April 27-30, 2022
Drake Stadium - Des Moines, IA

Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8

1 Ankeny Centennial-Northvi JJ Morgan, Dylan Surat, Kyler Jones, Tate Duax 47.70 37.69
2 Meredith Elias Young, Brandon Harrell, Tre'von Martin, Diyon Berry 48.14 59.70
3 Timberline, Waukee Jayden Jeter, Tavian White, Xavyer Gutierrez, Beckett Bakker 48.24 39.08
4 Johnston MS Alijah Armstrong, Taylor Halsrud, Matthew Urness, Jeremiah Armstrong 48.39 37.26
5 Ankeny Southview RJ St. Romain, Ty Newhard, Owen Fischer, Treyton Grossman 48.50 44.14
6 Hoover, Waterloo Bo Tee, Felix Annan, Deztin McMurrin, Jonathon Crassaco 48.52 54.83
7 Prairieview, Waukee Brady Fitz, Ayden Gabrielson, Austin Van Horn, Ryan Woodruff 48.54 58.74
8 Drexler, Western Dubuque Brett Harris, Brady Shekleton, Bradley Brosius, Ben Wernimont 48.89 1:03.07
9 St. Frances of Assisi Jackson Fleming, Sam Drexler, Quinn Zediker, Jackson Miller 49.34 52.80
10 Ottumwa MS Mason Gravett, Brannan Flatteny, Joel Halgren, Tucker Long 49.52 47.54
11 Waverly-Shell Rock Gehrig Tibbits, Kael Dewey, Kellen O'Hare, Mekyver Hagerty 49.75 40.80
12 St. Anthony Samson Amenu, Ben Papiti, Ian Middleton, Royce Middleton 49.94 1:01.93
13 Pella MS Emmanuel Diers, David Garner, Riker Branderhorst, Landon Pliema 49.94 1:00.93
14 West Sioux, Hawarden Alan Flores, Tanner Lynott, Brian Robles, Blake Wiggins 49.96 36.47
15 Indian Hills Jacob Long, Jayden Brown, Aaron Toe, Blake Ranslow 50.35 1:02.94
16 Weeks Owen Do, Alex Aguilar, Gay Hloo Saw, Clinton Brown 50.55 1:03.70
17 Callanan Silvio Hermann, Keshaughn Hawkins, Coen Folkerts, TJ Bradford 50.60 40.99
18 Norwalk Ethan Colorado, Jacob Gear, Mason Beaver, Isaac Beaver 50.83 53.38
19 Lawton-Bronson MS Landon Grell, Cole Wagner, Connor Clausen, Britton Weiland 50.91 57.53
20 Urbandale Jackson Sturdivant, Judah Reed, Brayden McCraney, Jacob Hughell 51.57 44.35
21 Sacred Heart Charlie Cataldo, Nolan Strang, Griffin Boesen, Frank Nevitt 51.63 1:01.96
22 Des Moines Christian Tyler Drefke, Brady Andrews, Malachi Osborne, Kyle Friend 51.71 48.09
23 Fort Dodge Tayren Altman, Jaxson Deneklan, Caiden Fraher, Noah Daniel 51.71 47.06
24 Goodrell Ryan Hernandez, Odenni Hoods, Emanuwel Ford-Davis, Damonte Hardiman 52.76 47.49
25 Merrill Taylor Thompson, Blake Scott, Charlie Jones, Aidan Vens 53.14 59.52
26 Hiatt Aaron Douglass, Gaberial Flores-Darwelos, Emmanuel Gibson, Kris Meza 53.30 1:07.70
27 Hoyt Braiden Johnson, Landin Johnson, Adrian Roman, Kayden Johnson 53.33 39.47
28 Dallas Center Grimes Joshua Glay, Edin Suljic, Sampson Johannsen, Dieudonne Kitumbika 53.34 53.88
29 St. Pius X Luke Eischeid, Matthew Barreto, Alex Steichen, Ryan Bobo 53.47 1:05.24
30 Bondurant-Farrar Brandon Weeks, Chase Rial, Connor Derrickson, Fenton Smith 53.87 47.95
31 Brody Naz Ybarra, Larry Sharp, Hudson Wheelock, Artzel DeAvila 53.95 1:06.36
32 St. Theresa Catholic Scho Owen Kuhn, Owen Neal, Jimmy Baumhouer, Jackson Smith 55.48 39.39
33 Eddyville Blakesburg Frem Gavin Spaur, Anthony McAlister, Kyle Calhoun, Logan Kirkpatrick 55.88 46.38
34 McCombs Raj Biswa, Xavier Bejarano, Teagan Pase, Michael McPharson 55.89 1:03.72
35 Dunkerton Aiden Hesse, Wyatt Fettkether, Ledger Dalton, Colin Shyder 56.27 45.58
36 Colfax-Mingo Izaiah Lewis, Fisher Grove, Jace Lewis, Wyatt Thornton 56.82 1:06.48
37 St. Augustin/Bergman Acad Emmet Matitiasen, Jake Mathiasen, John Henry Bernsten, Arjun Mitta 58.01 1:09.62
38 Holy Trinity Catholic Sch Colin Sullivan, Lucas Marson, Sam Vicker, Pat Sullivan 59.21 59.21
39 Harding Gradly Garcia, James Colbert, Kyle Pierce, Logan Hansen 59.54 1:09.07
40 St. Luke the Evangelist Lucas McNulty, Liam Juravich, Parker Whiting, Ian O'Brien 1:01.86 1:03.10
