April 17-20, 2019
Kansas-Rock Chalk Park - Lawrence, KS

Women's 4 x 200 Relay

1 Edmond Memorial Caylor Cole, Mary McKey, Shekinah Oloyede, Alysheia Joseph 1:43.59 1:13.55
2 Park Hill Teresa Thomas, Reirra Sanders, Caleia Johnson 1:44.27 1:49.49
3 Midwest City Imani Osborn, Deniyah Smith, Tiffany Bell, Taniya Looney 1:44.32 1:15.11
4 Smoky Hill Makiya Gayles, Christine Bailey, Sarah Klatt, Amelia Johannes 1:45.33 2:14.83
5 St. Teresa's Academy Sanai Kintchen, Leah North, Kayla Smocks, Lauren North 1:45.46 2:03.39
6 Leavenworth Psalm Woody, Wynter Ramos, Keshyliah Jackson, Saniyah Hammonds 1:45.53 2:06.64
7 Shawnee Mission West Madeline Meyer, Jasmine Patterson, CC Carter, Kierra Prim 1:46.38 2:08.72
8 Ames Melina Hegelheimer, Teagan Lipsey, Bianca Sorrentino, Hannah Buckels 1:46.63 2:02.63
9 Hazelwood Central Evyn Edwards, MiKiyah Stiles, Rionna Powell, Danielle Frank 1:46.81 2:03.90
10 Raytown Alecea Strong, Tariah Baker, Maykyla Carson, Shelby Butts 1:46.83 1:42.56
11 Olathe-West Kennedi Cline, Sammy Sierra, Brooklyn Downing, Destiny Lassiter 1:47.32 1:47.32
12 Davenport Assumption Amaya Jackson, Natalie Moore, Lea Nelson, Amil Combs 1:47.42 2:00.31
13 North Kansas City Osayi Omorodion, Jalena Kelsey, Khalia Austin 1:47.62 2:13.45
14 Ozark Anna Hitt, Kinsey Norton, Ashley Childers, Sydney Johnson 1:48.17 1:26.54
15 Blue Springs Niya Harris, Brooke Niemann, Ty'Le Whitmill 1:48.18 2:14.15
16 Olathe-South Nicole Ndubushi, Brock Allen, Haley Pittman 1:48.47 2:06.91
17 Lee's Summit West Destiny Kelly, Sidney Cole, Alivia Tolbert, Charli Ritchey 1:48.70 1:58.49
18 Glenwood Bailey Ostrander, Marissa Ausdemore, Jaeda Wilson, Coryl Matheny 1:48.92 2:16.15
19 Lee's Summit Mikeya House, Erica Williams, Tamia Ray, Omara Love 1:48.98 1:22.83
20 Grandview Lana Dorsey, Jourdan Dukes, Taylor Friday 1:49.05 1:26.15
21 Ankeny Eva Van de Mortel, Mikala Sidney, Macey Filling, Mytika Mayberry 1:49.07 1:26.17
22 Blue Springs South Tyeisha Wilson, Aniah Banful, Elle Smith 1:49.38 1:18.76
23 Carnahan Terri-El Herndon, Maleah Page, Savannah Allen, Niaja Kimple 1:49.70 1:45.32
24 Gateway Justine Edwards, Raveen Turner, Aniyha Hutchinson, Sandrea Cogio 1:49.81 1:36.64
25 Raytown South Brianna Garth, DaShanae Everage-Withers, Amya Milligan, Nia Shields 1:49.96 2:18.55
26 Kickapoo Mia Thompson, Maggie McKee, Imani Robinson, Chloe Merced 1:50.27 1:50.27
27 North Platte Haley Sampson, Madison Debord, Madison Oneill-Herron, Trinity Wrightfield 1:50.73 1:35.23
28 Versailles Gracie Hamrick, Allison Taylor, Lauryn Shewmaker, Keely Gustafson 1:51.21 2:24.58
29 Shawnee Mission East Tess Roman, Abby Gorman, Camryn Cohen, Destiny Ray 1:51.28 2:13.54
30 Cen. Academy of Excellence Passion Brown, Terriona Jenkins, Tayzhana Mattic, Shar'da Ellingburg 1:51.49 2:07.10
31 Bennington Trista Watson, Chloe Stanley, Regan Robinson, Jasey Downing 1:52.17 1:45.44
32 Farmington Courtney Swink, Gillian Cummins, Emma Gerstner, Jaylyn Woodley 1:52.75 1:39.22
33 Francis Howell Shea Schultz, Charlotte Humphrey, Berlynn Hamilton, Zora Williams 1:55.18 2:23.98
