February 10, 2007
Washington-Dempsey Indoor - Seattle, WA
307m (Flat)

Women's 3000 Meters

1 Jenny Barringer Freshman Colorado 10:06.49 9:21.56
2 Kristin Anderson   Nike 9:33.82 9:22.56
3 Lisa Galaviz   Unattached 12:00.1 9:22.6
4 Jenna Kingma Sophomore Arizona State 8:12.90 9:26.55
5 Ali Kielty Freshman Arizona State 10:19.15 9:28.02
6 A'Havahla Haynes Senior Wisconsin 9:52.15 9:29.37
7 Amy Fowler Sophomore BYU 11:48.58 9:31.43
8 Mandi Zemba Senior Grand Valley St. 9:19.34 9:36.63
9 Anita Campbell Sophomore Washington 7:14.22 9:38.95
10 Sariah Long Junior Weber State 11:49.36 9:41.44
11 Kate Niehaus Freshman Stanford 10:05.11 9:41.83
12 Keara Sammons Freshman Oregon 7:24.3 9:44.7
13 Ann Detmer Junior Wisconsin 11:58.44 9:48.88
14 Haley Paul Junior Washington St. 8:03.76 9:49.95
15 Stacie Lifferth Junior Utah State 10:33.43 9:51.99
16 Corey Randall Junior Arizona State 10:04.04 9:52.19
17 Meredith Macgregor Senior Simon Fraser 7:31.51 9:54.09
18 Bridget Duffy Senior California 8:44.06 9:55.52
19 Tawny Bybee Junior BYU 12:02.39 9:57.01
20 Amanda Ganser Senior Wisconsin 8:39.99 9:57.69
21 Tara Dressler   Caltaf 11:10.08 9:58.28
22 Krystal Duke Freshman Arizona State 12:40.72 9:58.99
23 Sayaka Yoshinaga Senior Washington 6:59.42 9:59.16
24 Chantelle Laan Senior Hawaii 8:05.64 9:59.55
25 Anne Heiner Senior BYU 12:41.57 9:59.66
26 Michelle Garcia Senior Sacramento St. 10:30.07 10:00.06
27 Karina Wegman Sophomore Washington 10:30.27 10:00.25
28 Nicole Mericle Freshman Rice 10:31.40 10:01.33
29 Shannon Elmer   British Columbia 8:49.5 10:01.8
30 Callie Wells Junior Rice 9:32.31 10:02.43
31 Cristina Olivas Junior UC Riverside 12:36.80 10:05.44
32 Camille Moseley Senior Eastern Washington 12:12.67 10:05.51
33 Carolyn Ellis Freshman Cal St. Fullerton 13:03.37 10:07.26
34 Kate Sloan   U. of Victoria 8:25.02 10:08.45
35 Adrienne Nova Sophomore Portland 8:37.32 10:08.61
36 Emily McGregor Junior Arizona 11:21.8 10:08.8
37 Angela Spadafino Freshman Arizona State 7:37.40 10:09.86
38 Caroline Berry Junior Utah State 9:15.41 10:10.34
39 Kelly Ramirez Junior Washington St. 13:03.01 10:11.72
40 Julie Hancock Senior Cal St. Northridge 10:30.22 10:11.86
41 Isley Gonzalez Junior Washington St. 7:39.56 10:12.74
42 Chelsea VanDeBrake Freshman Washington St. 9:00.56 10:14.27
43 Amie Dahnke Sophomore Portland 8:31.93 10:16.78
44 Sarah Tesfaye Junior UC Riverside 11:19.12 10:17.38
45 Trisha Rasmussen Junior Washington 11:57.27 10:18.33
46 Michelle Born Sophomore San Francisco 13:26.5 10:20.4
47 Laura Kelley Junior Rice 8:47.56 10:20.65
48 Kelsey Walker Freshman Stanford 11:42.12 10:21.34
49 Aubrey White Freshman BYU 10:22.29 10:22.29
50 Kaitlin Gregg Freshman UC Davis 13:15.29 10:26.21
