March 24, 2007
Sacramento St. - Sacramento, CA

Women's 1500 Meters

1 Becky Guyette Senior Boise State 4:29.87 5:29.25 4:29.87
2 Breanna Sande Sophomore Boise State 4:21.50 3:18.85 4:32.39
3 Tsuyuki Fukuyama   Team Japan 4:53.13 5:47.92 4:33.95
4 Jenny Downey Senior Idaho State 3:47.39 5:06.84 4:33.96
5 Michelle Garcia Senior Sacramento St. 3:29.73 5:43.96 4:39.64
6 Sarah Montez Junior Chico State 3:52.46 4:59.68 4:40.07
7 Mary Torres Senior Chico State 5:22.61 5:28.27 4:42.99
8 Kristina Holtz Sophomore Sacramento St. 3:41.56 6:00.73 4:44.04
9 Kayleen McDowell Sophomore Boise State 5:37.79 3:31.84 4:46.26
10 Jackie Evans 8 Los GatosTrack Club 3:35.38 6:04.71 4:47.17
11 Mary Wagner Freshman Sacramento St. 6:10.60 3:52.70 4:47.28
12 Vera Ross Sophomore Diablo Valley 4:56.2 3:44.3 4:47.6
13 Kendra Hernandez Sophomore Boise State 5:37.69 5:46.35 4:48.62
14 Natalia Jarawka Freshman Nevada 4:03.02 4:52.21 4:49.31
15 Gemma Maini Sophomore Idaho State 3:46.48 4:03.90 4:50.35
16 Tomoka Inadomi   Team Japan 3:43.59 5:01.99 4:50.37
17 Shannon Morris   Impala Racing 3:46.56 3:37.84 4:50.45
18 Yfa Kretschzmar   Impala Racing 5:02.2 4:12.8 4:50.6
19 Christena Tozel Sophomore Diablo Valley 4:25.2 4:57.3 4:51.5
20 Christa Avena Sophomore Nevada 5:53.94 3:27.69 4:52.51
21 Hannah Moen Junior U. of Mary 5:37.08 6:00.53 4:53.11
22 Amber Smith Senior North Florida 5:22.9 6:01.1 4:53.6
23 Lora Maes   Impala Racing 5:46.71 5:29.08 4:53.82
24 Lindsey Brown Junior Chico State 4:45. 3:52. 4:54.
25 Elizabeth Noey Junior San Francisco 5:59.88 4:37.29 4:54.98
26 Francesca Au Junior Pacific 5:57.15 4:34.50 4:55.16
27 Micaela Klaus Sophomore Pacific 5:46.37 5:37.49 4:56.04
28 Brooklyn Solomon   Unattached 6:00.51 6:03.49 4:57.94
29 Jenny Perham Sophomore UC Davis 4:47.93 5:50.91 4:59.92
30 Sara Kelly Junior William Jessup 5:37.54 6:31.79 5:01.37
31 Katelyn Alley Sophomore Southern Oregon 4:40.85 6:23.53 5:01.99
32 Tara Hillier   Impala Racing 6:08.99 4:56.41 5:02.45
33 Kelly Frier Junior Cal St. Stanislaus 4:39.17 4:17.93 5:03.44
34 Shanti Blanchard Freshman Santa Clara 3:38.76 6:22.83 5:03.83
35 Danielle Ciraulo Senior Cal St. Stanislaus 3:46.41 3:52.53 5:05.96
36 Mary Verran Freshman San Francisco 5:47.49 6:12.09 5:07.51
37 Erica Zambon Freshman Sonoma St. 4:11.05 5:13.03 5:09.93
38 Kayley DeLorm Sophomore North Florida 4:11.92 5:45.23 5:11.01
39 Katie Heuertz Sophomore North Florida 5:11.5 6:32.4 5:11.5
40 Mary Courtright Freshman San Joaquin Delta 5:40.31 6:08.41 5:12.21
41 Kelly Marshall Junior North Florida 6:02.98 5:22.30 5:12.91
42 Catherine Jaureguy Sophomore Cal St. Stanislaus 4:32.91 5:08.22 5:21.06
43 Savannah Walruff Freshman Clackamas CC 3:51.5 6:42.0 5:21.6
44 Yesenia Esparza Freshman Cal St. Hayward 3:57.58 6:56.57 5:25.44
45 Tina Kukharets Freshman American River 7:05.08 5:55.34 5:32.09
Women's 1500 Meters Section 1
1 Becky Guyette Senior Boise State 4:19.08 4:40.67 4:27.18 4:32.57 4:19.08 4:29.87
2 Breanna Sande Sophomore Boise State 4:26.95 5:29.60 5:45.94 4:59.63 3:16.12 4:32.39
3 Tsuyuki Fukuyama   Team Japan 3:36.42 3:58.34 4:31.21 4:14.78 4:20.26 4:33.95
