April 7, 2018
Pomona-Pitzer (O) - Claremont, CA

Women's 5000 Meters

1 Maddie Alm   Unattached 16:44.14
2 Ashlee Powers   Cal Coast Track Club 16:52.18
3 Alexandra Hernandez SR-4 Point Loma 17:22.23
4 Maria Ramirez SO-2 Redlands 17:35.68
5 Kristin Semancsin SR-4 UC San Diego 17:37.70
6 Haley McFadden SR-4 Trinity (Tex.) 17:52.44
7 Lauren Stanislaw SR-4 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 17:56.32
8 Jasmine Vasquez SR-4 Cal St. Northridge 18:00.55
9 Emily Ransom JR-3 Biola 18:08.55
10 Jessica Cody SO-2 Biola 18:11.36
11 Rachel Chrisman JR-3 Embry-Riddle Arizona 18:11.83
12 Skylar Thiel SR-4 UC San Diego 18:17.25
13 Rosalba Cabrera FR-1 Concordia (Cal.) 18:17.57
14 Sabrina Thurber SO-2 Occidental 18:23.69
15 Emma Lewis SO-2 Embry-Riddle Arizona 18:24.84
16 Breeana Montoya SO-2 Fresno Pacific 18:30.45
17 Emma MacEachern SR-4 Trinity (Tex.) 18:31.96
18 Katie Alvarenga JR-3 Cal St. Northridge 18:33.03
19 Crystal Jardines JR-3 Biola 18:35.39
20 Kirsten Leetch   The Janes Elite Racing Team 18:39.15
21 Shalyn Mabritto JR-3 UC San Diego 18:39.17
22 Jordan Juran FR-1 Trinity (Tex.) 18:39.18
23 Eva Townsend SR-4 Occidental 18:39.61
24 Grace Hanna FR-1 Westmont 18:42.19
25 Kimberly Newton JR-3 Cal St. Northridge 18:43.73
26 Melissa Whitman SR-4 Trinity (Tex.) 18:45.06
27 Laura Taylor SO-2 Trinity (Tex.) 18:51.64
28 Kaylie Balavaneda JR-3 Cal St. San B'dino 18:54.10
29 Brianna Ratliff SO-2 Trinity (Tex.) 18:54.42
30 Brooke Caravello JR-3 Azusa Pacific 19:02.04
31 Kendra Corey FR-1 UC San Diego 19:05.67
32 Madi Bucci FR-1 Point Loma 19:08.35
33 Brigit Laughlin FR-1 Redlands 19:11.58
34 Rachel Gee SO-2 Cal St. San B'dino 19:14.87
35 Cindy Liang FR-1 UC San Diego 19:15.30
36 Melissa Ledesma JR-3 Biola 19:18.04
37 Gracielita Bastidas SO-2 Fresno Pacific 19:18.33
38 Jackie McVay FR-1 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 19:18.69
39 Tabitha Abbey FR-1 Hope Int'l 19:19.09
40 Dominique Delgado JR-3 Westmont 19:21.84
41 Katie Li SR-4 Pomona-Pitzer 19:23.80
42 Karina Vidrios SO-2 Fresno Pacific 19:27.70
43 Anamauri Hernandez SO-2 Concordia (Cal.) 19:30.25
44 Taylor Lawsen FR-1 Biola 19:33.25
45 Alexandra Lambros SO-2 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 19:39.99
46 Dulcie Jones FR-1 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 19:41.23
47 Karli Stichter SO-2 Redlands 19:43.99
48 Kaili Waller JR-3 Biola 19:46.73
49 Kelsey Rij SR-4 Fresno Pacific 19:52.38
50 Emily Dabrow JR-3 Redlands 19:52.67
51 Svetlana Martin   Top Speed Running 19:53.16
52 Ariana Jasso JR-3 Fresno Pacific 19:59.03
53 Linda Huang FR-1 Pomona-Pitzer 20:00.65
54 Karin Uzawa SO-2 Occidental 20:02.22
55 Sarah Shipway SO-2 Redlands 20:02.73
56 Cindy Carabes JR-3 Azusa Pacific 20:03.74
