March 7- 9, 2014
Boston University-Track & Tennis Center - Boston, MA
200m (Banked)
Men's Distance Medley Relay Finals
Men's Distance Medley Relay Preliminaries
1 | Georgetown | Darren Fahy, Zach Zingsheim, Michael Lederhouse, Collin Leibold | 8:18.99 | 12:04.72 | 9:54.03 | 7:07.71 | 6:55.82 | 9:54.03 | 10:05.91 |
2 | Fordham | Brian Walter, Sean Collins, Lester Taylor, Jonathan Annelli | 12:06.1 | 8:18.0 | 10:00.1 | 8:12.0 | 8:48.0 | 8:06.0 | 8:48.0 |
3 | Connecticut | James Agati, Justin Doehr, Philip Caldwell, Nicholas Bertoline | 7:48.46 | 7:12.42 | 10:00.58 | 7:00.41 | 12:54.75 | 7:18.43 | 10:48.63 |
4 | Va. Military Institute | Avery Martin, Julian Jackson, Jacob Lysher, Andrey Dmitriev | 12:37.23 | 12:43.24 | 10:00.97 | 10:25.01 | 9:00.88 | 11:55.16 | 7:12.70 |
5 | Cornell | Ben Rainero, William Gibson, Sam Baxter, Mark Tedder | 9:44.96 | 9:44.96 | 10:03.05 | 7:20.23 | 7:50.38 | 8:56.72 | 8:56.72 |
6 | St. Joseph's (Pa.) | Tom O'Kane, Tyler Dougherty, Jack Magee, Quinn Davis | 7:28.07 | 11:48.43 | 10:05.49 | 9:04.95 | 8:16.51 | 11:24.21 | 7:09.90 |
7 | Albany | Zachary Cook, Joshua Wray, Raymond Farinella, Christopher Buchanan | 12:37.09 | 12:55.26 | 10:05.67 | 10:42.01 | 11:42.58 | 8:04.54 | 8:10.60 |
8 | Stony Brook | Alex Lopresti, Robert Taylor, Matthew Granata, Gabriel Vazquez | 11:19.80 | 9:12.34 | 10:06.96 | 8:23.78 | 7:10.95 | 11:56.22 | 11:44.08 |
9 | William and Mary | David Gunnerson, Troy Sevachko, Michael Wilkens, Jacob Sears | 9:18.66 | 11:32.26 | 10:07.24 | 7:59.72 | 7:23.29 | 9:00.45 | 11:32.26 |
10 | Army | Dylan Chamberlen, Marcus Phillips, Joseph Hannigan, Alex Duffy | 8:55.7 | 8:00.9 | 10:08.8 | 9:32.2 | 12:04.4 | 12:22.7 | 9:14.0 |
11 | Holy Cross | Francisco Tejidor, Michael Galasso, Nicholas Petsky, Dylan Villescas | 13:06.80 | 7:37.44 | 10:09.92 | 9:57.73 | 8:32.34 | 10:46.52 | 11:04.82 |
12 | Rider | Derek Lake, Jalen Thomas, Matt Sampson, Sam Knipper | 8:28.04 | 12:02.27 | 10:12.09 | 9:41.49 | 9:41.49 | 8:34.16 | 12:45.12 |
13 | UMass Amherst | Michael Fitzpatrick, Hayden Frechette-McCal, Cooper Rudin, Cory Thomas | 11:38.7 | 11:20.3 | 10:12.9 | 11:38.7 | 12:52.2 | 9:42.2 | 9:36.1 |
14 | Boston College | James Zingarini, Obinna Nwankwo, Kellen MacDonald, Richard Lucas | 9:39.1 | 7:42.0 | 10:16.1 | 12:13.1 | 13:02.4 | 7:35.9 | 7:17.4 |
15 | La Salle | Brendan Robertson, Cris Hunter, Chris Trimble, David Ozarowski | 8:38.05 | 7:30.21 | 10:16.72 | 8:56.55 | 12:01.57 | 10:41.39 | 12:38.57 |
16 | Fairleigh Dickinson | Jared Hanko, Philip Guth, Frank Ortiz, Darrel Gooding | 10:06.3 | 11:39.1 | 10:18.7 | 10:31.0 | 10:18.7 | 11:57.6 | 7:13.0 |
17 | Colgate | Everett Stilley, Jonathan Anderson, Troy Kelly, James Paris | 13:29.31 | 11:43.47 | 10:22.54 | 9:51.42 | 11:37.25 | 13:16.86 | 9:26.52 |
18 | Marist | Nate Lungarini, Matt Edwards, Kyle Heubner, Mark Vuono | 12:53.58 | 11:06.66 | 10:28.92 | 10:03.77 | 8:23.14 | 11:06.66 | 11:00.37 |
Men's Distance Medley Relay Preliminaries Heat 1
1 | Georgetown | Fahy, Zingsheim, Lederhouse, Leibold | 9:54.03 |
3 | Connecticut | Agati, Doehr, Caldwell, Bertoline | 10:00.58 |
7 | Albany | Cook, Wray, Farinella, Buchanan | 10:05.67 |
8 | Stony Brook | Lopresti, Taylor, Granata, Vazquez | 10:06.96 |
9 | William and Mary | Gunnerson, Sevachko, Wilkens, Sears | 10:07.24 |
10 | Army | Chamberlen, Phillips, Hannigan, Duffy | 10:08.8 |
11 | Holy Cross | Tejidor, Galasso, Petsky, Villescas | 10:09.92 |
12 | Rider | Lake, Thomas, Sampson, Knipper | 10:12.09 |
13 | UMass Amherst | Fitzpatrick, Frechette-McCal, Rudin, Thomas | 10:12.9 |
15 | La Salle | Robertson, Hunter, Trimble, Ozarowski | 10:16.72 |
16 | Fairleigh Dickinson | Hanko, Guth, Ortiz, Gooding | 10:18.7 |
Men's Distance Medley Relay Preliminaries Heat 2
2 | Fordham | Walter, Collins, Taylor, Annelli | 11:00.1 | 7:24.0 | 8:30.0 | 9:18.0 | 10:00.1 | 12:18.1 |
4 | Va. Military Institute | Martin, Jackson, Lysher, Dmitriev | 12:49.25 | 9:54.96 | 11:31.12 | 7:54.77 | 10:00.97 | 12:55.26 |
5 | Cornell | Rainero, Gibson, Baxter, Tedder | 12:57.94 | 12:39.85 | 8:02.44 | 11:51.60 | 10:03.05 | 8:20.54 |
6 | St. Joseph's (Pa.) | O'Kane, Dougherty, Magee, Davis | 12:00.54 | 8:52.84 | 12:30.81 | 12:55.03 | 10:05.49 | 7:40.18 |
14 | Boston College | Zingarini, Nwankwo, MacDonald, Lucas | 10:53.0 | 13:02.4 | 7:48.2 | 10:16.1 | 10:16.1 | 9:08.3 |
17 | Colgate | Stilley, Anderson, Kelly, Paris | 9:51.42 | 8:05.59 | 8:18.04 | 9:38.97 | 10:22.54 | 12:27.05 |
18 | Marist | Lungarini, Edwards, Heubner, Vuono | 12:34.71 | 9:26.03 | 8:29.43 | 12:28.42 | 10:28.92 | 8:10.56 |