April 15, 2006
UMass Lowell - Lowell, MA

Men's 2 Mile

1 Chris Kantos Sophomore Tufts 7:56.63 9:21.74 10:24.16 9:38.76 9:27.41 8:25.00
2 Sammy Unberhagen   U-UMass Lowell 8:50.45 9:01.86 9:01.86 11:07.34 9:30.37 6:56.37
3 Ruben Sanca Freshman UMass Lowell 10:45.51 10:11.23 11:14.07 11:54.05 9:31.24 11:02.64
4 Joshua Kennedy Junior Tufts 9:57.56 7:51.15 10:55.01 8:14.13 9:34.57 8:54.35
5 Sheridan Welch Freshman Keene State 7:40.59 8:43.92 12:28.45 10:21.79 9:35.73 11:48.15
6 Joe Ryan Sophomore Stonehill 10:03.13 10:32.13 10:20.53 12:33.91 9:39.93 12:33.91
7 Mike Harbus Sophomore Amherst 11:38.43 9:53.66 12:01.71 9:07.10 9:42.02 11:44.25
8 Harrison Lakehomer Freshman Amherst 12:08.08 9:59.94 12:08.08 7:05.20 9:42.46 9:07.52
9 Corey Levin Sophomore Williams 9:28.90 10:15.82 11:08.60 10:15.82 9:46.49 11:02.74
10 Justin Chung Junior Tufts 9:41.4 8:54.4 8:36.8 8:25.0 9:47.3 8:54.4
11 Steve Plouffe Junior UMass Lowell 7:23.85 7:12.01 7:47.52 11:50.15 9:51.79 11:02.81
12 Corey DeWitt   U-UMass Lowell 7:09.86 12:44.19 10:20.90 12:08.37 9:57.02 7:45.68
13 Robert Boley Junior Amherst 12:20.36 6:57.95 7:03.92 10:26.92 9:57.06 7:03.92
14 David Schreiner Senior Amherst 12:58.72 12:34.76 10:22.97 7:29.26 9:59.01 8:53.12
15 Patrick Ard Senior Keene State 9:54.78 9:18.73 8:18.65 12:24.97 10:00.78 11:12.88
16 Sean Hyland Junior Williams 12:58.11 12:15.88 7:50.48 10:03.18 10:03.18 8:08.58
17 Peter Najem Freshman Keene State 9:21.14 11:03.71 8:08.73 10:51.64 10:03.37 11:33.88
18 Matt Meagher Freshman Stonehill 11:35.19 8:39.88 8:27.79 8:15.70 10:04.51 12:17.51
19 Teddy Breen   U-UMass Lowell 8:42.61 10:19.84 11:32.76 12:03.14 10:07.68 11:32.76
20 Joshua Vance Freshman UMass Lowell 12:07.2 11:06.0 9:22.2 7:56.6 10:11.1 10:47.7
21 Mark Garcia Freshman Keene State 8:21.3 10:54.1 9:10.2 9:22.4 10:11.4 12:01.4
22 Jason DeDonato Freshman U-UMass Lowell 9:05.74 8:04.42 7:09.24 10:37.72 10:13.19 7:33.76
23 Brian Holaday Sophomore Williams 7:16.40 12:36.01 13:06.74 9:19.33 10:14.64 8:42.45
24 Chris Ellis-Ferrara Sophomore Williams 7:17.83 12:20.00 8:56.50 7:42.50 10:16.66 8:31.83
25 James Lemoureux Senior UMass Lowell 10:23.75 13:04.32 11:31.68 11:25.51 10:17.57 10:05.22
26 Skye Isard Sophomore Tufts 12:02.87 9:28.41 8:32.80 10:42.55 10:17.83 13:10.83
27 Adam Holmes Freshman Merrimack College 10:28.29 12:07.83 9:19.87 10:40.74 10:22.07 9:32.31
28 Richard Finnegan Freshman Stonehill 9:21.95 12:04.28 8:32.00 11:39.31 10:24.38 13:25.45
