January 15, 2022
Providence Career & Technical HS - Providence, RI
200m (Flat)

Girls 1 Mile Scholastic

1 Grace Carr Junior Cumberland 4:29.25 6:28.22 5:13.08
2 Chloe Trudel Senior Souhegan 4:56.73 5:28.30 5:15.67
3 Rylee Shunney Junior East Greenwich 5:02.08 6:15.21 5:17.97
4 Keaney Bayha   Pilgrim 6:36.72 4:50.28 5:22.53
5 Mia Bettez Sophomore La Salle Academy 6:30.09 6:43.31 5:30.58
6 Alexis Buskey Sophomore E.O. Smith 4:34.72 6:07.39 5:30.98
7 Elizabeth Bigelow Senior E.O. Smith 5:11.35 4:03.67 5:38.42
8 Kaylee Gravel Senior East Hampton 5:31.97 4:17.45 5:38.74
9 Ava Peters Sophomore East Greenwich 6:28.46 5:13.49 5:40.75
10 Mia Barrus   Lincoln School 4:50.23 6:39.49 5:41.44
11 Tori Chace Senior North Kingstown 6:29.51 4:43.59 5:41.67
12 Cristina Stanescu Junior St. Francis Prep 4:09.78 5:28.48 5:42.16
13 Abigail Nowell Senior South Kingstown 6:27.50 5:53.21 5:42.92
14 Kyleigh Miller Sophomore Windham 5:44.37 7:00.89 5:47.84
15 Chandaniey Boyce Sophomore St. Raphael 6:02.24 4:45.61 5:48.30
16 Briana Ashton Junior E.O. Smith 6:16.23 7:11.97 5:48.36
17 Stephanie Svendsen Sophomore Souhegan 6:37.40 5:06.76 5:48.59
18 Meghan Conway Senior Nashua South 5:59.17 5:17.32 5:48.70
19 Kaya West Junior Westerly 4:14.62 5:06.94 5:48.79
20 Anna Brammer-DePuy Freshman Souhegan 6:09.82 4:07.71 5:48.88
21 Faline Yang Senior Seton Catholic (Plat) 5:14.28 6:45.08 5:49.20
22 Caroline Daugherity Junior East Lyme 5:01.44 7:25.15 5:50.51
23 Sophia Jones Senior Norwich Free Academy 5:58.78 4:41.40 5:51.74
24 Ella Maybaum Sophomore East Greenwich 6:31.35 4:20.90 5:52.56
25 Sofia Cillino Freshman Westerly 7:10.57 7:03.45 5:55.84
26 Aranza Torres Sophomore East Lyme 5:13.55 6:28.37 5:56.30
27 Alicia Chen Sophomore East Greenwich 6:47.21 6:47.21 5:57.20
28 Cali West Freshman Westerly 6:19.80 4:32.31 5:58.30
29 Alexis Boyer Junior Norwich Free Academy 4:12.67 7:13.14 6:00.95
30 Isabelle Paggioli Sophomore East Lyme 6:48.09 5:28.64 6:01.14
31 Katherine Klinger Sophomore Windham 7:36.75 5:04.50 6:02.50
32 Virginia Sanderson Junior Barrington 7:15.12 5:36.39 6:05.64
33 Anna Kalafut Sophomore Cumberland 7:14.33 7:55.52 6:14.42
34 Maria Ryan Junior Bishop Fenwick 5:19.25 4:49.20 6:15.58
35 Faith Perry Freshman St. Raphael 4:52.06 6:30.67 6:19.29
36 Sophia DiChairo   Bay View 5:25.74 5:29.57 6:23.22
37 Gabriella Kryzwicki Junior Norwich Free Academy 7:50.87 7:19.48 6:32.39
38 Mia Pippin Senior Adv. Math and Science Academy 5:25.75 8:14.52 6:32.47
39 Kennedy Holsapple Junior East Lyme 5:49.40 7:24.69 6:37.04
40 Lindsay Cobb Sophomore St. Raphael 6:57.22 7:57.40 6:41.17
41 Sofia Pereira Junior Greater New Bedford RVT 6:36.36 8:49.87 6:57.22
Girls 1 Mile Scholastic Section 1
1 Grace Carr Junior Cumberland 6:18.83 3:42.29 4:07.34 5:13.08
2 Chloe Trudel Senior Souhegan 5:34.61 3:59.91 6:18.81 5:15.67
3 Rylee Shunney Junior East Greenwich 5:14.79 3:45.76 5:11.61 5:17.97
4 Keaney Bayha   Pilgrim 5:48.34 6:01.24 5:19.31 5:22.53
5 Mia Bettez Sophomore La Salle Academy 6:46.62 5:53.72 6:20.17 5:30.58
