March 10, 2018
Occidental - Los Angeles, CA

Men's 3000 Steeplechase

1 Cade Perry Sophomore Unattached 8:57.70 8:19.29 10:03.54 9:08.67 6:51.51 9:52.57
2 Joey Berriatua SR-4 Santa Clara 9:04.27 9:04.27 10:43.22 9:09.76 10:48.72 7:30.81
3 Noah McDermott SR-4 St. Mary's (Cal.) 11:58.24 9:56.69 9:51.17 9:12.49 10:29.84 10:57.47
4 Zach Litoff FR-1 Santa Clara 10:08.25 8:44.54 7:04.10 9:18.02 11:37.53 7:04.10
5 Daniel Rosen SO-2 Pomona-Pitzer 7:21.38 9:13.13 10:42.52 9:18.71 12:06.33 11:10.46
6 Denver Perry Freshman Unattached 8:06.57 9:15.26 12:06.99 9:32.43 8:40.92 7:55.12
7 Joseph Esparza JR-3 Redlands 11:31.06 12:11.37 12:05.61 9:35.88 8:32.54 8:26.78
8 Ryan Maize   Unattached 10:54.80 10:37.11 10:37.11 9:49.91 12:11.49 10:01.71
9 Anamacio Cardenas SR-4 Cal Poly Pomona 9:32.29 11:19.59 7:39.02 9:56.13 8:26.71 11:49.40
10 Nicholas Beatty JR-3 Pomona-Pitzer 11:45.62 9:22.11 7:10.55 9:57.98 12:45.42 7:58.39
11 Ty Hranac SR-4 Occidental 9:02.00 11:38.58 12:14.71 10:02.22 8:13.82 8:49.96
12 Joshua Nunez SO-2 The Masters 10:11.89 12:25.17 8:34.96 10:05.83 12:00.94 8:34.96
13 Tanner Dutchover FR-1 Biola 9:00.82 12:57.81 10:50.20 10:07.66 12:45.66 11:32.74
14 Justin Harris SO-2 The Masters 9:39.72 10:22.44 11:53.97 10:10.23 10:16.34 7:25.47
15 Jessi Cuellar Freshman West Los Angeles 10:07.78 11:03.04 9:12.53 10:13.92 9:43.23 10:38.48
16 Nicholas Medina Sophomore Unattached 9:16.40 10:05.86 8:33.13 10:18.22 10:30.59 13:05.14
17 Oscar Ulloa Freshman Glendale 7:51.99 10:21.03 9:43.77 10:21.03 12:56.29 12:56.29
18 Cole Zink JR-3 Embry-Riddle Arizona 7:59.50 12:02.36 7:40.82 10:22.72 11:18.77 11:43.68
19 Jacob Stephens Sophomore SDSU Running Club 11:06.64 10:16.79 11:12.87 10:23.02 8:18.42 11:31.56
20 Noah Perez Sophomore Moorpark 7:55.27 8:39.04 9:47.83 10:25.35 9:22.82 13:07.95
21 Tim Gutierrez JR-3 The Masters 7:30.93 12:12.76 9:42.45 10:26.29 9:11.14 12:50.34
22 Armando Lozano Freshman West Los Angeles 9:57.13 13:37.12 10:47.41 10:28.55 9:31.98 7:19.99
23 Alejandro Ambriz Sophomore Ventura 13:37.64 13:12.48 11:31.85 10:28.95 8:48.32 10:10.09
24 Andrew Kargol JR-3 Redlands 13:26.43 7:46.22 10:11.12 10:30.02 12:36.03 11:01.53
25 Ariel Conde Freshman West Los Angeles 9:35.22 7:41.44 9:47.86 10:32.10 13:22.77 12:06.92
26 Lucas English FR-1 Embry-Riddle Arizona 8:52.93 7:49.49 12:03.27 10:34.44 11:44.23 12:47.68
27 Ooh-Shook McDarment   Unattached 7:26.18 8:55.41 11:28.39 10:37.39 9:27.28 10:18.27
28 Colin Adams SR-4 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 8:32.04 10:33.64 11:18.45 10:40.04 12:54.45 10:46.44
29 Jamal Awad Freshman Cerritos 11:52.82 12:12.09 9:12.28 10:42.18 7:42.37 13:22.73
30 Andrew Petersen SR-4 Embry-Riddle Arizona 8:11.16 10:52.73 11:44.43 10:46.26 11:57.35 13:47.22
31 Jacob Acosta Freshman Canyons 12:18.61 13:03.96 11:07.34 10:47.90 12:57.48 8:05.93
32 Arjun Natarajan FR-1 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 7:40.48 12:45.30 9:24.25 10:48.56 11:33.96 8:06.42
33 Ernie Nombrano Sophomore Ventura 12:08.25 9:57.04 12:21.37 10:56.08 11:55.13 8:18.62
34 Christopher Campbell SO-2 Biola 11:04.87 10:05.62 7:47.38 10:58.28 12:17.28 12:43.61
35 Harrison Wykoff Freshman Bakersfield 12:28.64 10:22.76 8:16.89 11:02.51 12:15.39 9:03.26
36 Trevor Abe Freshman Pasadena 10:17.86 14:12.91 13:05.75 11:11.58 11:38.45 9:30.85
