April 4- 6, 2013
William and Mary - Williamsburg, VA

Men's 4 x 800m Relay University

1 Virginia Tech A Ryan Hagen, Kevin DeWillie, Grant Pollock, Tihut Degfae 6:25.98 9:23.08 8:51.29 9:50.32 5:26.95 8:05.88 7:34.09 10
2 Fordham A John Cosgrove, Brian Walter, Ryan Polo, Kevin Fitzgerald 9:40.7 7:09.8 9:40.7 5:24.6 6:19.5 9:54.4 7:37.3 8
3 La Salle A Bret Shepherd, Sean Mallon, Wayne Bartholomew, Paul Reilly 7:21.27 8:25.62 7:53.44 9:48.36 9:52.95 8:34.81 7:39.65 6
4 Georgetown A Ryan Gil, Michael Lederhouse, Ryun Holder, Andrew Ogle 8:58.3 5:35.8 6:40.2 7:49.3 5:58.8 9:07.5 7:40.1 5
5 St. Francis (N.Y.) A Jason Stapleton, Joseph Gilhuley, Paul Gilhuley, Brian Nersten 7:41.39 5:55.27 9:55.20 9:27.51 9:50.58 8:27.53 7:41.39 4
6 Rider A Joseph Carlin, Tom McLaughlin, Darien Edwards, Greg Wesh 8:23.34 7:09.46 8:37.20 9:23.38 9:00.29 5:46.34 7:41.78 3
7 Robert Morris A Freddie Thompson, Sachin Natarajan, Dorian Rumble, Nick Gentile 9:11.8 6:06.3 7:43.7 7:34.4 9:30.3 9:30.3 7:43.7 2
8 Duquesne A Joe O'Such, Brandon Krszal, Adam Shrawder, Evan Gomez 5:47.97 8:30.35 6:34.36 7:57.87 7:11.48 7:57.87 7:43.95 1
9 Shippensburg A Bernard England, Ryan Spangler, Mathieu Bee, Matt Gillette 6:39.51 5:53.05 6:11.64 9:45.32 7:16.67 8:21.71 7:44.54 -
10 George Mason A William McReynolds, Cody Raphael, Parker Boudreau, Tyler Golden 7:40.08 9:54.85 5:34.60 8:07.96 8:12.61 7:40.08 7:44.72 -
11 Bucknell A Dennis Logan, Chris Oesterlin, John Westwood, Michael Johnson 10:09.61 5:37.63 7:39.56 9:36.79 6:29.22 6:01.08 7:48.93 -
12 Wagner A Timothy Mendez, Dan Zaccariello, Darius Moulton, Michael Baio 8:12.42 6:10.49 7:25.53 7:16.15 7:58.35 10:09.67 7:48.97 -
13 St. Joseph's (Pa.) A Andrew Townsend, Jamie Gentile, Garrett Barbalinardo, David Manion 8:04.36 7:03.23 5:33.88 8:13.77 7:31.44 6:02.10 7:50.25 -
14 George Mason
B Jason Hartman, Steven Mitchell, David Rushing, Ryan McGreal 7:50.19 9:29.93 8:18.69 7:12.20 9:34.68 7:02.70 7:54.94 -
15 William and Mary A Ian McFawn, Keith Holleran, Richard Cappetta, David Gunnerson 6:44.21 6:20.44 7:22.26 5:42.39 7:31.77 8:24.08 7:55.54 -
16 Mount St. Mary's A Kody Wilson, Jesse Langton, Sean Caskey, Christopher Jewell 8:49.39 7:06.45 7:16.26 7:50.57 5:43.12 6:27.24 8:10.17 -
17 Seton Hall A ryan flannery, jacob best, Cory Hellwig, Carl Johnston 9:36.60 8:45.12 10:58.97 8:03.93 7:38.19 9:21.16 8:34.82 -
Men's 4 x 800m Relay University Section 1
1 Virginia Tech Hagen, DeWillie, Pollock, Degfae 7:34.09 10
2 Fordham Cosgrove, Walter, Polo, Fitzgerald 7:37.3 8
3 La Salle Shepherd, Mallon, Bartholomew, Reilly 7:39.65 6
4 Georgetown Gil, Lederhouse, Holder, Ogle 7:40.1 5
5 St. Francis (N.Y.) Stapleton, Gilhuley, Gilhuley, Nersten 7:41.39 4
6 Rider Carlin, McLaughlin, Edwards, Wesh 7:41.78 3
10 George Mason McReynolds, Raphael, Boudreau, Golden 7:44.72 -
11 Bucknell Logan, Oesterlin, Westwood, Johnson 7:48.93 -
Men's 4 x 800m Relay University Section 2
7 Robert Morris Thompson, Natarajan, Rumble, Gentile 9:39.6 7:43.7 6:29.5 2
8 Duquesne O'Such, Krszal, Shrawder, Gomez 10:03.14 7:43.95 7:48.59 1
9 Shippensburg England, Spangler, Bee, Gillette 7:25.96 7:44.54 7:49.19 -
12 Wagner Mendez, Zaccariello, Moulton, Baio 6:19.87 7:48.97 7:58.35 -
13 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Townsend, Gentile, Barbalinardo, Manion 7:54.96 7:50.25 5:38.58 -
14 George Mason
Hartman, Mitchell, Rushing, McGreal 7:50.19 7:54.94 8:47.19 -
15 William and Mary McFawn, Holleran, Cappetta, Gunnerson 9:44.92 7:55.54 7:17.50 -
16 Mount St. Mary's Wilson, Langton, Caskey, Jewell 10:07.81 8:10.17 9:58.01 -
17 Seton Hall flannery, best, Hellwig, Johnston 10:58.97 8:34.82 6:57.01 -