider 3:40.23
44 Coram Deo Academy Nathan Hancock, Luke Teson, Jackson Pitt, Patrick Teson 3:40.65
45 Bruceville-Eddy Kayden Pederson, Julian Gonzales, Tyrrell Horne, Christopher Bailey 3:41.03
46 Nazarene Christian Eduard Carballo, Aiden Carr, Gaddiel Nakitare, Chandler Luedtke 3:42.54
47 Trinity Valley School Robert Masterson, Luke Eubanks, James Hart, John Mark Connally 3:42.85
48 Fort Worth Christian Caleb Young, Chase Hinrichsen, Maurian MiShaw, Brady Aschenbeck 3:43.46
49 FEAST Joe Smith, Ryder Kerr, Ethan Smith, Colton Dotson 3:43.81
50 Oakridge School Carson Carter, Rocco Guevara, Dhilan Rohatgi, Ashton Brody 3:47.86
51 Saint Mary's Hall Haydan Hoelscher, Joshua Hoover, Landun Stowers, George Morrill 3:48.37
52 FBCHA Jordan Bowling, Cade Kelley, Nathan Kleinhenz, Elijah Brown 3:50.21
53 Regents School of Austin Gus Christian, Tiago Artaza, Landon Jones, Kai O'Reilly 3:51.18
54 Little Axe Nick Sanders, Esteban Calderon, Kelin Sanders, Edwin Amador 3:51.93
55 Holy Trinity Catholic Nick Boor, Jacob Boone, Jean Leurs, Andrew Leurs 3:57.09
  Ponder Hayden Long, Leom Bergara, Zenith Ngoh Dong, Mason McShan DQ
  Van Alstyne Hunter Emerick, Spencer Powell, Tim Moore, Brady Carson DQ
Boys 4 x 400m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 1
7 Gilmer Tate, Butler, Dodd, Byrd 2:39.37 3:24.31 3:52.92 2:31.19 3:18.18 2:45.50 3:50.87
8 Southwest Christian (FW) Rodgers, Thomas, Buell, Smalls 4:26.86 3:25.27 3:58.12 4:24.80 3:54.01 3:12.96 2:25.75
16 Dallas Carter Anderson, Williams, Levingston, Nelson 2:25.80 3:28.28 3:55.36 3:03.29 3:47.03 3:28.28 3:32.45
21 Goliad Fair, Cord, Psencik, Cano 4:11.05 3:30.96 2:55.10 3:28.85 4:23.70 2:46.66 2:55.10
36 Lago Vista Rocha, Purkey, Morton, Griffin 3:03.88 3:36.33 3:49.31 4:21.76 3:10.37 3:27.68 2:44.41
45 Bruceville-Eddy Pederson, Gonzales, Horne, Bailey 3:36.61 3:41.03 3:23.35 2:56.83 2:36.94 3:34.40 2:52.41
55 Holy Trinity Catholic Boor, Boone, Leurs, Leurs 3:33.39 3:57.09 4:42.14 4:13.69 3:40.50 4:49.25 2:55.45
Boys 4 x 400m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 2
2 Houston Christian Dawkins, CdeBaca, Mallory, Elie-Stuart 2:53.69 3:07.67 4:13.55 3:59.57 3:19.64 2:37.72 3:57.58
3 Liberty Christian School Werner, Curtis, Blevins, Hawkins 2:41.74 3:03.70 3:43.63 4:13.58 3:19.67 3:49.62 3:59.61
23 St. Stephens Episcopal School Houston, Bares, Boles, Curtis 2:30.23 3:31.58 4:24.48 3:16.77 3:31.58 4:09.67 3:12.54
27 West Concepcion, Klish, Kirkpatrick, Munoz 3:34.82 3:49.71 3:43.33 2:48.03 3:32.69 2:58.66 3:02.92
30 Greenhill School Kamgang, Sharma, Shiloh, Burke 4:03.39 3:50.58 4:16.20 3:01.48 3:33.50 2:31.59 2:44.40
41 St. Johns School Tibary, Bowling, Dunahoe, Wasserman 3:45.62 3:54.38 3:50.00 4:38.18 3:39.04 4:14.09 4:16.28
49 FEAST Smith, Kerr, Smith, Dotson 3:37.10 3:59.48 2:38.91 3:28.15 3:43.81 4:21.86 3:01.29
  Ponder Long, Bergara, Ngoh Dong, McShan DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ
Boys 4 x 400m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 3
5 Glen Oaks Washington, Delone, Williams, Hargrove 3:24.25
9 Kaufman Miles, Burleson, Chavez, Brown 3:25.40
11 Falls City Ramsey, Brown, Moy, Swierc 3:25.95
12 Huffman Hargrave Cook, Listi, McNeal, McNeil 3:26.19
43 Dallas Lincoln Hughes, Johnson, Fulce, Rider 3:40.23
53 Regents School of Austin Christian, Artaza, Jones, O'Reilly 3:51.18
Boys 4 x 400m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 4
4 Cornerstone Christian (SA) Cuellar, McCray, Horn, Harris 4:09.64 2:26.14 3:22.96 3:16.88 3:33.11 3:24.99