29 Aaron Schwartz Freshman Williams 9:17.11 8:01.99 8:39.55 7:24.44 10:25.96 10:07.19
30 Ben Swimm Freshman Williams 10:28.2 10:40.7 7:57.4 10:34.4 10:28.2 11:37.3
31 Kyle Galuski Freshman UMass Lowell 10:54.3 8:48.5 11:57.2 11:32.1 10:29.2 10:16.6
32 Ryan Burke Freshman U-UMass Lowell 8:55.29 11:32.73 10:36.05 12:04.22 10:29.75 10:48.65
33 Pat Cullen   College of St. Rose 12:58.74 10:14.13 12:33.42 7:35.85 10:33.12 9:55.14
34 Raymond Drewitz Junior U-UMass Lowell 12:00.76 13:42.82 10:12.33 10:12.33 10:37.84 12:51.79
35 Mike Caeran Freshman U-UMass Lowell 7:45.65 10:44.25 12:13.55 9:08.57 10:37.87 12:00.80
36 Alex Bloom Sophomore Tufts 10:32.34 12:59.24 12:59.24 7:52.66 10:38.72 13:50.34
37 Ryan Ford Freshman Williams 10:46.53 13:54.03 9:22.49 9:41.88 10:46.53 9:35.42
38 Steve Liebowitz Senior Tufts 12:23.83 10:17.64 14:23.37 14:23.37 11:04.13 8:04.82
39 Jared Strait Junior Williams 10:19.37 7:46.19 8:26.15 10:52.66 11:05.98 10:52.66
40 Jason Dallamora Sophomore University of New Haven 9:04.95 8:04.40 7:57.67 14:00.97 11:12.77 9:58.77
41 Gabe Nelson Freshman Williams 7:53.13 8:20.16 10:42.10 14:31.90 11:15.89 7:59.89
42 Dave Quesnell Sophomore College of St. Rose 10:14.23 13:05.65 14:02.78 15:14.21 11:54.22 15:07.06
Men's 2 Mile Section 1
1 Chris Kantos Sophomore Tufts 6:48.54 12:17.64 8:59.04 9:27.41 9:27.41 9:55.78
2 Sammy Unberhagen   U-UMass Lowell 7:42.00 8:56.15 9:24.67 9:53.19 9:30.37 8:44.74
3 Ruben Sanca Freshman UMass Lowell 7:42.71 11:59.77 9:59.81 11:36.92 9:31.24 12:05.48
4 Joshua Kennedy Junior Tufts 6:53.69 10:43.52 11:29.49 9:57.56 9:34.57 9:28.83
5 Sheridan Welch Freshman Keene State 7:00.29 11:36.64 9:58.76 8:55.43 9:35.73 7:52.10
6 Joe Ryan Sophomore Stonehill 7:38.15 7:26.55 11:06.92 9:10.94 9:39.93 9:10.94
7 Mike Harbus Sophomore Amherst 9:07.10 8:43.82 7:51.44 7:33.98 9:42.02 6:53.24
8 Harrison Lakehomer Freshman Amherst 11:09.83 8:38.39 12:02.25 12:02.25 9:42.46 8:26.74
9 Corey Levin Sophomore Williams 11:43.79 10:45.14 9:46.49 7:31.60 9:46.49 9:23.03
10 Justin Chung Junior Tufts 12:31.7 12:02.3 12:37.6 10:51.9 9:47.3 6:51.1
11 Steve Plouffe Junior UMass Lowell 7:29.76 12:43.41 10:56.89 10:03.63 9:51.79 9:10.37
12 Corey DeWitt   U-UMass Lowell 9:27.17 8:39.41 7:39.71 10:02.99 9:57.02 7:27.77
13 Robert Boley Junior Amherst 10:56.77 8:39.45 9:09.30 7:03.92 9:57.06 11:38.56
14 David Schreiner Senior Amherst 12:22.78 7:59.21 7:35.25 10:46.93 9:59.01 9:53.02