4 Jenny Downey Senior Idaho State 4:31.22 5:42.45 4:06.57 4:50.40 3:17.26 4:33.96
5 Michelle Garcia Senior Sacramento St. 4:56.42 5:10.40 4:17.27 4:00.49 4:34.05 4:39.64
6 Sarah Montez Junior Chico State 4:28.87 6:04.10 5:13.68 5:10.88 5:44.49 4:40.07
8 Kristina Holtz Sophomore Sacramento St. 3:27.35 5:52.21 5:03.93 5:29.49 3:44.40 4:44.04
9 Kayleen McDowell Sophomore Boise State 4:06.19 5:03.44 3:20.39 5:09.16 4:29.09 4:46.26
13 Kendra Hernandez Sophomore Boise State 5:20.37 3:22.04 3:33.58 4:13.99 4:57.28 4:48.62
14 Natalia Jarawka Freshman Nevada 4:26.17 4:17.49 3:42.77 6:13.21 6:04.53 4:49.31
16 Tomoka Inadomi   Team Japan 4:18.43 5:33.93 5:04.89 4:41.66 4:27.14 4:50.37
21 Hannah Moen Junior U. of Mary 4:38.46 5:28.29 4:12.08 5:45.87 6:09.32 4:53.11
Women's 1500 Meters Section 2
7 Mary Torres Senior Chico State 5:28.27 5:59.40 4:42.99
10 Jackie Evans 8 Los GatosTrack Club 5:30.25 4:38.56 4:47.17
11 Mary Wagner Freshman Sacramento St. 4:41.54 5:24.63 4:47.28
12 Vera Ross Sophomore Diablo Valley 4:04.4 6:05.2 4:47.6
17 Shannon Morris   Impala Racing 3:34.94 5:28.21 4:50.45
18 Yfa Kretschzmar   Impala Racing 5:45.8 6:06.1 4:50.6
19 Christena Tozel Sophomore Diablo Valley 3:44.4 6:10.2 4:51.5
20 Christa Avena Sophomore Nevada 3:33.54 4:46.66 4:52.51
22 Amber Smith Senior North Florida 5:20.0 6:04.0 4:53.6
23 Lora Maes   Impala Racing 4:03.87 5:40.84 4:53.82
24 Lindsey Brown Junior Chico State 3:28. 3:43. 4:54.
28 Brooklyn Solomon   Unattached 6:18.39 4:40.07 4:57.94
29 Jenny Perham Sophomore UC Davis 4:32.93 5:59.91 4:59.92
32 Tara Hillier   Impala Racing 6:21.09 5:53.87 5:02.45
41 Kelly Marshall Junior North Florida 3:45.30 4:47.88 5:12.91
Women's 1500 Meters Section 3
15 Gemma Maini Sophomore Idaho State 3:34.86 5:36.81 4:50.35 6:02.94 4:06.80
25 Elizabeth Noey Junior San Francisco 5:06.78 4:40.24 4:54.98 6:20.53 6:02.83
26 Francesca Au Junior Pacific 6:00.10 4:43.36 4:55.16 6:14.86 3:32.52
27 Micaela Klaus Sophomore Pacific 3:44.99 5:10.85 4:56.04 3:44.99 4:20.52
30 Sara Kelly Junior William Jessup 4:31.24 4:04.11 5:01.37 5:28.50 3:55.07
31 Katelyn Alley Sophomore Southern Oregon 5:05.01 3:58.58 5:01.99 4:58.97 5:47.29
33 Kelly Frier Junior Cal St. Stanislaus 4:45.24 6:25.37 5:03.44 4:30.07 5:00.41
34 Shanti Blanchard Freshman Santa Clara 3:50.91 3:41.80 5:03.83 5:58.52 6:16.75
35 Danielle Ciraulo Senior Cal St. Stanislaus 4:50.67 4:29.25 5:05.96 4:35.37 5:42.68
36 Mary Verran Freshman San Francisco 4:15.24 6:36.69 5:07.51 3:53.71 5:41.34
37 Erica Zambon Freshman Sonoma St. 6:21.22 4:45.14 5:09.93 6:42.91 4:57.54
38 Kayley DeLorm Sophomore North Florida 4:24.36 4:30.58 5:11.01 5:23.45 5:11.01
39 Katie Heuertz Sophomore North Florida 6:13.8 4:21.6 5:11.5 4:18.5 6:16.9
40 Mary Courtright Freshman San Joaquin Delta 5:27.82 3:57.28 5:12.21 4:09.77 5:40.31
42 Catherine Jaureguy Sophomore Cal St. Stanislaus 6:34.91 5:30.70 5:21.06 3:47.96 3:47.96
43 Savannah Walruff Freshman Clackamas CC 4:20.4 4:59.0 5:21.6 6:19.4 5:24.8
44 Yesenia Esparza Freshman Cal St. Hayward 4:49.65 6:01.24 5:25.44 5:57.99 5:57.99
45 Tina Kukharets Freshman American River 5:48.70 5:18.81 5:32.09 4:19.03 5:18.81