51 Kiri Garruto Junior Eastern Washington 13:22.16 10:31.62
52 Kristina Holtz Sophomore Sacramento St. 8:52.36 10:33.76
53 Brittany Morreale Freshman Air Force 12:24.99 10:36.74
54 Gail Munoz Freshman Cal St. Fullerton 8:45.52 10:40.87
55 Karissa Fuller Freshman Portland State 11:02.82 10:43.51
56 Tina DeKoker   Club NW 11:35.24 10:43.74
57 Collier Lawrence Junior Washington St. 13:00.93 10:45.39
58 Maryanne Hanks Junior UC Riverside 10:50.38 10:50.38
59 Erika Estrada Freshman Cal St. Fullerton 13:51.90 11:05.52
60 Amanda Eichmann Sophomore Cal St. Fullerton 11:34.46 11:14.23
61 Julie Borstmayer Freshman Portland State 8:42.93 11:28.06
62 Sandra Velarde Freshman Cal St. Northridge 13:25.12 11:52.49
63 Emily Hoover Sophomore Portland State 12:09.4 12:02.2
Women's 3000 Meters Section 1
1 Jenny Barringer Freshman Colorado 9:21.56 11:19.49 8:25.41
2 Kristin Anderson   Nike 9:22.56 9:45.07 6:39.42
3 Lisa Galaviz   Unattached 9:22.6 9:28.2 8:54.4
4 Jenna Kingma Sophomore Arizona State 9:26.55 8:12.90 10:17.54
5 Ali Kielty Freshman Arizona State 9:28.02 8:14.18 12:07.07
6 A'Havahla Haynes Senior Wisconsin 9:29.37 9:29.37 7:07.03
7 Amy Fowler Sophomore BYU 9:31.43 6:57.15 8:45.72
8 Mandi Zemba Senior Grand Valley St. 9:36.63 11:26.19 9:25.10
9 Anita Campbell Sophomore Washington 9:38.95 8:58.43 7:20.01
10 Sariah Long Junior Weber State 9:41.44 11:37.73 7:10.27
11 Kate Niehaus Freshman Stanford 9:41.83 9:36.02 7:10.56
13 Ann Detmer Junior Wisconsin 9:48.88 11:23.10 10:59.55
14 Haley Paul Junior Washington St. 9:49.95 9:14.56 7:46.06
17 Meredith Macgregor Senior Simon Fraser 9:54.09 9:48.15 10:17.86
57 Collier Lawrence Junior Washington St. 10:45.39 10:06.67 13:39.65
Women's 3000 Meters Section 2
12 Keara Sammons Freshman Oregon 10:02.2 10:31.4 7:59.4 8:34.5 9:44.7 9:50.5 11:29.9
15 Stacie Lifferth Junior Utah State 12:31.83 9:28.31 7:41.76 7:59.52 9:51.99 12:49.59 11:50.39
16 Corey Randall Junior Arizona State 9:28.51 8:23.37 9:04.82 10:15.88 9:52.19 10:51.41 10:33.65
18 Bridget Duffy Senior California 11:36.76 12:30.36 8:44.06 7:56.42 9:55.52 9:19.79 11:42.72
20 Amanda Ganser Senior Wisconsin 9:09.88 7:28.27 8:57.93 7:52.18 9:57.69 12:21.14 12:45.05
21 Tara Dressler   Caltaf 10:40.16 9:22.39 12:03.92 12:39.82 9:58.28 7:28.71 12:33.84
22 Krystal Duke Freshman Arizona State 8:35.14 12:28.74 10:40.92 7:17.27 9:58.99 8:53.11 7:11.28
23 Sayaka Yoshinaga Senior Washington 11:35.03 10:05.16 10:53.09 11:23.05 9:59.16 11:47.01 7:35.37
26 Michelle Garcia Senior Sacramento St. 12:24.08 8:06.05 9:06.06 9:00.06 10:00.06 10:06.06 12:24.08
27 Karina Wegman Sophomore Washington 10:24.26 10:36.27 10:18.26 7:54.20 10:00.25 12:48.32 11:42.30
29 Shannon Elmer   British Columbia 10:31.8 9:55.7 11:14.0 11:07.9 10:01.8 11:32.0 12:08.1
