February 15, 2008
Armory Track & Field Center - New York, NY
200m (Banked)

Men's 3000 Meters

1 Zachhary Hine Junior Cornell 10:09.32 6:16.49 8:15.38 9:59.41 8:00.52
2 Jason Brown Senior Cornell 7:59.62 10:05.84 8:24.86 8:14.77 9:45.64
3 John Smith Senior Rider 8:32.23 6:50.80 8:27.15 7:11.08 8:11.94
4 Dale Taylor Sophomore Cornell 8:01.98 9:49.66 8:32.74 9:39.40 10:51.18
5 Joseph Poulsen Freshman Southern Conn. St. 10:39.7 8:56.5 8:35.9 10:34.5 10:29.3
6 Kyle Wolpert   Unattached 9:31.2 7:47.3 8:39.3 11:15.0 10:33.5
7 Brad Dodson Senior Delaware 8:29.35 6:14.22 8:39.74 9:47.31 6:24.61
8 Bobby Hartnett Sophomore Columbia 6:47.34 9:24.00 8:42.22 8:57.89 8:26.56
9 Graham Belton Sophomore Johns Hopkins 9:42.61 11:12.65 8:49.64 8:23.16 7:24.90
10 David Sigmon Sophomore Johns Hopkins 7:00.67 7:11.32 8:52.49 10:33.67 6:34.05
11 Tarik Aougab Sophomore Penn 7:32.78 8:10.07 8:52.68 11:16.51 6:34.19
12 Tim Van Syckle Junior Muhlenberg 10:44.84 7:32.99 8:52.92 8:36.94 9:14.24
13 Matthew Sheridan Sophomore Lehigh 8:21.77 9:20.48 8:53.79 9:47.17 9:41.84
14 Taylor Burmeister Junior Haverford 6:29.88 9:42.14 8:54.07 7:44.64 8:38.05
15 Jacob Sullivan Freshman Southern Conn. St. 6:14.17 6:40.90 8:54.53 8:01.08 11:29.55
16 Michael Welsh Junior Washington & Lee 7:45.5 7:24.1 8:55.1 7:45.5 6:19.9
17 Alex Palmentieri Senior Rutgers 8:39.12 6:46.73 8:55.17 9:37.99 6:57.44
18 Patrick Brandon Senior Johns Hopkins 8:17.91 11:19.94 8:55.38 9:38.21 8:44.68
19 Brad Bogdan   Unattached 7:20.79 9:35.17 8:57.54 9:56.67 10:12.80
20 Anthony Arnold Senior TCNJ 9:57.51 11:07.48 8:58.29 6:43.72 7:59.08
21 Joseph Carpenter Freshman Haverford 7:27.14 11:02.63 8:58.72 10:08.76 9:04.11
22 Adam Lampell Sophomore Columbia 8:37.98 7:06.26 8:59.56 9:37.33 8:54.17
23 Kenneth Burgess Sophomore Lehigh 7:56.29 7:02.16 9:01.23 7:40.05 7:12.99
24 Leo Smith Junior Lehigh 9:57.40 6:25.60 9:03.09 8:03.35 9:03.09
25 Jayram Sataluri Sophomore Rutgers 8:54.33 8:27.07 9:05.23 6:59.83 9:32.50
26 Jimmy Daly Senior Delaware 11:38.86 9:05.98 9:05.98 11:38.86 8:49.60
27 Jordan Inacio Freshman Lehigh 10:30.17 10:57.57 9:07.97 7:12.90 6:23.58
28 Bob McCullough Sophomore Rider 6:34.70 7:51.45 9:08.19 11:14.28 7:07.59
29 Reilly Costigan-Humes Sophomore Haverford 8:57.98 10:03.86 9:08.96 11:31.69 11:26.20
30 Phil Capaldi Sophomore Rider 9:45.54 10:07.84 9:17.65 10:07.84 11:03.61
31 MIGUEL AMAYA Freshman Cabrini 8:16.9 6:42.0 9:18.4 11:10.0 9:18.4
32 Pat Cullen Senior College of St. Rose 8:40.55 8:57.34 9:19.73 10:49.29 6:48.61
33 Michael Yuan Sophomore Johns Hopkins 8:35.52 11:34.83 9:20.34 8:07.50 10:55.60
34 Brandon Madigan Sophomore College of St. Rose 8:46.72 6:36.46 9:26.36 9:09.37 7:38.76
35 Adam Kingsbury Freshman Muhlenberg 8:08.28 7:39.89 9:27.76 8:59.38 9:39.12
36 Aleks Erins Freshman TCNJ 8:08.81 8:37.23 9:28.38 9:45.44 6:37.87
37 Dan Bowden Sophomore East Stroudsburg 10:37.43 10:26.05 9:29.13 10:37.43 10:48.81
38 Anthony Ives Junior Washington & Lee 7:18.89 12:23.18 9:45.18 12:17.33 9:45.18
39 Matthew Lauletti Freshman Muhlenberg 7:01.44 11:13.13 9:45.33 6:49.74 10:14.60
40 Tim Pagano Senior Moravian 9:25.52 11:48.39 9:55.28 10:07.19 9:25.52
  Sage Canaday Junior Cornell NT NT NT NT NT
Men's 3000 Meters Section 1
1 Zachhary Hine Junior Cornell 5:56.68 9:19.78 7:20.89 8:15.38
