March 24-25, 2017
Oklahoma Baptist - Shawnee, OK

Men's 800 Meters

1 Jackson Thomas SR-4 Bacone 1:54.25 1:38.26
2 Mackenzie Wahpepah-Harris JR-3 Oklahoma City 1:54.32 1:36.03
3 Eugene Grayson Senior Unattached 1:56.40 1:31.96
4 Ryan Lutterloh SR-4 Oklahoma Christian 1:56.47 1:49.49
5 Carlos James JR-3 Oklahoma Baptist 1:57.40 1:25.71
6 Shevon Blair Sophomore Unattached 1:57.58 1:28.19
7 Kyle Broaddrick SR-4 Oklahoma Christian 1:57.99 1:37.94
8 DeAngelo Robles FR-1 Oklahoma Baptist 1:58.04 1:30.89
9 Aaron Brinegar SO-2 Southern Nazarene 1:58.10 2:12.28
10 Tanner Cate JR-3 Oklahoma Christian 1:58.56 2:16.35
11 Tyler Randall SR-4 Baker 1:58.86 2:06.00
12 Nathan Crowson SO-2 Oklahoma Baptist 1:58.94 2:04.89
13 Tommy Uglean SR-4 Oklahoma Baptist 1:59.21 2:17.10
14 Robert Torres SR-4 St. Gregory's 2:00.01 2:15.62
15 Garrett Elmore FR-1 Oklahoma Baptist 2:00.02 1:36.02
16 Ryan Nielsen JR-3 Oklahoma City 2:00.78 1:40.25
17 Jacob Janzen SO-2 Oklahoma Baptist 2:00.87 1:53.62
18 Kyle Wardwell Senior Wizard 2:01.11 1:58.69
19 Cody Walker FR-1 Southwestern Assemblies of God 2:02.01 2:32.52
20 Lawson Merideth Sophomore Unattached 2:02.84 1:28.45
21 Byrun Ratliff FR-1 Rogers State 2:03.67 1:47.60
22 Daniel DeWindt FR-1 Oklahoma Christian 2:03.69 2:32.14
23 Danny Griese FR-1 Baker 2:03.79 1:26.66
24 Birdsong Warren SR-4 Baker 2:03.87 2:41.04
25 Cruzito Chavez SO-2 Rogers State 2:03.92 2:22.51
26 Lucas Garrett SR-4 Sterling 2:04.03 1:41.71
27 Seth Acton SR-4 Baker 2:04.39 2:03.15
28 Jose Campos SR-4 Southwestern Assemblies of God 2:04.60 2:05.85
29 John Zehr SO-2 Southern Nazarene 2:05.25 2:04.00
30 Giovanni Gutierrez SO-2 Bacone 2:06.20 1:30.87
31 Blake Wieczorek SR-4 Southern Nazarene 2:06.61 2:01.55
32 Raul Olmos FR-1 Southwestern Assemblies of God 2:06.66 2:01.60
33 Corey Matteson SR-4 Baker 2:07.44 2:32.93
34 Tyron Yazzie SO-2 Bacone 2:08.23 1:55.41
35 Mekko Washington FR-1 Oklahoma Baptist 2:09.26 2:41.58
36 Riley McKnight FR-1 Oklahoma Christian 2:09.36 2:22.30
37 Gerald Hartford SO-2 Langston 2:09.45 2:08.16
38 GARRETT WALLACE FR-1 East Central 2:09.47 2:09.47
39 Shawvan Levi SO-2 Bacone 2:10.67 1:36.70
40 Zach Williams SO-2 Sterling 2:10.84 2:48.79
41 Mariq Stigler SO-2 Baker 2:11.50 2:11.50
42 Bill Buffalomeat SO-2 Bacone 2:12.54 1:40.73
43 Zack Beck SO-2 Oklahoma Wesleyan 2:13.68 1:58.98
44 Cole Stallard SO-2 Baker 2:13.89 2:00.50
45 Jack Aikman FR-1 Rogers State 2:14.48 1:50.28
46 Leighton Smith-Quintana FR-1 Bacone 2:14.90 1:51.97
47 Matthew Leedy FR-1 St. Gregory's 2:15.81 1:59.52
48 Keenan Nez FR-1 Bacone 2:16.83 1:41.26
49 Wyatt Davis SO-2 Bacone 2:17.12 2:14.38
50 Brett Couture SO-2 Sterling 2:19.51 2:19.51
51 Jumper Coon FR-1 Bacone 2:29.40 2:59.28
52 Ty Wyckoff SO-2 Sterling 2:31.77 1:46.24
  Blaine Whitson JR-3 Oklahoma Baptist DNF DNF
Men's 800 Meters Section 1
39 Shawvan Levi SO-2 Bacone 2:10.67
41 Mariq Stigler SO-2 Baker 2:11.50
42 Bill Buffalomeat SO-2 Bacone 2:12.54
46 Leighton Smith-Quintana FR-1 Bacone 2:14.90
47 Matthew Leedy FR-1 St. Gregory's 2:15.81
48 Keenan Nez FR-1 Bacone 2:16.83
49 Wyatt Davis SO-2 Bacone 2:17.12
50 Brett Couture SO-2 Sterling 2:19.51
51 Jumper Coon FR-1 Bacone 2:29.40
52 Ty Wyckoff SO-2 Sterling 2:31.77
Men's 800 Meters Section 2
