March 24-25, 2006
Wake Forest - Winston-Salem, NC

Men's 1500 Meters

1 Patrick Sovacool Freshman Miami Ohio 2:59.0 3:55.6 4:28.5
2 Sean Stevens Senior Wake Forest 3:41.32 3:57.97 3:19.90
3 Steve Schilling Senior Miami Ohio 4:46.37 3:58.64 4:24.89
4 Chris Spooner Sophomore Duke 4:52.16 3:59.47 2:54.82
5 Geary Gubbins Freshman Duke 3:33.74 4:00.15 5:04.99
6 Devin McDaniel Freshman Duke 4:48.15 4:02.14 2:59.19
7 Steve Brown Freshman Duke 3:28.28 4:02.18 4:26.40
8 Jeremy Fisico Freshman Wake Forest 4:57.79 4:04.09 3:34.80
9 John Maletis Freshman Duke 3:37.58 4:04.47 3:27.80
10 Chris Rowland Freshman Duke 4:39.83 4:07.63 3:37.92
11 Tommy Colven Junior Duke 4:15.92 4:08.46 3:36.16
12 Parish Pat Junior Duke 5:15.76 4:08.63 5:00.85
13 John Brockardt Sophomore Duke 4:21.52 4:09.06 3:24.23
14 Ottie Kerley Junior Wake Forest 4:58.95 4:09.12 4:04.14
15 Chas Salmen Senior Duke 4:27.56 4:10.05 4:02.55
16 Alex Hoyt Freshman Davidson 3:40.98 4:11.11 4:01.07
17 Kevin McDermott Freshman Duke 4:29.07 4:11.46 3:23.69
18 Greg Feltman Freshman Duke 4:22.39 4:12.29 5:05.27
19 Cameron Bell Senior Duke 5:28.7 4:12.9 3:37.4
20 Daniel Shankle Freshman Duke 3:42.63 4:12.98 5:26.35
21 Alex Reinhart Junior Duke 4:36.44 4:13.61 3:45.72
22 Harrison Potter Sophomore Marietta College 4:49.21 4:13.69 3:55.94
23 Josh Whetherholt Freshman Anderson College 3:59.63 4:17.66 3:00.37
24 Matt Tyndall Freshman Pfeiffer 3:22.59 4:19.72 3:27.78
25 John Doehring Junior Davidson 4:13.63 4:21.47 4:58.08
26 Corey Culbertson Freshman Rio Grande 4:16.92 4:22.16 5:30.33
27 Brett Collins Junior Lees-McRae College 4:17.49 4:22.74 4:04.35
28 Stephan Woods Sophomore Capital U. 3:11.91 4:22.88 5:15.46
29 Anthony Ives Freshman Washington and Lee University 3:10.67 4:24.82 4:06.29
30 Jason Bryan Sophomore Anderson College 4:05.24 4:26.56 5:17.21
31 Stephen Dropcho Sophomore Wheeling Jesuit 5:21.13 4:29.85 4:21.76
32 David Kozusnik Sophomore Wheeling Jesuit 5:13.39 4:30.16 3:52.34
33 Kurtis Price Freshman Wheeling Jesuit 3:20.91 4:35.22 4:37.98
34 Matt Waldroup Junior Pfeiffer 3:57.53 4:36.19 3:46.48
35 Troy Howdyshell Freshman Rio Grande 4:26.4 4:40.5 5:25.3
36 Cory Wright Freshman Winston-Salem State 5:30.96 4:42.87 5:13.99
37 Tim Jefferson   Forest Track Club 5:47.84 4:47.47 4:12.98
38 Greg Loftis Freshman Anderson College 4:52.43 4:49.53 5:41.65
Men's 1500 Meters Section 1
1 Patrick Sovacool Freshman Miami Ohio 2:44.9 4:54.5 4:19.1 3:55.6 4:12.0
2 Sean Stevens Senior Wake Forest 3:29.42 2:48.96 3:00.86 3:57.97 5:02.23
3 Steve Schilling Senior Miami Ohio 4:41.60 3:41.94 2:58.98 3:58.64 4:46.37
