January 29-31, 2015
Texas Tech-Athletic Training Center (Retired) - Lubbock, TX
233m (Flat)
3195 ft. elevation

Women's 800 Meters

1 Chrisann Gordon SO-2 South Plains 2:16.23
2 Domonique Williams SO-2 South Plains 2:16.28
3 monique mcpherson FR-1 Wayland Baptist 2:16.95
4 Sabrina Huelga SR-4 Eastern New Mexico 2:17.90
5 Magdalena Escobar JR-3 North Texas 2:18.81
6 Susie Kemper SO-2 North Texas 2:19.09
7 Kelsi Gonzalez JR-3 New Mexico St. 2:19.47
8 Karyss Betzen Sophomore Unattached 2:19.62
9 Christina Moralez FR-1 North Texas 2:19.87
10 Klaudia Szych FR-1 Eastern New Mexico 2:19.98
11 Patrice Daniels FR-1 Wayland Baptist 2:20.10
12 Victoria Junious FR-1 North Texas 2:20.40
13 CECILIA KUMALALAMENE   Papua New Guinea Club 2:20.61
14 Valerie Rodriguez FR-1 TAMU-Kingsville 2:20.69
15 Melissa Cejas JR-3 Wayland Baptist 2:22.39
16 Kaitlin Rodriguez FR-1 West Texas A&M 2:22.54
17 Elisabeth Richins FR-1 Pratt CC 2:23.92
18 Chloe Smith Senior Unattached 2:24.44
19 Ursula Castillo   Univ of Juarez 2:25.12
20 Ashley Hall SO-2 New Mexico St. 2:25.14
21 Samantha Jones FR-1 Wayland Baptist 2:25.22
22 Rhemecka Graham SR-4 West Texas A&M 2:25.26
23 Kylee Kittrell SO-2 North Texas 2:25.50
24 Jaedyn Ledesma FR-1 Cowley County CC 2:25.72
25 Silvia Sosa FR-1 New Mexico JC 2:26.03
26 Izzy Wilson Junior Unattached 2:28.26
27 Tykeshia Thompson SO-2 Western Texas College 2:28.73
28 Ja'ianna Williams FR-1 New Mexico JC 2:29.08
29 Naomi Tanui FR-1 New Mexico JC 2:29.14
30 Brittany White FR-1 North Texas 2:29.24
31 Roxanna Vidaurri FR-1 Texas-Pan American 2:29.41
32 Sese Dala Junior Unattached 2:29.85
33 Kelsey Warren FR-1 Angelo State 2:30.63
34 Alexiis Nobles FR-1 Western Texas College 2:30.98
35 Catherine Gitahi FR-1 Wayland Baptist 2:31.39
36 Taylor Hall FR-1 McMurry 2:31.41
37 Poro Gahekave   Papua New Guinea 2:31.44
38 Christian Moreno Senior Unattached 2:34.50
39 Azalia Rodriguez JR-3 Eastern New Mexico 2:35.78
40 Trenna Cox SO-2 Barton County CC 2:38.62
41 Kendria Robinson FR-1 West Texas A&M 2:40.50
42 Monica Alanis FR-1 Wayland Baptist 2:40.58
43 Kirsten DeFrance SO-2 McMurry 2:40.79
44 Alyssa Vigil FR-1 North Texas 2:41.22
45 Julee McAtee FR-1 Barton County CC 2:42.37
46 Krystal Rivera FR-1 Pratt CC 2:43.51
47 Hillary Bennett SR-4 Southwestern Christian 2:44.04
48 Jessica Woods FR-1 Cowley County CC 2:45.85
49 Jayci Manning FR-1 Cowley County CC 2:55.26
Women's 800 Meters Section 1
1 Chrisann Gordon SO-2 South Plains 1:35.36 1:51.71 2:16.23
2 Domonique Williams SO-2 South Plains 2:43.54 2:38.09 2:16.28
3 monique mcpherson FR-1 Wayland Baptist 2:33.39 2:49.82 2:16.95
4 Sabrina Huelga SR-4 Eastern New Mexico 1:58.60 1:50.32 2:17.90
6 Susie Kemper SO-2 North Texas 2:06.58 2:53.87 2:19.09
8 Karyss Betzen Sophomore Unattached 1:50.30 1:55.89 2:19.62
9 Christina Moralez FR-1 North Texas 1:37.91 2:31.06 2:19.87
16 Kaitlin Rodriguez FR-1 West Texas A&M 3:01.03 2:13.99 2:22.54
19 Ursula Castillo   Univ of Juarez 1:51.75 2:38.18 2:25.12
22 Rhemecka Graham SR-4 West Texas A&M 3:00.13 1:41.69 2:25.26