57 Lilah Abrams FR-1 Occidental 20:05.72
58 Chole Anderson   ARC Racing Project 20:22.91
59 Jonnie Montano SO-2 Fresno Pacific 20:27.33
60 Sam Baker FR-1 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 20:30.15
61 Greta Jursch FR-1 Redlands 20:48.78
62 Sarah Ruiz JR-3 Occidental 20:49.22
63 Cynthia Boyzo JR-3 Cal St. San B'dino 20:52.51
64 Hannah Messina SO-2 Point Loma 21:30.36
65 Chaia Wyatt FR-1 Occidental 21:39.80
66 Danika Odell SO-2 Occidental 23:40.29
Women's 5000 Meters Section 1
1 Maddie Alm   Unattached 20:45.14 16:44.14
2 Ashlee Powers   Cal Coast Track Club 13:29.75 16:52.18
3 Alexandra Hernandez SR-4 Point Loma 15:27.59 17:22.23
4 Maria Ramirez SO-2 Redlands 17:46.24 17:35.68
5 Kristin Semancsin SR-4 UC San Diego 22:33.86 17:37.70
6 Haley McFadden SR-4 Trinity (Tex.) 18:56.79 17:52.44
7 Lauren Stanislaw SR-4 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 17:24.03 17:56.32
8 Jasmine Vasquez SR-4 Cal St. Northridge 18:22.17 18:00.55
9 Emily Ransom JR-3 Biola 17:14.13 18:08.55
10 Jessica Cody SO-2 Biola 13:38.52 18:11.36
11 Rachel Chrisman JR-3 Embry-Riddle Arizona 17:28.16 18:11.83
12 Skylar Thiel SR-4 UC San Diego 18:17.25 18:17.25
13 Rosalba Cabrera FR-1 Concordia (Cal.) 17:00.74 18:17.57
14 Sabrina Thurber SO-2 Occidental 21:20.28 18:23.69
15 Emma Lewis SO-2 Embry-Riddle Arizona 15:28.07 18:24.84
16 Breeana Montoya SO-2 Fresno Pacific 15:43.89 18:30.45
17 Emma MacEachern SR-4 Trinity (Tex.) 15:56.29 18:31.96
18 Katie Alvarenga JR-3 Cal St. Northridge 19:39.82 18:33.03
19 Crystal Jardines JR-3 Biola 20:49.24 18:35.39
20 Kirsten Leetch   The Janes Elite Racing Team 22:00.60 18:39.15
21 Shalyn Mabritto JR-3 UC San Diego 14:10.57 18:39.17
22 Jordan Juran FR-1 Trinity (Tex.) 22:23.02 18:39.18
23 Eva Townsend SR-4 Occidental 14:55.69 18:39.61
24 Grace Hanna FR-1 Westmont 16:05.09 18:42.19
25 Kimberly Newton JR-3 Cal St. Northridge 16:51.36 18:43.73
26 Melissa Whitman SR-4 Trinity (Tex.) 20:03.82 18:45.06
27 Laura Taylor SO-2 Trinity (Tex.) 16:47.16 18:51.64
29 Brianna Ratliff SO-2 Trinity (Tex.) 18:20.39 18:54.42
31 Kendra Corey FR-1 UC San Diego 22:20.44 19:05.67
34 Rachel Gee SO-2 Cal St. San B'dino 17:42.48 19:14.87
35 Cindy Liang FR-1 UC San Diego 23:52.58 19:15.30
36 Melissa Ledesma JR-3 Biola 15:38.02 19:18.04
Women's 5000 Meters Section 2
28 Kaylie Balavaneda JR-3 Cal St. San B'dino 24:11.65 18:54.10 17:57.40 15:18.63 21:21.54 22:29.58
30 Brooke Caravello JR-3 Azusa Pacific 14:27.95 19:02.04 16:22.16 18:27.78 19:13.46 19:13.46
32 Madi Bucci FR-1 Point Loma 23:32.47 19:08.35 22:12.09 14:09.78 24:29.89 15:30.17
33 Brigit Laughlin FR-1 Redlands 22:27.35 19:11.58 15:09.75 14:46.72 18:25.52 23:01.90
37 Gracielita Bastidas SO-2 Fresno Pacific 22:35.25 19:18.33 24:31.08 20:39.42 23:44.75 14:40.33