30 Callie Wells Junior Rice 11:20.75 10:02.43 9:50.39 9:50.39 10:02.43 9:08.22 10:08.46
31 Cristina Olivas Junior UC Riverside 10:47.82 13:07.08 9:10.95 9:41.23 10:05.44 12:06.53 7:52.25
34 Kate Sloan   U. of Victoria 10:51.05 8:55.44 12:22.31 9:31.95 10:08.45 11:39.72 9:25.86
36 Emily McGregor Junior Arizona 12:53.1 8:19.2 12:34.9 9:01.8 10:08.8 8:31.3 7:42.6
37 Angela Spadafino Freshman Arizona State 8:56.68 13:00.62 10:34.26 8:32.29 10:09.86 9:08.88 9:57.67
39 Kelly Ramirez Junior Washington St. 12:38.54 8:33.85 12:56.89 7:08.21 10:11.72 7:44.91 7:26.56
41 Isley Gonzalez Junior Washington St. 7:08.92 13:16.57 12:03.04 10:43.38 10:12.74 8:53.09 9:11.47
44 Sarah Tesfaye Junior UC Riverside 9:27.99 9:46.52 10:48.25 8:44.78 10:17.38 7:30.69 11:12.95
45 Trisha Rasmussen Junior Washington 8:57.95 8:08.48 8:33.22 9:04.13 10:18.33 13:23.83 11:57.27
48 Kelsey Walker Freshman Stanford 9:00.57 8:29.50 9:25.42 7:27.37 10:21.34 10:52.41 12:38.04
Women's 3000 Meters Section 3
19 Tawny Bybee Junior BYU 12:50.15 9:57.01 11:14.63 11:08.66
24 Chantelle Laan Senior Hawaii 7:35.66 9:59.55 10:29.53 10:47.52
25 Anne Heiner Senior BYU 7:53.74 9:59.66 9:05.69 9:05.69
28 Nicole Mericle Freshman Rice 10:25.39 10:01.33 7:12.96 10:31.40
32 Camille Moseley Senior Eastern Washington 8:16.52 10:05.51 7:52.30 7:52.30
33 Carolyn Ellis Freshman Cal St. Fullerton 11:26.21 10:07.26 9:18.68 11:38.35
35 Adrienne Nova Sophomore Portland 11:03.39 10:08.61 12:34.68 8:06.89
38 Caroline Berry Junior Utah State 12:24.62 10:10.34 11:05.27 12:12.41
40 Julie Hancock Senior Cal St. Northridge 8:03.37 10:11.86 10:54.69 8:46.20
43 Amie Dahnke Sophomore Portland 8:31.93 10:16.78 9:02.77 8:56.60
46 Michelle Born Sophomore San Francisco 12:43.0 10:20.4 8:47.3 10:01.7
47 Laura Kelley Junior Rice 11:04.10 10:20.65 8:35.14 12:49.61
50 Kaitlin Gregg Freshman UC Davis 10:51.26 10:26.21 9:48.64 8:08.45
52 Kristina Holtz Sophomore Sacramento St. 10:59.11 10:33.76 11:30.80 12:21.50
53 Brittany Morreale Freshman Air Force 10:04.91 10:36.74 10:11.27 8:29.40
56 Tina DeKoker   Club NW 9:00.75 10:43.74 11:28.81 7:37.06
58 Maryanne Hanks Junior UC Riverside 10:17.87 10:50.38 10:43.88 12:34.44
Women's 3000 Meters Section 4
42 Chelsea VanDeBrake Freshman Washington St. 10:14.27
49 Aubrey White Freshman BYU 10:22.29
51 Kiri Garruto Junior Eastern Washington 10:31.62
54 Gail Munoz Freshman Cal St. Fullerton 10:40.87
55 Karissa Fuller Freshman Portland State 10:43.51
59 Erika Estrada Freshman Cal St. Fullerton 11:05.52
60 Amanda Eichmann Sophomore Cal St. Fullerton 11:14.23
61 Julie Borstmayer Freshman Portland State 11:28.06
62 Sandra Velarde Freshman Cal St. Northridge 11:52.49
63 Emily Hoover Sophomore Portland State 12:02.2