Women's 800 Meters Section 2
5 Magdalena Escobar JR-3 North Texas 2:54.90 2:43.80 2:18.81 2:49.35
7 Kelsi Gonzalez JR-3 New Mexico St. 2:40.39 2:30.63 2:19.47 2:47.37
10 Klaudia Szych FR-1 Eastern New Mexico 2:21.38 2:36.78 2:19.98 2:43.78
11 Patrice Daniels FR-1 Wayland Baptist 2:49.53 2:36.92 2:20.10 2:24.31
12 Victoria Junious FR-1 North Texas 2:38.66 2:44.27 2:20.40 2:21.81
13 CECILIA KUMALALAMENE   Papua New Guinea Club 2:38.89 2:45.92 2:20.61 2:51.55
14 Valerie Rodriguez FR-1 TAMU-Kingsville 2:12.25 1:56.78 2:20.69 1:58.18
15 Melissa Cejas JR-3 Wayland Baptist 2:45.18 2:22.39 2:22.39 2:57.99
18 Chloe Smith Senior Unattached 2:28.78 2:57.67 2:24.44 3:03.44
28 Ja'ianna Williams FR-1 New Mexico JC 2:24.61 2:52.94 2:29.08 2:35.05
31 Roxanna Vidaurri FR-1 Texas-Pan American 3:08.26 1:46.09 2:29.41 2:32.40
43 Kirsten DeFrance SO-2 McMurry 2:27.93 2:07.03 2:40.79 3:16.17
Women's 800 Meters Section 3
17 Elisabeth Richins FR-1 Pratt CC 2:23.92 1:47.94 2:12.41 2:12.41 1:47.94 1:59.46 1:53.70
20 Ashley Hall SO-2 New Mexico St. 2:25.14 2:51.27 2:29.50 1:50.31 2:59.98 2:19.34 3:05.78
21 Samantha Jones FR-1 Wayland Baptist 2:25.22 1:48.92 2:35.39 2:09.25 2:12.15 3:07.34 2:25.22
23 Kylee Kittrell SO-2 North Texas 2:25.50 2:37.14 1:52.04 2:16.77 2:50.24 2:28.41 2:09.50
24 Jaedyn Ledesma FR-1 Cowley County CC 2:25.72 2:18.44 2:09.69 3:05.07 1:47.84 2:41.75 2:37.38
25 Silvia Sosa FR-1 New Mexico JC 2:26.03 2:08.51 3:02.54 2:07.05 1:45.15 1:59.75 2:36.26
26 Izzy Wilson Junior Unattached 2:28.26 3:09.78 1:52.68 2:10.47 1:46.75 2:17.89 2:19.37
30 Brittany White FR-1 North Texas 2:29.24 2:09.84 3:02.08 2:38.20 2:41.18 1:53.43 2:21.78
33 Kelsey Warren FR-1 Angelo State 2:30.63 2:05.03 2:15.57 2:41.18 2:50.22 1:52.98 3:00.76
35 Catherine Gitahi FR-1 Wayland Baptist 2:31.39 2:10.20 1:47.49 2:05.66 2:20.80 2:37.45 2:57.13
37 Poro Gahekave   Papua New Guinea 2:31.44 2:54.16 2:04.18 1:53.58 1:52.07 2:17.81 3:06.28
38 Christian Moreno Senior Unattached 2:34.50 1:48.15 2:56.13 2:34.50 2:56.13 2:06.69 2:53.04
44 Alyssa Vigil FR-1 North Texas 2:41.22 2:52.51 2:10.59 2:50.90 3:07.02 2:02.53 2:54.12
Women's 800 Meters Section 4
27 Tykeshia Thompson SO-2 Western Texas College 2:58.48 2:06.42 2:28.73
29 Naomi Tanui FR-1 New Mexico JC 2:38.09 1:53.35 2:29.14
32 Sese Dala Junior Unattached 1:53.89 2:56.83 2:29.85
34 Alexiis Nobles FR-1 Western Texas College 2:43.06 3:16.28 2:30.98
36 Taylor Hall FR-1 McMurry 3:03.21 1:47.51 2:31.41
39 Azalia Rodriguez JR-3 Eastern New Mexico 2:40.46 3:17.84 2:35.78
40 Trenna Cox SO-2 Barton County CC 3:10.35 1:58.97 2:38.62
41 Kendria Robinson FR-1 West Texas A&M 2:24.45 3:28.65 2:40.50
42 Monica Alanis FR-1 Wayland Baptist 3:14.31 1:57.23 2:40.58
45 Julee McAtee FR-1 Barton County CC 3:16.47 3:31.09 2:42.37
46 Krystal Rivera FR-1 Pratt CC 2:01.00 3:11.31 2:43.51
47 Hillary Bennett SR-4 Southwestern Christian 2:09.60 2:16.16 2:44.04
48 Jessica Woods FR-1 Cowley County CC 1:57.76 3:30.63 2:45.85
49 Jayci Manning FR-1 Cowley County CC 2:51.76 3:26.81 2:55.26