6 Alexis Buskey Sophomore E.O. Smith 5:37.60 6:47.11 6:43.80 5:30.98
7 Elizabeth Bigelow Senior E.O. Smith 4:20.59 6:08.88 5:31.66 5:38.42
8 Kaylee Gravel Senior East Hampton 5:52.29 4:41.16 4:10.67 5:38.74
10 Mia Barrus   Lincoln School 5:51.69 6:01.93 6:56.56 5:41.44
11 Tori Chace Senior North Kingstown 5:00.67 4:36.76 4:02.59 5:41.67
13 Abigail Nowell Senior South Kingstown 6:41.22 6:17.22 6:34.36 5:42.92
17 Stephanie Svendsen Sophomore Souhegan 6:13.00 7:01.80 4:04.02 5:48.59
19 Kaya West Junior Westerly 4:46.01 4:11.13 6:55.06 5:48.79
20 Anna Brammer-DePuy Freshman Souhegan 4:21.66 5:38.42 5:24.46 5:48.88
Girls 1 Mile Scholastic Section 2
9 Ava Peters Sophomore East Greenwich 4:49.64 6:01.20 6:42.09 6:59.13 7:05.94 5:40.75
12 Cristina Stanescu Junior St. Francis Prep 6:19.80 6:43.75 5:31.90 7:17.97 7:24.81 5:42.16
14 Kyleigh Miller Sophomore Windham 5:44.37 5:16.54 5:23.50 4:10.45 7:18.28 5:47.84
15 Chandaniey Boyce Sophomore St. Raphael 5:48.30 4:38.64 6:12.69 4:52.58 6:57.96 5:48.30
16 Briana Ashton Junior E.O. Smith 7:25.90 4:42.18 4:42.18 6:37.13 6:40.62 5:48.36
18 Meghan Conway Senior Nashua South 5:52.19 4:45.94 4:14.56 4:21.53 4:49.43 5:48.70
21 Faline Yang Senior Seton Catholic (Plat) 5:52.70 4:49.84 6:34.60 5:42.22 5:49.20 5:49.20
22 Caroline Daugherity Junior East Lyme 7:35.67 4:47.42 6:43.09 5:43.50 5:04.95 5:50.51
23 Sophia Jones Senior Norwich Free Academy 4:13.26 6:02.30 5:06.02 7:16.16 7:26.71 5:51.74
26 Aranza Torres Sophomore East Lyme 4:27.23 6:17.68 6:35.50 5:38.49 4:37.92 5:56.30
27 Alicia Chen Sophomore East Greenwich 7:22.93 7:08.64 5:39.34 5:53.63 5:42.92 5:57.20
28 Cali West Freshman Westerly 7:17.13 5:22.47 5:33.22 7:24.30 5:04.56 5:58.30
29 Alexis Boyer Junior Norwich Free Academy 7:05.93 5:46.52 7:38.41 7:09.53 4:23.50 6:00.95
30 Isabelle Paggioli Sophomore East Lyme 6:01.14 7:38.65 6:19.20 5:21.42 6:55.32 6:01.14
Girls 1 Mile Scholastic Section 3
24 Ella Maybaum Sophomore East Greenwich 5:52.56 4:17.37 6:03.14 7:06.60 4:06.80
25 Sofia Cillino Freshman Westerly 5:55.84 6:06.52 5:09.58 6:34.99 5:23.82
31 Katherine Klinger Sophomore Windham 6:02.50 6:20.63 4:13.75 6:27.88 6:13.38
32 Virginia Sanderson Junior Barrington 6:05.64 4:30.58 7:48.02 6:12.96 6:53.18
33 Anna Kalafut Sophomore Cumberland 6:14.42 6:10.68 6:48.12 6:18.17 4:22.10
34 Maria Ryan Junior Bishop Fenwick 6:15.58 7:38.21 5:00.47 5:45.54 5:15.49
35 Faith Perry Freshman St. Raphael 6:19.29 7:08.60 4:40.68 7:31.36 7:04.81
36 Sophia DiChairo   Bay View 6:23.22 5:10.41 5:21.91 4:35.92 5:14.24
37 Gabriella Kryzwicki Junior Norwich Free Academy 6:32.39 6:32.39 6:01.00 5:25.69 8:30.11
38 Mia Pippin Senior Adv. Math and Science Academy 6:32.47 5:53.23 6:01.08 6:59.95 7:03.87
39 Kennedy Holsapple Junior East Lyme 6:37.04 7:44.54 7:20.72 7:20.72 4:53.81
40 Lindsay Cobb Sophomore St. Raphael 6:41.17 8:33.50 8:01.41 8:41.53 7:53.38
41 Sofia Pereira Junior Greater New Bedford RVT 6:57.22 6:15.50 6:36.36 7:05.57 6:36.36