38 Jackie McVay FR-1 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 22:58.85 19:18.69 23:33.61 21:14.56 19:53.45 13:54.26
39 Tabitha Abbey FR-1 Hope Int'l 16:02.05 19:19.09 19:07.50 17:57.96 17:11.59 15:50.46
40 Dominique Delgado JR-3 Westmont 14:19.77 19:21.84 22:16.12 15:29.48 20:43.17 24:12.30
41 Katie Li SR-4 Pomona-Pitzer 21:20.18 19:23.80 20:21.99 22:53.29 14:21.22 16:40.87
42 Karina Vidrios SO-2 Fresno Pacific 15:57.52 19:27.70 21:36.15 22:22.86 24:42.98 15:22.49
43 Anamauri Hernandez SO-2 Concordia (Cal.) 20:05.36 19:30.25 14:25.99 24:46.22 21:38.98 21:15.58
44 Taylor Lawsen FR-1 Biola 16:02.07 19:33.25 16:49.00 22:17.51 24:38.30 25:25.23
45 Alexandra Lambros SO-2 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 19:39.99 19:39.99 14:56.80 18:17.39 15:08.60 18:17.39
46 Dulcie Jones FR-1 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 23:49.29 19:41.23 20:16.67 21:15.73 18:30.36 24:01.10
47 Karli Stichter SO-2 Redlands 14:24.32 19:43.99 20:55.03 20:07.67 20:43.19 15:47.20
48 Kaili Waller JR-3 Biola 16:13.12 19:46.73 20:57.94 19:58.60 23:08.48 18:11.80
49 Kelsey Rij SR-4 Fresno Pacific 20:52.00 19:52.38 16:41.60 14:06.59 18:16.99 21:39.70
50 Emily Dabrow JR-3 Redlands 19:52.67 19:52.67 23:03.50 15:06.43 21:40.01 18:29.19
51 Svetlana Martin   Top Speed Running 15:30.67 19:53.16 23:04.07 20:05.10 25:39.18 25:39.18
52 Ariana Jasso JR-3 Fresno Pacific 14:11.32 19:59.03 18:47.09 19:23.06 16:23.21 23:34.86
53 Linda Huang FR-1 Pomona-Pitzer 23:24.76 20:00.65 23:48.78 18:24.60 25:00.82 22:12.73
54 Karin Uzawa SO-2 Occidental 24:50.76 20:02.22 21:14.36 15:37.74 21:50.42 21:50.42
55 Sarah Shipway SO-2 Redlands 17:02.32 20:02.73 25:03.42 19:38.68 22:15.03 14:50.02
56 Cindy Carabes JR-3 Azusa Pacific 21:15.97 20:03.74 16:03.00 24:52.64 24:28.57 18:51.52
57 Lilah Abrams FR-1 Occidental 22:42.47 20:05.72 23:06.58 17:41.04 14:04.01 24:30.98
58 Chole Anderson   ARC Racing Project 25:53.10 20:22.91 23:01.89 21:24.06 20:35.14 18:32.85
59 Jonnie Montano SO-2 Fresno Pacific 15:57.32 20:27.33 18:00.05 15:32.77 16:09.59 23:06.89
60 Sam Baker FR-1 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 23:34.68 20:30.15 18:39.44 14:58.01 25:37.69 14:58.01
61 Greta Jursch FR-1 Redlands 21:26.25 20:48.78 14:59.13 20:11.32 23:31.13 14:34.15
62 Sarah Ruiz JR-3 Occidental 17:29.35 20:49.22 23:31.62 18:44.30 20:11.75 24:09.10
63 Cynthia Boyzo JR-3 Cal St. San B'dino 25:53.12 20:52.51 22:07.66 26:30.69 22:32.71 22:20.19
64 Hannah Messina SO-2 Point Loma 26:52.95 21:30.36 27:18.76 24:05.21 24:43.92 18:03.91
65 Chaia Wyatt FR-1 Occidental 17:06.85 21:39.80 15:09.86 27:17.75 15:48.86 17:45.84
66 Danika Odell SO-2 Occidental 24:22.90 23:40.29 23:40.29 19:53.05 19:10.44 22:15.08