April 25-27, 2019
Penn Franklin Field - Philadelphia, PA

Women's 4 x 200 Relay

0 Central State Ayanna O'Neal, Jordan Saffold, Denise Munday, Krystal Mitchell 1:42.76 1:52.01
0 Houston Payge Side, Essance Sample, Cecila Tamayo-Garza, Ashley Seymour 1:34.36 1:10.77
0 Cornell Martha Sam, Kellian Kelly, Skye Stewart, Kayleigh Furth 1:38.14 1:40.11
0 Swarthmore Lauren Holt, Simran Khanna, Sayaka Vaules, Kayla Camacho 1:46.04 1:48.16
0 UMBC Erin Patrice, Tori Johnson, Ariella Garcia, Kara Patrice 1:43.74 2:10.72
0 Virginia Wesleyan Kwonsha Washington, Shannon Harris, Terra Caple, Alizae Dollins 1:46.04 2:06.19
0 St. Augustine's Shannon Kalawan, Jaria Hoyte, Davia Smith, Amanda Crawford 1:37.28 1:11.02
0 Fordham Mary Kate Kenny, Kathryn Kelly, Sarinnagh Budris, Dominique Valentine 1:39.34 1:19.48
0 Wesley Briana Artis, Maysha Foster, Rakiya Taylor, Emani McNeil 1:43.89 1:44.93
0 St. John's Kafi Ottley, Destiny Davis, Skyy Diop, Leah Anderson 1:36.94 1:16.59
0 Clemson Rebekah Smith, Aliyah Mallard, Annie Hill, Zeniyah Lawrence 1:36.23 1:57.40
0 Bowie State Amaree' Yates, Abigail Hunt, Kayla Tucker, Soljala Jones 1:44.48 1:13.14
0 Rowan Sarina Watson, Melina Johnson, Kierston Johnson, Leilanie Hinton 1:44.23 1:54.66
0 Medgar Evers Tasheka James, O'Garro Jeffanie, Rashel Anderson, Mahalia Spencer 1:51.00 1:21.03
0 Ithaca Amanda Wetmore, Jordan Beckley, Abby Frank, Lusmer Quintana 1:45.84 1:44.79
0 Morgan State Kevena Jones, Annastacia Barham, Alantra Mines, Dinedye Denis 1:39.21 1:28.30
0 Lehman Victory Ike, Natasha Mensah, Shanique James, Glory Odeh 1:51.68 1:46.10
0 District of Columbia Shanise Rose, Cierra Roberts, Shannell Hibbert, Shaneika Bowra 1:41.76 2:02.12
0 Indiana Megan Grabowski, Natalie Price, Jaela Gay, Riley Egbula 1:39.69 1:58.64
0 Moravian Anna Osman, Morgan Weaver, Camaryn Wheeler, Jordan Luciano 1:46.29 1:27.16
0 South Carolina Stephanie Davis, Amecia Pennamon, Wadeline Jonathas, Aliyah Abrams 1:32.78 1:23.51
0 Holy Family Antonia Barker, GeVana Groomes, Anthinise Barker, Wenchelle Josilien 1:46.01 1:58.74
0 Mid. Tenn. State Mirlege Castor, Ida Mensah, Joycelyn Assafuah, Cecilia Francis 1:39.49 1:18.60
0 Hampton Isis Brooks, Asha Copeland, Mallory Pitchford, Sashana Hinds 1:37.91 1:16.37
0 Miami (Ohio) Kalliopi Kountouri, Sarah Bruns, Emily Hooker, Olivia Bechtel 1:37.76 1:51.45
0 Temple Sydney Williams, Mallorie Smith, Marissa White, Madison Beecher 1:40.28 1:43.29
0 Delaware State Ahnrea McCaskill, Donyae Shelton, Lakendra Harpe, Sierra Cruz 1:44.12 1:24.34
0 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Ginika Nkwonta, Sophia Recchilungo, Samantha Spallanzani, Alicia Forrest 1:49.27 1:43.81
0 UTech 1:33.86 2:02.02
0 Kutztown Jerenita Sokan, Ashley Stewart, Meghan Forsythe, Kelly Groth 1:44.51 1:29.88
0 Maryland Xahria Santiago, Jaida Smith, Venida Fagan, Bria Mack 1:37.00 1:14.69
0 Wisconsin Gabrielle DesRosiers, Bianca Stubler, Hannah Wilson, Morgan Parzych 1:38.95 1:43.90
0 Maryland-Eastern Shore Christina Cropper, Naomi English, Arianna Krcik, Lauren Mitchell 1:43.43 1:55.85
0 Montgomery College Blossom Akpedeye, Khienya Benjamin, Tanyka Trotman, Stacy Basmera 1:50.86 1:43.10
0 Maine Cassidy Hill, Alexis Dietrich, Brittany Torchia, Erica Magnuson 1:41.17 1:21.95
0 Bahamas
1:44.39 1:15.16
0 Rutgers-Newark Dana Duffield, Geneseret Joseph, Nyaja Brandon, Chezney Davis 1:44.53 1:24.67
0 East Stroudsburg Marissa Flim, Tiana Webster, Taylor Allen, Aspen Gaita 1:43.15 1:12.21
0 Kingsborough CC Jeanne-Marie Johnson, Nyeira Gordon, Wallatta Ifill, Tyesha James 1:44.91 1:56.45