2 Jason Brown Senior Cornell 9:25.45 6:43.89 10:26.03 8:24.86
3 John Smith Senior Rider 8:06.87 6:25.44 10:23.80 8:27.15
4 Dale Taylor Sophomore Cornell 7:10.71 9:59.91 7:10.71 8:32.74
5 Joseph Poulsen Freshman Southern Conn. St. 6:06.2 7:54.6 7:54.6 8:35.9
6 Kyle Wolpert   Unattached 8:02.9 7:26.5 8:34.1 8:39.3
7 Brad Dodson Senior Delaware 10:39.28 8:24.15 7:26.98 8:39.74
8 Bobby Hartnett Sophomore Columbia 10:16.22 8:10.89 8:52.67 8:42.22
11 Tarik Aougab Sophomore Penn 8:31.38 7:22.13 7:11.47 8:52.68
12 Tim Van Syckle Junior Muhlenberg 9:03.58 11:32.80 9:30.23 8:52.92
15 Jacob Sullivan Freshman Southern Conn. St. 7:12.97 10:41.44 7:29.01 8:54.53
16 Michael Welsh Junior Washington & Lee 11:19.5 10:26.0 10:36.7 8:55.1
19 Brad Bogdan   Unattached 7:58.41 7:36.91 10:39.68 8:57.54
20 Anthony Arnold Senior TCNJ 7:21.40 7:48.32 9:25.21 8:58.29
21 Joseph Carpenter Freshman Haverford 9:14.89 8:10.24 8:58.72 8:58.72
26 Jimmy Daly Senior Delaware 10:27.88 9:55.12 9:55.12 9:05.98
  Sage Canaday Junior Cornell NT NT NT NT
Men's 3000 Meters Section 2
9 Graham Belton Sophomore Johns Hopkins 9:53.20 6:10.75 8:49.64 6:31.94 8:23.16 7:09.01 9:26.72
10 David Sigmon Sophomore Johns Hopkins 7:27.30 9:19.12 8:52.49 6:34.05 8:52.49 9:40.42 10:38.99
13 Matthew Sheridan Sophomore Lehigh 7:07.04 8:16.43 8:53.79 8:43.12 10:08.52 6:35.01 7:01.70
14 Taylor Burmeister Junior Haverford 9:10.10 7:23.28 8:54.07 8:27.37 11:34.30 8:27.37 7:33.96
17 Alex Palmentieri Senior Rutgers 11:25.02 11:30.37 8:55.17 11:25.02 7:18.84 9:11.23 8:07.01
18 Patrick Brandon Senior Johns Hopkins 6:36.19 6:20.12 8:55.38 10:15.69 9:54.28 10:31.75 7:40.43
22 Adam Lampell Sophomore Columbia 10:09.71 9:10.36 8:59.56 9:48.12 8:43.38 9:26.54 11:14.45
23 Kenneth Burgess Sophomore Lehigh 8:39.58 8:39.58 9:01.23 9:12.06 9:49.94 8:55.82 8:28.76
24 Leo Smith Junior Lehigh 6:36.46 9:41.11 9:03.09 6:20.17 8:08.79 9:35.68 11:46.02
25 Jayram Sataluri Sophomore Rutgers 6:43.47 9:32.50 9:05.23 7:38.00 9:48.85 8:32.52 8:59.78
27 Jordan Inacio Freshman Lehigh 11:14.01 8:35.10 9:07.97 10:35.65 9:40.85 8:29.62 10:24.69
28 Bob McCullough Sophomore Rider 11:47.17 7:13.07 9:08.19 8:07.89 6:45.66 9:13.68 6:56.63
29 Reilly Costigan-Humes Sophomore Haverford 9:25.43 6:35.26 9:08.96 8:57.98 11:09.74 7:13.68 8:08.58
30 Phil Capaldi Sophomore Rider 10:24.57 7:20.55 9:17.65 7:37.28 11:25.91 6:52.67 9:23.23
31 MIGUEL AMAYA Freshman Cabrini 11:43.5 10:14.2 9:18.4 9:40.7 10:08.6 7:26.7 9:23.9
32 Pat Cullen Senior College of St. Rose 9:30.93 10:49.29 9:19.73 10:54.89 11:56.46 10:26.90 11:06.08
33 Michael Yuan Sophomore Johns Hopkins 9:09.14 11:18.02 9:20.34 6:43.45 6:32.24 10:44.40 10:50.00
34 Brandon Madigan Sophomore College of St. Rose 10:00.35 10:00.35 9:26.36 10:45.65 6:42.12 10:06.01 9:03.71
35 Adam Kingsbury Freshman Muhlenberg 10:24.54 7:11.50 9:27.76 11:09.96 10:52.93 9:27.76 8:53.70
36 Aleks Erins Freshman TCNJ 10:08.17 9:11.33 9:28.38 8:42.91 8:08.81 7:06.29 7:23.34
37 Dan Bowden Sophomore East Stroudsburg 11:05.89 7:06.85 9:29.13 10:43.12 9:40.52 7:35.31 11:00.19
38 Anthony Ives Junior Washington & Lee 7:01.33 7:18.89 9:45.18 9:51.04 8:52.52 9:21.78 9:27.63
39 Matthew Lauletti Freshman Muhlenberg 11:36.55 10:43.87 9:45.33 11:48.25 8:58.51 10:08.75 10:55.57
40 Tim Pagano Senior Moravian 7:50.28 9:31.47 9:55.28 9:31.47 12:30.06 12:00.29 10:07.19