15 Patrick Ard Senior Keene State 9:48.77 10:12.80 11:30.90 8:24.66 10:00.78 9:18.73
16 Sean Hyland Junior Williams 9:51.12 11:03.50 8:02.55 10:03.18 10:03.18 9:26.99
17 Peter Najem Freshman Keene State 9:51.31 11:21.81 9:51.31 12:58.35 10:03.37 11:27.85
21 Mark Garcia Freshman Keene State 7:56.8 12:50.3 8:27.4 8:39.6 10:11.4 7:07.9
22 Jason DeDonato Freshman U-UMass Lowell 8:16.69 10:31.59 9:54.80 8:04.42 10:13.19 12:03.57
25 James Lemoureux Senior UMass Lowell 8:38.76 8:51.11 8:01.71 7:37.01 10:17.57 10:23.75
Men's 2 Mile Section 2
18 Matt Meagher Freshman Stonehill 7:51.52 9:46.38 10:04.51 10:16.60 11:17.06 9:58.47
19 Teddy Breen   U-UMass Lowell 12:21.37 8:00.07 10:07.68 8:24.38 8:48.69 10:13.76
20 Joshua Vance Freshman UMass Lowell 9:28.3 7:32.2 10:11.1 8:33.3 8:08.8 10:23.3
23 Brian Holaday Sophomore Williams 10:39.23 8:42.45 10:14.64 10:20.79 13:00.60 7:16.40
24 Chris Ellis-Ferrara Sophomore Williams 11:18.33 13:21.66 10:16.66 7:30.17 10:47.50 13:15.50
26 Skye Isard Sophomore Tufts 10:11.66 12:27.58 10:17.83 12:39.93 7:37.20 13:23.18
27 Adam Holmes Freshman Merrimack College 8:42.54 7:34.12 10:22.07 11:30.50 9:01.20 9:26.09
28 Richard Finnegan Freshman Stonehill 9:40.68 11:39.31 10:24.38 11:14.33 7:48.29 10:18.14
29 Aaron Schwartz Freshman Williams 13:14.97 12:49.93 10:25.96 7:55.73 8:33.29 8:39.55
30 Ben Swimm Freshman Williams 10:03.0 9:19.0 10:28.2 13:11.5 8:09.9 11:18.4
31 Kyle Galuski Freshman UMass Lowell 12:35.0 8:42.2 10:29.2 11:57.2 11:13.2 11:06.9
32 Ryan Burke Freshman U-UMass Lowell 10:04.56 13:13.49 10:29.75 7:46.02 13:32.38 8:17.51
33 Pat Cullen   College of St. Rose 8:39.16 8:45.49 10:33.12 8:07.51 7:29.52 12:52.41
34 Raymond Drewitz Junior U-UMass Lowell 9:53.20 8:30.28 10:37.84 9:46.82 10:44.22 9:59.57
35 Mike Caeran Freshman U-UMass Lowell 8:49.44 13:36.48 10:37.87 9:27.71 11:41.66 8:23.92
36 Alex Bloom Sophomore Tufts 11:36.21 9:47.63 10:38.72 12:20.92 10:00.40 12:01.76
37 Ryan Ford Freshman Williams 11:57.65 10:33.60 10:46.53 10:53.00 13:15.24 9:54.81
38 Steve Liebowitz Senior Tufts 9:37.80 7:51.54 11:04.13 8:11.46 9:17.87 8:38.03
39 Jared Strait Junior Williams 14:25.78 8:39.47 11:05.98 11:25.96 8:06.17 10:19.37
40 Jason Dallamora Sophomore University of New Haven 8:31.31 9:38.59 11:12.77 13:27.33 13:20.60 12:20.05
41 Gabe Nelson Freshman Williams 11:15.89 11:29.41 11:15.89 14:11.63 9:14.23 10:28.58
42 Dave Quesnell Sophomore College of St. Rose 14:02.78 9:02.81 11:54.22 15:21.35 11:11.37 11:39.94