February 14, 2015
Susquehanna-Garrett Sports Complex - Selinsgrove, PA
200m (Flat)

Women's Mile

1 Alexandra Zanella JR-3 California (Pa.) 5:07.04
2 Amanda Eisman JR-3 West Chester 5:07.92
3 Katherine Lehman FR-1 Eastern Mennonite 5:12.73
4 Elaine Schmidt SR-4 Bryn Mawr 5:16.62
5 Bethany Killmon SO-2 Misericordia 5:18.65
6 Bianca Bolton JR-3 Misericordia 5:20.08
7 Mackenzie Shelgren JR-3 Dickinson 5:21.76
8 Rebecca Race JR-3 Dickinson 5:21.87
9 Melanie Tramontina SR-4 Muhlenberg 5:22.59
10 Leigh Manning-Smith SR-4 West Chester 5:24.03
11 Sofia Canning FR-1 Dickinson 5:25.13
12 Kelsey Brady FR-1 Elizabethtown 5:27.89
13 Mallory Snyder FR-1 Muhlenberg 5:28.24
14 Rebekah Gallop FR-1 Bryn Mawr 5:28.38
15 Emily Lambright SR-4 Moravian 5:28.46
16 Amanda Asaro SO-2 Gettysburg 5:28.91
17 Lauren Hause FR-1 Misericordia 5:29.66
18 Rachel Bachman JR-3 Susquehanna 5:29.71
19 Keirnan Dougherty SO-2 Susquehanna 5:29.95
20 Holly Eliason FR-1 Messiah 5:30.18
21 Katie Downing SO-2 DeSales 5:30.86
22 Alyssa Keich SR-4 Lebanon Valley 5:32.74
23 Kate Edwards FR-1 Bryn Mawr 5:33.59
24 Samantha Young FR-1 East Stroudsburg 5:33.76
25 Alexandra Tendler FR-1 Muhlenberg 5:34.13
26 Kristen Eberhardt FR-1 Lebanon Valley 5:42.20
27 Kristin Taylor FR-1 Brockport St. 5:43.17
28 Alyssa Tallon SR-4 Moravian 5:45.91
29 Emily Makara FR-1 Gwynedd-Mercy 5:47.20
30 Brittany Appleby FR-1 Stevenson 5:47.25
31 Samantha Gehly SO-2 Elizabethtown 5:48.46
32 Dana Stockdale SR-4 Lebanon Valley 5:48.77
33 Emily Young FR-1 Bridgewater (Va.) 5:52.98
34 Jillian Troisi FR-1 Moravian 5:54.43
35 Kathleen McCutcheon FR-1 Franklin & Marshall 5:56.72
36 Sarah Cullum JR-3 Bridgewater (Va.) 5:57.02
37 Nicolette Siermine SO-2 Elizabethtown 5:57.07
38 Abigail Grehlinger FR-1 Franklin & Marshall 5:57.83
39 Victoria Cantelmo FR-1 DeSales 5:58.75
40 Bryn Allston SR-4 Frostburg State 6:01.63
41 Lucy Ortiz SR-4 Washington and Lee 6:03.52
42 Sloan Ellis FR-1 Washington and Lee 6:04.32
43 Taylour Mauro SO-2 Millersville 6:07.79
44 Claudia Lohr SO-2 Stevenson 6:08.18
45 Amelia Lawrence JR-3 McDaniel 6:08.56
46 Erin Schlegel JR-3 Catholic 6:10.11
47 Kathryn Smith FR-1 Washington and Lee 6:11.85
48 Megan Bishop FR-1 Eastern Mennonite 6:15.53
49 Jamie Cappiello JR-3 Alvernia 6:16.70
50 Caroline Kearney SO-2 Franklin & Marshall 6:16.75
51 Kelsey Glennen FR-1 Alvernia 6:20.09