  Georgetown Tamiya Roberts, Cassidy Palmer, Bryann Sandy, Eni Akinniyi NT NT
  St. Peter's Avosuahi Albert, Victoria St. John, Daija King, Ohunene Albert NT NT
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 1
0 Mid. Tenn. State Castor, Mensah, Assafuah, Francis 1:28.55 1:14.62 1:35.51 1:39.49 1:39.49 2:05.36 1:27.56
0 Delaware State McCaskill, Shelton, Harpe, Cruz 1:12.89 1:50.37 1:30.59 1:44.12 2:07.03 1:54.54 1:44.12
0 UTech 1:33.86 1:09.46 1:12.28 1:33.86 1:10.40 1:06.64 1:08.52
0 South Carolina Davis, Pennamon, Jonathas, Abrams 1:38.35 1:51.34 1:36.50 1:32.78 1:42.99 1:16.08 1:58.76
0 Montgomery College Akpedeye, Benjamin, Trotman, Basmera 2:00.84 1:40.89 1:42.00 1:50.86 2:15.25 2:19.69 2:09.71
0 Rutgers-Newark Duffield, Joseph, Brandon, Davis 1:40.35 1:41.40 1:14.22 1:44.53 1:39.31 1:16.31 2:07.53
0 Houston Side, Sample, Tamayo-Garza, Seymour 1:33.42 1:39.08 1:27.76 1:34.36 1:13.60 1:22.10 1:35.31
0 Central State O'Neal, Saffold, Munday, Mitchell 1:29.41 1:13.99 1:53.04 1:42.76 1:48.93 1:46.87 2:08.45
0 District of Columbia Rose, Roberts, Hibbert, Bowra 2:09.24 2:12.29 1:47.87 1:41.76 2:04.15 1:27.52 1:12.25
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 2
0 Hampton Brooks, Copeland, Pitchford, Hinds 1:37.91 1:32.04 1:30.08
0 Temple Williams, Smith, White, Beecher 1:40.28 1:13.21 1:16.22
0 Kutztown Sokan, Stewart, Forsythe, Groth 1:44.51 1:31.97 1:25.70
0 Maine Hill, Dietrich, Torchia, Magnuson 1:41.17 2:01.41 1:21.95
0 Clemson Smith, Mallard, Hill, Lawrence 1:36.23 1:42.97 1:30.46
0 UMBC Patrice, Johnson, Garcia, Patrice 1:43.74 2:13.83 1:54.12
0 St. Augustine's Kalawan, Hoyte, Smith, Crawford 1:37.28 1:32.42 1:36.31
0 Indiana Grabowski, Price, Gay, Egbula 1:39.69 1:29.73 1:21.75
  Georgetown Roberts, Palmer, Sandy, Akinniyi NT NT NT
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 3
0 Maryland Santiago, Smith, Fagan, Mack 1:27.30 2:04.16 1:37.00 1:53.49
0 Wisconsin DesRosiers, Stubler, Wilson, Parzych 1:15.21 2:06.66 1:38.95 2:03.69
0 Maryland-Eastern Shore Cropper, English, Krcik, Mitchell 2:14.46 2:13.43 1:43.43 1:28.95
0 Bahamas
1:57.96 1:47.53 1:44.39 1:13.08
0 East Stroudsburg Flim, Webster, Allen, Gaita 1:41.09 1:30.78 1:43.15 1:24.59
0 St. John's Ottley, Davis, Diop, Anderson 2:05.06 1:52.45 1:36.94 1:31.13
0 Rowan Watson, Johnson, Johnson, Hinton 1:35.90 1:46.32 1:44.23 1:53.61
0 Morgan State Jones, Barham, Mines, Denis 1:44.17 1:47.15 1:39.21 2:05.01
  St. Peter's Albert, St. John, King, Albert NT NT NT NT
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 4
0 Miami (Ohio) Kountouri, Bruns, Hooker, Bechtel 1:54.38 1:37.76 1:50.47 1:51.45
0 Kingsborough CC Johnson, Gordon, Ifill, James 1:55.41 1:44.91 1:37.57 1:48.06
0 Cornell Sam, Kelly, Stewart, Furth 1:53.85 1:38.14 1:21.46 1:22.44
0 Virginia Wesleyan Washington, Harris, Caple, Dollins 1:32.26 1:46.04 1:35.44 2:14.67
0 Fordham Kenny, Kelly, Budris, Valentine 1:58.22 1:39.34 1:41.33 1:19.48
0 Wesley Artis, Foster, Taylor, McNeil 1:37.66 1:43.89 2:02.59 2:08.83
0 Bowie State Yates, Hunt, Tucker, Jones 1:47.62 1:44.48 1:25.68 1:16.27
0 Ithaca Wetmore, Beckley, Frank, Quintana 1:22.56 1:45.84 1:25.73 2:15.48
0 Moravian Osman, Weaver, Wheeler, Luciano 1:25.04 1:46.29 1:42.04 2:08.61
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 5
0 Holy Family Barker, Groomes, Barker, Josilien 1:48.13 1:46.01
0 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Nkwonta, Recchilungo, Spallanzani, Forrest 2:07.85 1:49.27
0 Swarthmore Holt, Khanna, Vaules, Camacho 1:16.35 1:46.04
0 Medgar Evers James, Jeffanie, Anderson, Spencer 1:54.33 1:51.00
0 Lehman Ike, Mensah, James, Odeh 1:53.92 1:51.68