37 Alberto Cano Freshman Cerritos 13:04.74 13:38.57 8:00.32 11:16.50 14:25.92 12:17.39
38 Alberto Vazquez Sophomore Glendale 10:20.53 11:01.45 14:05.56 11:21.90 11:28.72 12:43.73
Men's 3000 Steeplechase Section 1
1 Cade Perry Sophomore Unattached 6:29.56 7:07.97 9:30.62 9:08.67
2 Joey Berriatua SR-4 Santa Clara 10:10.24 7:19.81 7:58.30 9:09.76
3 Noah McDermott SR-4 St. Mary's (Cal.) 7:44.10 11:08.52 11:08.52 9:12.49
4 Zach Litoff FR-1 Santa Clara 10:47.31 6:41.78 10:30.57 9:18.02
5 Daniel Rosen SO-2 Pomona-Pitzer 6:47.86 7:04.62 9:13.13 9:18.71
6 Denver Perry Freshman Unattached 8:12.29 7:20.78 11:26.92 9:32.43
7 Joseph Esparza JR-3 Redlands 7:40.71 6:48.88 10:44.99 9:35.88
8 Ryan Maize   Unattached 9:32.22 10:54.80 10:43.01 9:49.91
9 Anamacio Cardenas SR-4 Cal Poly Pomona 11:13.63 7:15.18 11:37.48 9:56.13
10 Nicholas Beatty JR-3 Pomona-Pitzer 8:40.25 7:52.41 11:03.76 9:57.98
13 Tanner Dutchover FR-1 Biola 9:06.90 12:21.35 10:44.12 10:07.66
16 Nicholas Medina Sophomore Unattached 12:58.96 9:10.22 13:23.69 10:18.22
19 Jacob Stephens Sophomore SDSU Running Club 11:37.79 11:44.02 11:37.79 10:23.02
Men's 3000 Steeplechase Section 2
11 Ty Hranac SR-4 Occidental 12:14.71 12:50.85 9:08.02 8:49.96 10:02.22 10:56.42
12 Joshua Nunez SO-2 The Masters 8:41.02 12:07.00 8:04.67 8:10.73 10:05.83 11:48.83
14 Justin Harris SO-2 The Masters 12:18.38 11:47.87 11:41.77 7:55.98 10:10.23 12:30.59
15 Jessi Cuellar Freshman West Los Angeles 9:12.53 10:13.92 13:11.96 9:30.95 10:13.92 8:11.14
20 Noah Perez Sophomore Moorpark 12:49.18 12:17.92 12:05.41 13:07.95 10:25.35 9:47.83
21 Tim Gutierrez JR-3 The Masters 11:03.87 7:30.93 8:58.61 10:57.61 10:26.29 13:09.13
24 Andrew Kargol JR-3 Redlands 12:10.83 10:30.02 7:33.62 8:55.52 10:30.02 11:20.43
25 Ariel Conde Freshman West Los Angeles 12:06.92 13:22.77 11:35.31 11:16.35 10:32.10 8:06.72
29 Jamal Awad Freshman Cerritos 12:57.04 13:29.15 11:46.40 8:33.75 10:42.18 10:29.34
30 Andrew Petersen SR-4 Embry-Riddle Arizona 11:18.58 13:27.83 10:26.88 8:43.47 10:46.26 7:38.85
31 Jacob Acosta Freshman Canyons 8:05.93 12:51.01 13:03.96 8:31.85 10:47.90 7:52.97
34 Christopher Campbell SO-2 Biola 13:29.69 8:33.46 14:02.60 13:09.94 10:58.28 11:18.03
Men's 3000 Steeplechase Section 3
17 Oscar Ulloa Freshman Glendale 8:16.83 12:50.08 8:04.41 10:58.30 10:21.03
18 Cole Zink JR-3 Embry-Riddle Arizona 8:18.18 9:01.77 11:12.54 11:37.45 10:22.72
22 Armando Lozano Freshman West Los Angeles 10:22.27 13:05.69 11:43.98 10:47.41 10:28.55
23 Alejandro Ambriz Sophomore Ventura 12:34.74 11:19.27 8:54.61 8:23.16 10:28.95
26 Lucas English FR-1 Embry-Riddle Arizona 11:44.23 9:31.00 13:00.37 9:43.69 10:34.44
27 Ooh-Shook McDarment   Unattached 11:15.64 10:11.90 8:04.42 9:33.66 10:37.39
28 Colin Adams SR-4 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 8:57.64 8:06.43 10:40.04 12:16.05 10:40.04
32 Arjun Natarajan FR-1 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 11:01.54 9:56.68 8:58.31 9:30.74 10:48.56
33 Ernie Nombrano Sophomore Ventura 10:23.28 13:46.66 9:57.04 12:21.37 10:56.08
35 Harrison Wykoff Freshman Bakersfield 8:23.51 10:02.89 9:49.64 12:48.52 11:02.51
36 Trevor Abe Freshman Pasadena 13:25.90 10:51.44 10:17.86 8:43.84 11:11.58
37 Alberto Cano Freshman Cerritos 10:22.38 10:49.44 13:45.33 11:43.56 11:16.50
38 Alberto Vazquez Sophomore Glendale 14:12.38 13:51.92 14:12.38 8:31.43 11:21.90