52 Amy Kaiser-Jones SO-2 Gettysburg 6:35.20
Women's Mile Section 1
37 Nicolette Siermine SO-2 Elizabethtown 6:00.64 4:59.94 4:27.81 5:57.07 5:10.65 6:00.64 5:57.07
41 Lucy Ortiz SR-4 Washington and Lee 5:48.98 5:52.62 6:36.24 5:56.25 6:58.05 6:07.16 6:03.52
42 Sloan Ellis FR-1 Washington and Lee 4:36.89 6:22.54 5:16.96 6:55.33 4:29.60 4:51.46 6:04.32
44 Claudia Lohr SO-2 Stevenson 5:27.68 7:14.46 6:48.68 4:54.55 5:12.96 6:33.96 6:08.18
45 Amelia Lawrence JR-3 McDaniel 6:04.88 5:39.08 7:14.90 4:32.74 4:29.05 4:54.85 6:08.56
46 Erin Schlegel JR-3 Catholic 6:58.23 6:36.02 6:06.41 6:28.62 7:20.43 7:01.93 6:10.11
47 Kathryn Smith FR-1 Washington and Lee 5:12.36 7:26.22 5:23.51 6:34.17 7:00.19 7:18.79 6:11.85
48 Megan Bishop FR-1 Eastern Mennonite 5:22.96 5:00.43 6:38.07 5:34.23 7:38.15 5:11.69 6:15.53
49 Jamie Cappiello JR-3 Alvernia 5:54.10 5:20.20 5:23.97 7:39.58 6:54.37 4:38.76 6:16.70
50 Caroline Kearney SO-2 Franklin & Marshall 5:35.31 6:54.43 4:23.73 5:46.61 6:35.59 5:01.40 6:16.75
51 Kelsey Glennen FR-1 Alvernia 4:52.67 4:56.47 5:26.88 5:30.68 6:58.10 7:28.51 6:20.09
52 Amy Kaiser-Jones SO-2 Gettysburg 5:59.64 5:43.83 7:34.48 6:54.96 7:02.87 5:51.73 6:35.20
Women's Mile Section 2
26 Kristen Eberhardt FR-1 Lebanon Valley 5:55.89 5:04.56 5:42.20 4:20.08 4:37.19
27 Kristin Taylor FR-1 Brockport St. 6:44.94 5:08.86 5:43.17 5:43.17 5:36.31
28 Alyssa Tallon SR-4 Moravian 6:13.59 6:55.10 5:45.91 4:29.81 5:45.91
29 Emily Makara FR-1 Gwynedd-Mercy 6:56.64 5:43.73 5:47.20 4:51.65 4:48.18
30 Brittany Appleby FR-1 Stevenson 6:01.14 4:13.50 5:47.25 6:28.92 5:09.06
31 Samantha Gehly SO-2 Elizabethtown 4:07.41 4:17.86 5:48.46 5:24.07 5:51.95
33 Emily Young FR-1 Bridgewater (Va.) 6:28.28 7:17.70 5:52.98 5:42.39 6:56.52
34 Jillian Troisi FR-1 Moravian 4:36.46 4:22.28 5:54.43 7:26.59 5:33.17
35 Kathleen McCutcheon FR-1 Franklin & Marshall 5:10.35 7:11.64 5:56.72 4:59.65 4:59.65
36 Sarah Cullum JR-3 Bridgewater (Va.) 7:33.42 4:52.76 5:57.02 4:38.48 5:39.17
38 Abigail Grehlinger FR-1 Franklin & Marshall 7:12.98 6:51.51 5:57.83 7:20.13 7:05.82
39 Victoria Cantelmo FR-1 DeSales 6:27.45 4:25.48 5:58.75 4:14.72 6:20.28
40 Bryn Allston SR-4 Frostburg State 6:19.72 7:17.58 6:01.63 7:06.73 4:38.46
Women's Mile Section 3
8 Rebecca Race JR-3 Dickinson 4:04.63 6:16.59 4:11.06 6:26.25 6:45.56 4:59.34 5:21.87