4 Chris Spooner Sophomore Duke 4:30.61 3:02.00 4:25.82 3:59.47 4:56.95
5 Geary Gubbins Freshman Duke 3:00.12 4:55.39 4:31.37 4:00.15 3:48.15
6 Devin McDaniel Freshman Duke 3:52.46 4:48.15 3:57.30 4:02.14 3:20.98
7 Steve Brown Freshman Duke 3:54.92 2:59.22 3:57.34 4:02.18 3:52.50
8 Jeremy Fisico Freshman Wake Forest 3:25.04 3:51.89 5:14.88 4:04.09 5:12.44
9 John Maletis Freshman Duke 4:14.25 3:35.14 3:57.14 4:04.47 2:56.02
10 Chris Rowland Freshman Duke 4:00.21 4:12.59 4:29.92 4:07.63 2:58.30
15 Chas Salmen Senior Duke 4:15.06 4:20.06 3:50.05 4:10.05 5:02.56
17 Kevin McDermott Freshman Duke 3:36.26 4:36.61 3:53.86 4:11.46 4:56.73
19 Cameron Bell Senior Duke 3:04.6 4:48.3 5:03.4 4:12.9 3:34.9
21 Alex Reinhart Junior Duke 4:41.51 3:48.25 5:17.02 4:13.61 3:15.28
Men's 1500 Meters Section 2
11 Tommy Colven Junior Duke 4:13.43 4:08.46 3:41.13 3:53.56 4:53.19 3:11.32 3:48.59
12 Parish Pat Junior Duke 5:10.79 4:08.63 3:26.37 3:26.37 3:46.26 5:20.74 3:13.94
13 John Brockardt Sophomore Duke 3:21.74 4:09.06 3:31.71 3:09.29 5:11.33 4:31.48 4:24.01
14 Ottie Kerley Junior Wake Forest 3:11.83 4:09.12 5:21.37 4:06.63 3:01.86 2:54.39 4:14.11
16 Alex Hoyt Freshman Davidson 4:41.25 4:11.11 3:23.40 4:16.14 5:03.85 5:21.42 3:03.31
18 Greg Feltman Freshman Duke 4:02.20 4:12.29 4:04.73 4:37.52 4:50.14 4:57.71 4:09.77
20 Daniel Shankle Freshman Duke 3:47.69 4:12.98 5:03.58 4:48.40 3:45.16 3:50.22 3:42.63
22 Harrison Potter Sophomore Marietta College 3:45.79 4:13.69 5:04.43 3:35.64 4:54.28 3:40.71 3:35.64
23 Josh Whetherholt Freshman Anderson College 4:38.28 4:17.66 4:56.31 5:01.47 3:26.13 5:19.50 4:58.89
25 John Doehring Junior Davidson 3:39.64 4:21.47 3:34.41 4:31.93 4:52.85 4:52.85 3:50.10
27 Brett Collins Junior Lees-McRae College 5:25.80 4:22.74 3:56.47 5:04.78 3:06.55 5:17.92 4:06.98
36 Cory Wright Freshman Winston-Salem State 4:34.39 4:42.87 3:43.47 3:40.64 4:00.44 5:02.67 6:04.91
37 Tim Jefferson   Forest Track Club 4:53.22 4:47.47 4:58.97 4:01.48 4:47.47 6:07.97 6:02.22
Men's 1500 Meters Section 3
24 Matt Tyndall Freshman Pfeiffer 3:35.57 4:19.72
26 Corey Culbertson Freshman Rio Grande 5:01.49 4:22.16
28 Stephan Woods Sophomore Capital U. 3:59.22 4:22.88
29 Anthony Ives Freshman Washington and Lee University 3:39.80 4:24.82
30 Jason Bryan Sophomore Anderson College 4:23.90 4:26.56
31 Stephen Dropcho Sophomore Wheeling Jesuit 3:46.68 4:29.85
32 David Kozusnik Sophomore Wheeling Jesuit 3:25.33 4:30.16
33 Kurtis Price Freshman Wheeling Jesuit 3:53.94 4:35.22
34 Matt Waldroup Junior Pfeiffer 5:50.77 4:36.19
35 Troy Howdyshell Freshman Rio Grande 3:50.0 4:40.5
38 Greg Loftis Freshman Anderson College 4:46.64 4:49.53