  Stilwell Manny Roemmcch, Abe Kourouma, Cameron Ramsey, Noah Haoer DQ DQ
  Indianola MS Sam Guely, Zach Benge, Peyton Wilbur, Tate Lorton DQ DQ
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 1
2 Meredith Young, Harrell, Martin, Berry 57.29 48.14
12 St. Anthony Amenu, Papiti, Middleton, Middleton 41.95 49.94
21 Sacred Heart Cataldo, Strang, Boesen, Nevitt 46.99 51.63
28 Dallas Center Grimes Glay, Suljic, Johannsen, Kitumbika 58.14 53.34
31 Brody Ybarra, Sharp, Wheelock, DeAvila 39.93 53.95
35 Dunkerton Hesse, Fettkether, Dalton, Shyder 1:09.78 56.27
38 Holy Trinity Catholic Sch Sullivan, Marson, Vicker, Sullivan 1:09.87 59.21
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 2
7 Prairieview, Waukee Fitz, Gabrielson, Van Horn, Woodruff 46.12 37.38 35.44 52.91 52.43 48.54 49.03
14 West Sioux, Hawarden Flores, Lynott, Robles, Wiggins 47.97 49.96 55.46 57.96 39.97 49.96 36.97
16 Weeks Do, Aguilar, Saw, Brown 1:04.71 1:01.67 35.89 50.05 1:05.72 50.55 39.43
18 Norwalk Colorado, Gear, Beaver, Beaver 50.33 54.90 55.92 44.23 38.63 50.83 59.98
25 Merrill Thompson, Scott, Jones, Vens 42.52 1:07.49 1:05.37 1:01.65 52.08 53.14 53.68
36 Colfax-Mingo Lewis, Grove, Lewis, Thornton 50.01 1:06.48 46.60 1:05.92 1:09.89 56.82 1:12.73
40 St. Luke the Evangelist McNulty, Juravich, Whiting, O'Brien 1:16.71 1:03.10 1:03.10 48.25 1:16.09 1:01.86 43.31
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 3
1 Ankeny Centennial-Northvi Morgan, Surat, Jones, Duax 47.70
8 Drexler, Western Dubuque Harris, Shekleton, Brosius, Wernimont 48.89
15 Indian Hills Long, Brown, Toe, Ranslow 50.35
17 Callanan Hermann, Hawkins, Folkerts, Bradford 50.60
30 Bondurant-Farrar Weeks, Rial, Derrickson, Smith 53.87
33 Eddyville Blakesburg Frem Spaur, McAlister, Calhoun, Kirkpatrick 55.88
  Stilwell Roemmcch, Kourouma, Ramsey, Haoer DQ
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 4
3 Timberline, Waukee Jeter, White, Gutierrez, Bakker 34.74 48.24 1:01.75
9 St. Frances of Assisi Fleming, Drexler, Zediker, Miller 48.36 49.34 45.40
19 Lawton-Bronson MS Grell, Wagner, Clausen, Weiland 45.82 50.91 57.02
22 Des Moines Christian Drefke, Andrews, Osborne, Friend 57.92 51.71 55.85
27 Hoyt Johnson, Johnson, Roman, Johnson 51.73 53.33 1:03.47
29 St. Pius X Eischeid, Barreto, Steichen, Bobo 1:00.43 53.47 54.54
37 St. Augustin/Bergman Acad Matitiasen, Mathiasen, Henry Bernsten, Mitta 1:10.78 58.01 51.05
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 5
5 Ankeny Southview St. Romain, Newhard, Fischer, Grossman 36.38 46.08 48.50 38.32 44.62 45.11
6 Hoover, Waterloo Tee, Annan, McMurrin, Crassaco 50.46 54.83 48.52 1:01.14 40.76 39.31
10 Ottumwa MS Gravett, Flatteny, Halgren, Long 39.12 54.48 49.52 1:02.40 44.57 44.08
11 Waverly-Shell Rock Tibbits, Dewey, O'Hare, Hagerty 48.26 37.32 49.75 41.79 46.27 34.83
24 Goodrell Hernandez, Hoods, Ford-Davis, Hardiman 57.51 38.52 52.76 40.10 58.04 40.10
39 Harding Garcia, Colbert, Pierce, Hansen 1:04.31 53.59 59.54 1:00.73 56.57 1:15.62
  Indianola MS Guely, Benge, Wilbur, Lorton DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 6
4 Johnston MS Armstrong, Halsrud, Urness, Armstrong 55.65 42.59 49.85 48.39 1:02.91 1:02.91 35.33
13 Pella MS Diers, Garner, Branderhorst, Pliema 47.95 52.94 55.44 49.94 40.46 45.45 35.46
20 Urbandale Sturdivant, Reed, McCraney, Hughell 48.48 55.18 39.20 51.57 45.90 50.54 44.87
23 Fort Dodge Altman, Deneklan, Fraher, Daniel 36.20 46.54 43.96 51.71 1:05.68 59.99 50.68
26 Hiatt Douglass, Flores-Darwelos, Gibson, Meza 59.70 1:02.36 39.45 53.30 1:02.90 1:00.77 58.10
32 St. Theresa Catholic Scho Kuhn, Neal, Baumhouer, Smith 48.27 1:04.92 45.50 55.48 1:01.59 54.37 57.15
34 McCombs Biswa, Bejarano, Pase, McPharson 1:05.95 57.57 49.75 55.89 41.92 58.13 1:12.66