February 15, 2008
Armory Track & Field Center - New York, NY
200m (Banked)

Women's 3000 Meters

1 Stephanie Lenihan Senior Columbia 9:46.25 10:33.15
2 Alaina Miller Junior Columbia 10:14.75 13:06.88
3 Christina Henderson Sophomore Columbia 10:34.3 7:36.6
4 Yianna Antonopoulos Junior Delaware 10:35.99 13:02.27
5 Kelly Wojciehowski Junior Rider 10:37.86 11:41.65
6 Niki Pasquarella Sophomore East Stroudsburg 10:38.38 12:58.83
7 Orianna Campbell   Columbia 10:38.75 12:33.73
8 Jillian Pollack   Columbia 10:39.73 9:54.95
9 Julianne Tarallo Freshman Colgate 10:39.93 11:56.73
10 Erin Enderly Senior TCNJ 10:40.22 12:22.66
11 Christine Sloat Freshman Delaware 10:41.59 11:52.17
12 Emily Letts Freshman Haverford 10:43. 7:49.
13 Jennifer Filiberto Junior Lehigh 10:45.11 9:59.96
14 Isabel Graf Freshman Delaware 10:47.62 11:26.48
15 Carol Xu Sophomore Penn 10:47.96 10:22.05
16 Michelle Donadio Sophomore Towson 10:48.97 12:13.34
17 Michelle Wallace Sophomore TCNJ 10:54.02 7:50.90
18 Hope Winkler   Columbia 10:54.04 10:34.42
19 Lena Edelstein Junior Haverford 10:57.07 7:46.52
20 Alex Crawley Freshman Columbia 11:03.95 13:30.02
21 Alissa Kersey Freshman Ithaca 11:04.92 12:44.66
22 Dana Stellar Sophomore Lehigh 11:06. 12:12.
23 Hayley O'Malley Senior Haverford 11:07.19 11:40.55
24 Melissa Bredice Sophomore College of St. Rose 11:11.09 10:03.99
25 Heather Garleb Senior TCNJ 11:14.79 12:29.02
26 Heidi Bretscher Junior Haverford 11:16.12 14:18.68
27 Michelle Barbarasch Sophomore TCNJ 11:21.49 9:46.09
28 Catherine Ortiz Freshman Ithaca 11:24.99 13:00.89
29 Dominique Carnevale Sophomore Rider 11:35.46 11:35.46
30 Kelly Williams   Moravian 11:35.98 13:06.46
31 Megan Brower Freshman Johns Hopkins 11:36.36 13:41.71
32 Devin O'Connell Sophomore Towson 11:47.81 10:22.88
33 Tara Chiarella Freshman Moravian 11:49.15 9:13.14
34 Kate Mahoney Freshman Muhlenberg 11:49.82 11:07.23
35 Ashley O'Brien Freshman Rider 11:54.81 14:53.52
36 Alaina Ferretti Sophomore Muhlenberg 12:04.83 10:01.61
37 Kelsey Rich Freshman Towson 12:09.19 11:25.44
38 Kathryn Niedzwiecki Junior Muhlenberg 12:18.26 12:47.79
Women's 3000 Meters Section 1
1 Stephanie Lenihan Senior Columbia 10:44.88 11:43.50 9:46.25 8:18.32 11:08.33 9:11.08 9:40.39
2 Alaina Miller Junior Columbia 10:02.46 10:14.75 10:14.75 9:19.43 13:06.88 8:48.69 9:19.43
3 Christina Henderson Sophomore Columbia 7:49.3 13:19.2 10:34.3 9:18.1 10:27.9 9:37.2 9:49.8
4 Yianna Antonopoulos Junior Delaware 10:10.55 8:47.88 10:35.99 12:05.03 10:04.19 12:43.19 9:45.11
5 Kelly Wojciehowski Junior Rider 7:58.40 10:50.62 10:37.86 12:39.06 8:30.29 10:44.24 8:23.91
6 Niki Pasquarella Sophomore East Stroudsburg 12:01.37 12:52.44 10:38.38 12:01.37 7:26.87 10:06.47 8:43.48
7 Orianna Campbell   Columbia 10:00.43 11:29.85 10:38.75 12:08.18 7:52.68 12:52.89 12:20.95
8 Jillian Pollack   Columbia 11:50.10 13:00.47 10:39.73 13:45.26 11:05.32 11:30.91 13:13.27
9 Julianne Tarallo Freshman Colgate 11:43.93 10:01.54 10:39.93 13:13.52 7:40.75 12:22.32 8:57.55
10 Erin Enderly Senior TCNJ 9:04.19 12:48.27 10:40.22 9:04.19 9:55.41 7:34.56 12:22.66
11 Christine Sloat Freshman Delaware 10:15.93 13:34.82 10:41.59 9:37.44 7:29.12 7:54.78 11:13.67
12 Emily Letts Freshman Haverford 13:49. 12:13. 10:43. 7:49. 13:43. 11:40. 13:30.
14 Isabel Graf Freshman Delaware 12:57.15 8:12.20 10:47.62 7:52.77 10:47.62 12:11.81 13:29.53
15 Carol Xu Sophomore Penn 12:05.72 7:59.49 10:47.96 10:54.44 10:22.05 9:30.21 7:59.49
16 Michelle Donadio Sophomore Towson 12:06.85 13:57.18 10:48.97 11:08.44 11:14.93 10:55.46 12:26.32
18 Hope Winkler   Columbia 8:56.32 9:48.64 10:54.04 12:32.15 11:13.67 13:17.93 12:19.07
19 Lena Edelstein Junior Haverford 10:37.36 10:24.22 10:57.07 11:29.93 12:15.92 14:01.05 12:22.49
20 Alex Crawley Freshman Columbia 13:36.66 8:57.80 11:03.95 11:50.43 13:56.58 10:50.68 11:23.87
Women's 3000 Meters Section 2
13 Jennifer Filiberto Junior Lehigh 10:45.11 9:08.35
17 Michelle Wallace Sophomore TCNJ 10:54.02 11:33.27
21 Alissa Kersey Freshman Ithaca 11:04.92 10:51.63
22 Dana Stellar Sophomore Lehigh 11:06. 12:19.
23 Hayley O'Malley Senior Haverford 11:07.19 10:07.15
24 Melissa Bredice Sophomore College of St. Rose 11:11.09 13:58.87
25 Heather Garleb Senior TCNJ 11:14.79 12:35.77
26 Heidi Bretscher Junior Haverford 11:16.12 13:11.06
27 Michelle Barbarasch Sophomore TCNJ 11:21.49 13:10.53
28 Catherine Ortiz Freshman Ithaca 11:24.99 7:59.50
29 Dominique Carnevale Sophomore Rider 11:35.46 14:29.33
30 Kelly Williams   Moravian 11:35.98 12:03.82
31 Megan Brower Freshman Johns Hopkins 11:36.36 11:50.29
32 Devin O'Connell Sophomore Towson 11:47.81 14:37.69
33 Tara Chiarella Freshman Moravian 11:49.15 10:16.96
34 Kate Mahoney Freshman Muhlenberg 11:49.82 8:16.88
35 Ashley O'Brien Freshman Rider 11:54.81 13:20.59
36 Alaina Ferretti Sophomore Muhlenberg 12:04.83 15:20.54
37 Kelsey Rich Freshman Towson 12:09.19 15:04.20
38 Kathryn Niedzwiecki Junior Muhlenberg 12:18.26 10:12.76