April 24-27, 2013
Drake Stadium - Des Moines, IA

Women's 4 x 400m Relay Division 2 Preliminaries

1 Lincoln (Mo.) Lovan Palmer, Yanique Haye, Nicketa Coombs, Michelle Cumberbatch 3:34.93 3:37.12 2:55.45 4:16.60 3:39.31
2 Iowa Central CC Kianna Carter, Dominique Kimpel, Jessica James, Chantal Duncan 2:53.25 3:59.88 4:35.42 4:44.30 3:42.11
3 Academy of Art Briana Stewart, Dominique Berry, Chantel King, Keanna Moody 3:47.26 4:30.02 3:36.01 3:00.01 3:45.01
4 Oklahoma Baptist Stacy Warrior, Taylor Moore, Aspen Marical, Evan Shimanek 4:13.10 2:44.97 3:23.39 3:59.54 3:45.98
5 Emporia St. Marqueita Marisette, Peyton Weiss, Lindsay Kunkel, Jackie Jacobs 3:44.9 4:21.2 4:28.0 2:39.0 3:47.2
6 Wis.-La Crosse Jenna Halvorson, Rebecca Scheuermann, Shannon Klein, Claire Elliott 3:51.20 2:42.53 4:30.12 3:07.71 3:48.91
7 Winona State Kelsey Bethke, Katie Bagley, Brittney Rynda, Catherine Whitcomb 4:03.68 4:19.77 3:10.80 4:51.95 3:49.88
8 Nova Southeastern Monica Sapp, Jessica Osteen, Ciona Williams, Quannisha Allen 3:50.07 3:40.87 3:43.17 4:56.79 3:50.07
9 Wartburg Karly Cochrane, Taylor Moore, Kayla Kregel, Kendra Kregel 4:41.04 2:41.26 4:06.49 3:38.85 3:50.36
10 Iowa Western CC Tyesa Carey-Walker, Petrene Plummer, Cierra Jones, Shayla Luckett 3:07.75 4:35.83 3:51.79 4:17.29 3:51.79
11 Wis.-River Falls Sophie Lasko, Brittany Nordland, Alyssa Rasmussen, Amanda Rothbauer 4:21.87 4:42.91 4:19.53 3:14.07 3:53.81
12 Augustana (S.D.) Karmen Nyberg, Colleen Everson, Jessika Wager, Kayla Mescher 4:52.29 4:49.95 3:32.79 4:33.59 3:53.83
13 Wis.-Eau Claire Erin Schoenfelder, Brooke Patterson, Calla Karl, Steph Rouse 4:24.24 3:00.06 3:14.09 4:52.30 3:53.84
14 Olivet Nazarene Kamaria Goedhart, Peyton Kirkland, Kalla Gold, Alexandra Ortiz 4:24.55 4:29.23 4:15.18 2:50.90 3:54.11
15 Carthage Kristin LeClair, Patti Laufenberg, Makenzi Morris, Marissa Weiler 4:14.84 3:37.09 3:01.69 4:10.12 3:55.96
16 Lewis Amy Polhemus, Kamille Ferguson, Megan Marchildon, Molly Szilard 3:44.23 4:57.40 2:49.95 2:59.39 3:56.03
17 Dordt Siera Wilgenburg, Robyn Blount, Marisa Broersma, Katie Bonnema 4:41.86 5:03.17 3:47.38 4:11.07 3:56.85
18 Morningside Neeia Cooperwood, Breanna Mathes, Jennifer Petsche, Shelby Hall 2:46.06 3:19.27 4:56.53 4:47.04 3:57.22
19 Central College Camie Kibbee, Taylor Beckman, Katie Sunderman, Felicia Coleman 4:14.28 3:43.39 3:19.62 3:31.50 3:57.64