32 Raul Olmos FR-1 Southwestern Assemblies of God 2:33.26 1:29.93 1:32.47 1:51.46 2:06.66
33 Corey Matteson SR-4 Baker 1:57.25 1:39.41 2:38.03 2:13.82 2:07.44
35 Mekko Washington FR-1 Oklahoma Baptist 2:14.43 2:07.97 2:29.95 1:36.95 2:09.26
36 Riley McKnight FR-1 Oklahoma Christian 2:02.90 2:28.77 2:17.13 2:01.60 2:09.36
37 Gerald Hartford SO-2 Langston 2:41.82 1:47.45 2:01.69 2:34.05 2:09.45
38 GARRETT WALLACE FR-1 East Central 1:42.29 2:13.36 2:12.06 2:31.48 2:09.47
43 Zack Beck SO-2 Oklahoma Wesleyan 2:39.08 2:32.40 1:52.30 2:12.35 2:13.68
44 Cole Stallard SO-2 Baker 2:43.35 2:20.59 2:25.94 1:39.08 2:13.89
45 Jack Aikman FR-1 Rogers State 1:38.17 2:27.93 2:03.73 2:50.79 2:14.48
Men's 800 Meters Section 3
19 Cody Walker FR-1 Southwestern Assemblies of God 2:16.66 2:26.42 1:57.13 2:02.01 2:23.98
21 Byrun Ratliff FR-1 Rogers State 2:01.20 1:50.07 2:13.57 2:03.67 1:56.25
22 Daniel DeWindt FR-1 Oklahoma Christian 2:39.56 2:23.48 2:07.40 2:03.69 2:34.62
23 Danny Griese FR-1 Baker 2:01.32 1:36.56 1:53.89 2:03.79 1:58.84
25 Cruzito Chavez SO-2 Rogers State 2:38.62 2:36.14 2:11.36 2:03.92 1:51.53
28 Jose Campos SR-4 Southwestern Assemblies of God 2:41.98 1:43.42 2:28.28 2:04.60 2:08.34
29 John Zehr SO-2 Southern Nazarene 1:30.18 2:39.07 1:46.47 2:05.25 2:39.07
30 Giovanni Gutierrez SO-2 Bacone 2:22.61 2:13.78 2:41.54 2:06.20 2:40.28
34 Tyron Yazzie SO-2 Bacone 2:40.29 1:45.15 2:12.08 2:08.23 1:40.02
40 Zach Williams SO-2 Sterling 2:10.84 1:32.90 2:14.77 2:10.84 1:43.37
Men's 800 Meters Section 4
8 DeAngelo Robles FR-1 Oklahoma Baptist 1:58.04 2:16.93 1:30.89 1:41.52
10 Tanner Cate JR-3 Oklahoma Christian 1:58.56 1:26.55 1:53.82 1:33.67
11 Tyler Randall SR-4 Baker 1:58.86 1:26.77 2:28.58 2:21.45
12 Nathan Crowson SO-2 Oklahoma Baptist 1:58.94 2:27.49 1:26.83 1:25.64
14 Robert Torres SR-4 St. Gregory's 2:00.01 2:07.21 1:42.01 1:31.21
15 Garrett Elmore FR-1 Oklahoma Baptist 2:00.02 2:21.63 1:26.42 2:14.43
16 Ryan Nielsen JR-3 Oklahoma City 2:00.78 1:29.38 2:11.65 1:26.97
17 Jacob Janzen SO-2 Oklahoma Baptist 2:00.87 2:10.54 2:15.38 2:02.08
18 Kyle Wardwell Senior Wizard 2:01.11 1:35.68 1:42.95 1:42.95
20 Lawson Merideth Sophomore Unattached 2:02.84 1:51.79 2:18.81 1:48.10
24 Birdsong Warren SR-4 Baker 2:03.87 1:41.58 1:55.20 2:19.98
26 Lucas Garrett SR-4 Sterling 2:04.03 2:37.52 1:30.55 2:37.52
27 Seth Acton SR-4 Baker 2:04.39 2:15.59 2:08.13 2:05.64
31 Blake Wieczorek SR-4 Southern Nazarene 2:06.61 2:18.01 2:06.61 2:39.53
  Blaine Whitson JR-3 Oklahoma Baptist DNF DNF DNF DNF
Men's 800 Meters Section 5
1 Jackson Thomas SR-4 Bacone 1:45.11 1:54.25 1:39.40 1:49.68 1:56.54
2 Mackenzie Wahpepah-Harris JR-3 Oklahoma City 2:10.33 1:54.32 1:48.61 1:25.74 2:19.47
3 Eugene Grayson Senior Unattached 2:06.88 1:56.40 2:12.70 2:03.39 2:03.39
4 Ryan Lutterloh SR-4 Oklahoma Christian 1:32.02 1:56.47 2:27.92 2:02.30 2:11.62
5 Carlos James JR-3 Oklahoma Baptist 2:29.10 1:57.40 1:35.10 2:19.71 2:29.10
6 Shevon Blair Sophomore Unattached 2:18.75 1:57.58 1:25.84 1:37.60 1:50.53
7 Kyle Broaddrick SR-4 Oklahoma Christian 1:45.02 1:57.99 2:26.31 2:16.87 2:33.39
9 Aaron Brinegar SO-2 Southern Nazarene 1:49.84 1:58.10 1:35.67 2:07.55 2:19.36
13 Tommy Uglean SR-4 Oklahoma Baptist 1:35.37 1:59.21 2:21.86 1:29.41 2:02.79