10 Leigh Manning-Smith SR-4 West Chester 5:07.83 5:33.75 6:22.36 4:12.75 3:53.31 5:43.48 5:24.03
11 Sofia Canning FR-1 Dickinson 4:42.87 5:21.88 6:36.66 4:00.60 4:26.61 4:33.11 5:25.13
12 Kelsey Brady FR-1 Elizabethtown 5:24.62 6:10.52 5:37.73 6:13.80 4:09.20 3:49.53 5:27.89
13 Mallory Snyder FR-1 Muhlenberg 4:06.18 6:30.61 5:31.53 5:11.83 6:14.20 5:05.27 5:28.24
14 Rebekah Gallop FR-1 Bryn Mawr 4:29.28 3:56.44 5:38.24 6:20.92 3:49.87 5:08.68 5:28.38
16 Amanda Asaro SO-2 Gettysburg 4:03.40 3:53.53 6:24.83 7:07.59 5:35.49 6:05.09 5:28.91
17 Lauren Hause FR-1 Misericordia 4:23.73 5:09.88 4:46.81 5:06.59 4:59.99 4:53.40 5:29.66
18 Rachel Bachman JR-3 Susquehanna 4:07.29 4:00.69 6:52.14 6:19.17 5:46.20 4:43.55 5:29.71
19 Keirnan Dougherty SO-2 Susquehanna 6:55.74 4:04.17 6:39.24 5:16.76 4:20.66 3:57.57 5:29.95
20 Holly Eliason FR-1 Messiah 6:59.33 4:10.94 4:01.04 6:09.81 3:51.13 5:23.58 5:30.18
23 Kate Edwards FR-1 Bryn Mawr 4:43.56 5:23.59 5:13.58 6:16.96 4:43.56 6:23.63 5:33.59
25 Alexandra Tendler FR-1 Muhlenberg 5:07.40 6:44.30 6:57.67 5:34.13 6:47.64 4:13.94 5:34.13
43 Taylour Mauro SO-2 Millersville 4:28.49 4:35.85 7:36.06 7:28.71 5:01.59 4:21.13 6:07.79
Women's Mile Section 4
1 Alexandra Zanella JR-3 California (Pa.) 5:07.04 5:22.40 4:48.62 4:05.64 3:34.93 4:11.78 6:33.02
2 Amanda Eisman JR-3 West Chester 5:07.92 3:54.02 6:21.82 4:34.05 4:18.66 5:35.64 5:54.11
3 Katherine Lehman FR-1 Eastern Mennonite 5:12.73 3:48.30 6:37.17 4:13.32 5:03.35 4:50.84 4:16.44
4 Elaine Schmidt SR-4 Bryn Mawr 5:16.62 3:51.14 6:48.44 5:19.79 3:51.14 5:26.12 6:32.61
5 Bethany Killmon SO-2 Misericordia 5:18.65 5:25.03 4:59.53 3:49.43 4:11.74 3:58.99 6:09.64
6 Bianca Bolton JR-3 Misericordia 5:20.08 6:17.70 3:50.46 4:25.67 6:08.10 6:49.71 6:11.30
7 Mackenzie Shelgren JR-3 Dickinson 5:21.76 5:31.42 6:26.12 4:01.32 4:17.41 5:57.16 5:53.94
9 Melanie Tramontina SR-4 Muhlenberg 5:22.59 3:55.49 6:56.15 3:45.82 5:45.18 4:50.33 6:33.56
15 Emily Lambright SR-4 Moravian 5:28.46 4:22.77 5:48.17 4:49.05 4:26.06 6:14.45 4:55.62
21 Katie Downing SO-2 DeSales 5:30.86 7:06.81 6:40.34 4:47.85 4:24.69 4:34.62 4:31.31
22 Alyssa Keich SR-4 Lebanon Valley 5:32.74 4:06.23 7:05.91 4:02.90 5:29.42 4:16.21 5:02.80
24 Samantha Young FR-1 East Stroudsburg 5:33.76 7:07.22 5:47.11 7:07.22 4:37.02 6:10.48 6:33.84
32 Dana Stockdale SR-4 Lebanon Valley 5:48.77 6:16.68 4:56.46 6:23.65 4:14.61 7:02.02 4:07.63