20 Minnesota State Annie Dahl, Danielle Jones, Bonnie Pickford, Alexis Dickens 3:55.46 4:38.27 3:48.32 5:02.05 3:57.83
21 Millikin Jamie Michl, Alyssa Staib, Kindra Emberton, Ariel Robinson 4:21.35 4:47.97 3:16.02 4:11.67 4:01.99
22 St. Scholastica Emily Lundgren, Laurel Ohaju, Brianna Buske, Maggie Kurtovich 5:02. 3:06. 2:49. 4:16. 4:02.
23 Luther Marea Holkesvik, Anna Hennessy, Jordyn Dudek, Kelsey Strand 3:16.53 5:08.14 4:07.49 3:16.53 4:02.63
24 Mount Mercy Maryann Dike, Liz Mosbach, Allison Scott, Regan Enfield 5:11.12 4:32.23 4:51.68 4:24.94 4:03.06
25 Grinnell Isabelle Miller, Eloise Miller, Sarah Jensen, Christine Ajinjuru 2:53.21 2:58.09 4:25.91 4:52.74 4:03.95
26 Grand View Jasmine Nielsen, Dede Ayers, Ragan Duax, Brooke Hammond 3:13.90 2:54.27 5:14.17 3:33.54 4:05.44
27 Simpson (Iowa) April Sigmund, Lauren Martin, Bayley Fleshner, Sammy Nelson 5:16.61 3:27.78 3:42.62 4:44.46 4:07.35
28 Coe Sara Heizer, Amy Hurd, Kirstin Franklin, Kate Worthington 2:53.58 4:15.41 3:58.06 4:50.13 4:07.97
29 Concordia-Moorhead Callie Christianson, Katie Rosenfeldt, Madeline Phillips, Paige Rygg 4:11.04 3:43.43 4:08.53 4:31.13 4:11.04
Women's 4 x 400m Relay Division 2 Preliminaries Heat 1
4 Oklahoma Baptist Warrior, Moore, Marical, Shimanek 3:23.39 4:53.78 4:31.18 3:45.98 3:07.57 4:40.22 4:28.92
8 Nova Southeastern Sapp, Osteen, Williams, Allen 3:45.47 3:33.97 3:36.27 3:50.07 4:49.89 4:06.18 3:54.68
9 Wartburg Cochrane, Moore, Kregel, Kregel 3:52.67 4:24.92 4:13.40 3:50.36 4:54.86 3:36.54 4:31.83
14 Olivet Nazarene Goedhart, Kirkland, Gold, Ortiz 3:40.07 4:57.32 3:23.68 3:54.11 4:24.55 2:48.56 2:53.25
18 Morningside Cooperwood, Mathes, Petsche, Hall 3:54.85 4:04.34 4:56.53 3:57.22 3:38.25 2:48.43 3:42.99
23 Luther Holkesvik, Hennessy, Dudek, Strand 4:46.31 4:26.90 4:46.31 4:02.63 4:02.63 3:01.98 3:40.80
24 Mount Mercy Dike, Mosbach, Scott, Enfield 3:36.33 4:00.63 3:46.05 4:03.06 5:13.55 4:03.06 4:41.95
25 Grinnell Miller, Miller, Jensen, Ajinjuru 4:28.35 5:12.26 4:35.67 4:03.95 3:46.88 3:59.08 4:42.99
Women's 4 x 400m Relay Division 2 Preliminaries Heat 2
1 Lincoln (Mo.) Palmer, Haye, Coombs, Cumberbatch 3:39.31
7 Winona State Bethke, Bagley, Rynda, Whitcomb 3:49.88
13 Wis.-Eau Claire Schoenfelder, Patterson, Karl, Rouse 3:53.84
16 Lewis Polhemus, Ferguson, Marchildon, Szilard 3:56.03
22 St. Scholastica Lundgren, Ohaju, Buske, Kurtovich 4:02.
27 Simpson (Iowa) Sigmund, Martin, Fleshner, Nelson 4:07.35
29 Concordia-Moorhead Christianson, Rosenfeldt, Phillips, Rygg 4:11.04
Women's 4 x 400m Relay Division 2 Preliminaries Heat 3
3 Academy of Art Stewart, Berry, King, Moody 4:00.76 4:39.02 4:36.77 3:45.01 4:09.77
6 Wis.-La Crosse Halvorson, Scheuermann, Klein, Elliott 3:42.05 4:11.81 4:23.25 3:48.91 4:32.41
11 Wis.-River Falls Lasko, Nordland, Rasmussen, Rothbauer 4:54.60 3:37.45 4:38.24 3:53.81 4:49.93
12 Augustana (S.D.) Nyberg, Everson, Wager, Mescher 3:58.51 4:47.61 2:50.70 3:53.83 4:12.54
26 Grand View Nielsen, Ayers, Duax, Hammond 3:13.90 5:14.17 3:38.45 4:05.44 3:38.45
28 Coe Heizer, Hurd, Franklin, Worthington 4:22.85 4:10.45 4:57.57 4:07.97 4:12.93
Women's 4 x 400m Relay Division 2 Preliminaries Heat 4
2 Iowa Central CC Carter, Kimpel, James, Duncan 3:44.34 4:30.98 3:42.11 2:53.25
5 Emporia St. Marisette, Weiss, Kunkel, Jacobs 3:29.0 3:40.3 3:47.2 4:05.3
10 Iowa Western CC Carey-Walker, Plummer, Jones, Luckett 2:53.85 4:24.24 3:51.79 4:52.06
15 Carthage LeClair, Laufenberg, Morris, Weiler 2:47.54 4:17.20 3:55.96 2:45.18
17 Dordt Wilgenburg, Blount, Broersma, Bonnema 3:30.80 3:23.70 3:56.85 4:51.33
19 Central College Kibbee, Beckman, Sunderman, Coleman 4:40.42 5:04.18 3:57.64 3:41.01
20 Minnesota State Dahl, Jones, Pickford, Dickens 4:24.00 2:46.49 3:57.83 2:56.00
21 Millikin Michl, Staib, Emberton, Robinson 4:52.81 3:35.38 4:01.99 3:52.31