10 Aubrey Temple, Martino, Nkowdinma, Brown 4:17.42 3:38.29 3:25.93 3:52.70 2:44.75 3:50.65
15 San Antonio Christian Griffin, Zimmerman, Bates, Rule 2:58.95 2:27.74 3:28.08 4:15.94 2:42.31 3:46.81
28 St. Marks of TX -Dallas Singleton, Andrews, Schoellkopf, Parker 3:26.80 3:28.93 3:33.19 3:01.22 3:37.46 3:56.64
34 Franklin Lopez, Lebouf, Arriola, Kram 4:11.78 4:07.47 3:35.19 2:39.24 3:41.65 3:28.74
38 St. Dominic Savio Engesser, Earthman, Webster, Williams 3:29.17 3:22.63 3:37.88 4:14.92 2:58.67 4:25.82
Boys 4 x 400m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 5
17 Beeville Jones Gonzales, Perez, Perez, Rivas 3:35.18 3:31.00 3:51.89 3:28.91 3:49.81
26 Kinkaid School Rendon, Wright, Tellepsen, Joseph 3:38.75 2:54.15 4:29.71 3:32.37 2:47.78
32 Wharton Jackson, Allen, Hearne-Robinson, Huey 3:23.51 3:21.37 3:08.52 3:34.22 3:42.79
37 Bishop Lynch Bevers, Raya, Benavides, Miller 3:33.38 3:02.90 2:36.77 3:37.73 3:11.61
44 Coram Deo Academy Hancock, Teson, Pitt, Teson 3:36.24 3:03.14 3:42.86 3:40.65 3:53.89
51 Saint Mary's Hall Hoelscher, Hoover, Stowers, Morrill 4:29.48 4:22.63 3:14.12 3:48.37 4:18.06
52 FBCHA Bowling, Kelley, Kleinhenz, Brown 4:47.77 4:54.67 4:08.63 3:50.21 3:06.47
  Van Alstyne Emerick, Powell, Moore, Carson DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ
Boys 4 x 400m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 6
6 Lindale Thurman, Brooks, Lindig, Maya 3:24.27 2:33.21 3:20.19
14 Stafford O'Neal, Johnson-N'Tuk, Osom, Moffett 3:26.38 4:28.30 4:28.30
20 Gordon Reed, Reed, Walters, Salinas 3:30.10 4:18.43 3:04.89
25 Wolfe City Wallace, Hilary, Campbell, Thurman 3:31.94 4:27.05 3:19.23
29 Fort Bend Christian Rayburn, Granville, Savage, Currie 3:33.33 2:48.53 2:59.20
35 Hitchcock Sowell, Dorsey, Howard, Bruton 3:35.99 4:34.31 3:59.75
39 Ingleside Alaniz, Contreras, Solis, Arevalos 3:37.95 4:21.54 3:37.95
54 Little Axe Sanders, Calderon, Sanders, Amador 3:51.93 4:45.28 4:29.04
Boys 4 x 400m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 7
1 Archbishop Carroll Bostic, Al-Amin, Barber, Davis 2:54.56 3:18.36 2:54.56 3:38.20 3:34.23 2:50.59
13 Wall Boehle, Barbee, Snowden, Robertson 4:13.70 3:26.26 4:09.58 4:19.89 4:05.45 4:11.64
19 Taft Rodriguez, Martinez, Martin-Belk, Hernandez 3:25.37 3:29.56 2:43.46 3:00.23 3:50.52 2:58.13
40 St. Andrews Peradoza, Nield, Nunez, Robinson 4:26.74 3:38.64 2:43.98 4:13.63 3:16.78 2:59.29
42 Pearsall Elizondo, Rodriguez, Wolfe, Abrego 2:40.17 3:39.40 4:38.64 2:51.14 4:07.93 3:56.96
46 Nazarene Christian Carballo, Carr, Nakitare, Luedtke 4:49.31 3:42.54 2:53.59 4:00.35 4:31.50 3:53.67
47 Trinity Valley School Masterson, Eubanks, Hart, Connally 3:58.45 3:42.85 4:47.48 2:47.14 3:13.88 4:00.68
Boys 4 x 400m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 8
18 Lutheran South Gaitan, Weber, Noack, Gaitan 3:26.90 3:28.99 2:30.48 2:36.75 2:57.65 2:55.56 3:58.25
22 McGregor Ainsworth, Castro, Medina, Torres 2:50.99 3:31.09 4:23.87 3:43.76 4:13.31 2:42.54 4:13.31
24 Episcopal (Bellaire) Fowler, Thomas, Sampson, Gaither 3:21.03 3:31.61 2:30.25 3:42.19 4:28.75 2:32.36 2:32.36
31 Beckville Williams, Harris, Morris, Brantley 2:55.26 3:33.73 2:33.89 2:55.26 4:14.34 3:12.36 3:20.91
33 Central Catholic (TX) Fernandez, Prezas, Rivas, Fisher 2:47.64 3:34.92 3:15.58 4:37.25 3:06.98 4:22.21 4:05.01
48 Fort Worth Christian Young, Hinrichsen, MiShaw, Aschenbeck 3:52.40 3:43.46 4:25.92 4:25.92 4:34.86 2:40.90 2:43.13
50 Oakridge School Carter, Guevara, Rohatgi, Brody 4:51.66 3:47.86 3:52.42 3:47.86 3:27.36 3:22.80 3:04.57