34 Shawnee Heights Cara Lowe, Haily Anderson, Haley Haltom 1:56.01 2:11.10
  Lincoln College Prep Lauryn Guidry, Faith Williams, Adrianna Pratt, Lena Otto DQ DQ
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 1
11 Olathe-West Cline, Sierra, Downing, Lassiter 2:15.23 1:34.45 1:47.32 1:58.06 1:35.52
13 North Kansas City Omorodion, Kelsey, Austin 1:48.70 1:31.48 1:47.62 1:25.02 1:33.63
16 Olathe-South Ndubushi, Allen, Pittman 1:49.56 1:39.80 1:48.47 2:17.76 1:47.39
19 Lee's Summit House, Williams, Ray, Love 1:50.07 2:17.32 1:48.98 2:09.69 2:17.32
27 North Platte Sampson, Debord, Oneill-Herron, Wrightfield 2:10.67 2:13.99 1:50.73 2:22.85 2:00.70
31 Bennington Watson, Stanley, Robinson, Downing 1:19.64 1:36.47 1:52.17 2:13.49 1:19.64
32 Farmington Swink, Cummins, Gerstner, Woodley 1:48.24 2:13.05 1:52.75 1:40.35 1:32.46
33 Francis Howell Schultz, Humphrey, Hamilton, Williams 1:22.93 2:27.43 1:55.18 1:48.27 2:17.07
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 2
7 Shawnee Mission West Meyer, Patterson, Carter, Prim 1:46.38 2:16.17
10 Raytown Strong, Baker, Carson, Butts 1:46.83 1:29.74
12 Davenport Assumption Jackson, Moore, Nelson, Combs 1:47.42 1:27.01
15 Blue Springs Harris, Niemann, Whitmill 1:48.18 1:59.00
18 Glenwood Ostrander, Ausdemore, Wilson, Matheny 1:48.92 2:12.89
21 Ankeny Van de Mortel, Sidney, Filling, Mayberry 1:49.07 1:27.26
29 Shawnee Mission East Roman, Gorman, Cohen, Ray 1:51.28 1:56.85
30 Cen. Academy of Excellence Brown, Jenkins, Mattic, Ellingburg 1:51.49 2:20.48
34 Shawnee Heights Lowe, Anderson, Haltom 1:56.01 2:15.74
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 3
9 Hazelwood Central Edwards, Stiles, Powell, Frank 1:46.81 1:44.68 1:32.93 1:38.27
14 Ozark Hitt, Norton, Childers, Johnson 1:48.17 1:55.75 1:41.68 1:26.54
20 Grandview Dorsey, Dukes, Friday 1:49.05 2:15.23 1:27.24 1:52.33
22 Blue Springs South Wilson, Banful, Smith 1:49.38 1:22.04 2:06.88 1:16.57
24 Gateway Edwards, Turner, Hutchinson, Cogio 1:49.81 2:05.19 1:53.11 1:54.21
25 Raytown South Garth, Everage-Withers, Milligan, Shields 1:49.96 1:40.07 2:09.76 1:51.06
26 Kickapoo Thompson, McKee, Robinson, Merced 1:50.27 1:54.68 1:55.79 2:15.64
28 Versailles Hamrick, Taylor, Shewmaker, Gustafson 1:51.21 1:52.33 1:38.98 1:56.77
  Lincoln College Prep Guidry, Williams, Pratt, Otto DQ DQ DQ DQ
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 4
1 Edmond Memorial Cole, McKey, Oloyede, Joseph 1:34.27 1:43.59 2:03.28 1:24.95
2 Park Hill Thomas, Sanders, Johnson 1:28.63 1:44.27 1:49.49 1:52.62
3 Midwest City Osborn, Smith, Bell, Looney 1:29.72 1:44.32 1:58.93 2:01.02
4 Smoky Hill Gayles, Bailey, Klatt, Johannes 1:56.92 1:45.33 1:29.53 1:37.96
5 St. Teresa's Academy Kintchen, North, Smocks, North 1:50.74 1:45.46 1:56.01 1:58.12
6 Leavenworth Woody, Ramos, Jackson, Hammonds 1:59.25 1:45.53 1:51.87 1:51.87
8 Ames Hegelheimer, Lipsey, Sorrentino, Buckels 1:28.51 1:46.63 1:28.51 2:17.56
17 Lee's Summit West Kelly, Cole, Tolbert, Ritchey 1:37.83 1:48.70 1:40.01 1:49.79
23 Carnahan Herndon, Page, Allen, Kimple 1:59.58 1:49.70 1:18.99 1:25.57