May 6- 7, 2011
Howard Wood Field - Sioux Falls, SD

Men's Sprint Medley Relay

1 Worthington MN HS Danny Rodriguez, Will Collin, Jeremy Clark, OJ Ojullu 2:44.83 3:10.85 3:36.87 2:36.15
2 Tea Area HS Dalton Hohn, Riley Knutson, Erik Hill, Brady Ihnen 2:51.96 4:40.80 3:37.67 3:31.14
3 Redfield/Doland HS maurcel gaines-banister, mike schmidt, trent baldwin, ben gillette 4:11.00 4:41.82 3:40.17 4:08.80
4 Aberdeen Roncalli HS Layne Holzer, Sean Schmidt, Chris Malsam, Christian Cox 3:15.21 3:24.09 3:41.83 4:43.95
5 West Central HS Devon Blaine, Justin Erichsen, Dalton Kuehl, Tim Weber 4:44.02 3:46.33 3:41.89 4:08.52
6 Flandreau HS DJ Johanson, David Parsley, Joe Parsley, Nic Behrens 4:20.3 3:24.7 3:42.5 4:11.4
7 Vermillion HS Cody Olson, Brenden Raizola, Colin Olson, Tanner Anderson 4:07.70 3:52.08 3:43.15 3:34.23
8 Harrisburg HS Kory Wheeler, Chad Teslaa, Trevor DeSchepper, Steve Selchert 2:49.85 4:21.48 3:43.48 3:32.31
9 Winner HS Kyle Bertram, Zach Horstman, Skyler Kuil, Donovan Brother of All 3:21.90 3:57.79 3:44.33 2:41.52
10 LacQuiParle Valley-Dawson Andrew Banken, Blake Hoium, Evan Robertson, Ryan Swenson 4:51.71 4:24.78 3:44.39 4:44.98
11 Platte-Geddes HS Dillon Werkmeister, Cody Wagner, Jon Hoeksema, Keagan Ringling 4:39.80 4:53.34 3:45.64 2:51.49
12 Custer HS Trevor Schryvers, Tanner Eiesland, Jared Thomsen, Greg Witt 3:25.72 3:50.59 3:46.06 4:15.45
13 Baltic HS Cody Harwig, Ethan Brende, Tom Sittig, Josiah Aberson 4:07.17 3:26.36 3:46.76 3:15.02
14 Madison HS D'Artist Williams, Hayden Namken, Chris Nielsen, Jacob Giles 4:05.30 4:30.29 3:47.13 2:52.62
15 Canton HS Cody Majeres, Seth Kroger, Kyler Kniffen, Gabe Dolen 4:29.13 2:48.78 3:48.07 4:29.13
16 Bon Homme HS Tad Schuurmans, Travis McDonald, Cody Larson, Jared Van Winkle 4:43.08 4:29.39 3:48.29 4:13.41
17 George-Little Rock HS Eric Schilling, Matt Nagel, Ethan Van Briesen, Jesse Henrichs 3:00.53 2:55.96 3:48.51 4:15.94
18 SF Christian HS Andrew DeVaney, Brett Korn, Cameron Brooks, Trace Miller 2:53.98 4:48.44 3:48.92 3:07.72
19 Chester Area HS Austin Dossett, Jordan VanLiere, Dylan Kreutzfeldt, Branden Anderson 4:03.88 4:47.59 3:50.07 3:59.28
20 Hill City HS Jordan Knowlton-Key, Kyle Alexander, Mike Bistodeau, Tyler Triplett 4:24.65 3:38.63 3:50.13 3:50.13
21 Pipestone Area MN HS Aaron Kozlowski, Casey Kooiker, Griffin Veldhuizen, Sawyer Pals 4:12.11 4:16.78 3:53.43 3:11.42
22 Milbank HS Seth Phillips, Andy Buchele, Nick Mears, Jalen Snaza 2:56.24 3:08.14 3:58.15 3:27.19
23 Fulda, MN HS 3:23.08 2:57.70 4:13.85 4:44.32
24 Lennox HS Carl Lang, Dereck DeVries, Travis Tyler 3:31.38 4:02.31 4:17.77 3:23.64
Men's Sprint Medley Relay Section 1
8 Harrisburg HS Wheeler, Teslaa, DeSchepper, Selchert 4:43.82 3:43.48 3:30.08 4:43.82 4:08.07 3:50.19 2:54.32
12 Custer HS Schryvers, Eiesland, Thomsen, Witt 4:51.62 3:46.06 4:49.36 3:21.20 4:04.15 4:13.19 4:49.36
13 Baltic HS Harwig, Brende, Sittig, Aberson 3:08.21 3:46.76 4:09.44 3:49.03 4:54.79 2:50.07 4:23.05
14 Madison HS Williams, Namken, Nielsen, Giles 4:28.02 3:47.13 3:40.32 4:48.46 4:34.83 4:32.56 4:12.12
15 Canton HS Majeres, Kroger, Kniffen, Dolen 4:26.85 3:48.07 4:42.81 2:39.65 3:52.64 3:04.74 3:02.46
20 Hill City HS Knowlton-Key, Alexander, Bistodeau, Triplett 3:27.12 3:50.13 2:59.51 4:54.57 4:36.16 4:29.26 3:52.44
22 Milbank HS Phillips, Buchele, Mears, Snaza 3:15.29 3:58.15 3:08.14 3:36.72 3:43.87 2:46.71 2:46.71
24 Lennox HS Lang, DeVries, Tyler 3:15.91 4:17.77 5:04.17 3:31.38 3:26.22 3:39.11 3:54.57
Men's Sprint Medley Relay Section 2
5 West Central HS Blaine, Erichsen, Kuehl, Weber 3:41.89 3:35.24 3:46.33 3:17.49 4:17.40 4:30.71
7 Vermillion HS Olson, Raizola, Olson, Anderson 3:43.15 2:40.67 2:54.06 3:09.68 2:58.52 3:11.91
9 Winner HS Bertram, Horstman, Kuil, Brother of All 3:44.33 3:08.44 4:47.15 4:42.66 3:33.12 3:33.12
16 Bon Homme HS Schuurmans, McDonald, Larson, Van Winkle 3:48.29 4:40.80 4:33.95 4:38.52 2:55.79 3:11.77
17 George-Little Rock HS Schilling, Nagel, Van Briesen, Henrichs 3:48.51 3:18.81 3:59.94 4:57.07 3:41.66 3:50.80
19 Chester Area HS Dossett, VanLiere, Kreutzfeldt, Anderson 3:50.07 3:56.98 4:42.99 3:15.56 4:22.28 3:50.07
21 Pipestone Area MN HS Kozlowski, Kooiker, Veldhuizen, Pals 3:53.43 5:01.13 3:46.43 3:06.75 4:16.78 4:54.13
23 Fulda, MN HS 4:13.85 5:04.62 5:24.93 5:30.01 3:30.70 3:02.78
Men's Sprint Medley Relay Section 3
1 Worthington MN HS Rodriguez, Collin, Clark, Ojullu 4:26.75 3:36.87 2:57.84 2:53.50 2:36.15 3:19.52
2 Tea Area HS Hohn, Knutson, Hill, Ihnen 2:45.43 3:37.67 2:43.26 2:54.14 4:23.38 4:42.98
3 Redfield/Doland HS gaines-banister, schmidt, baldwin, gillette 4:13.20 3:40.17 2:38.53 2:47.33 3:20.36 3:15.96
4 Aberdeen Roncalli HS Holzer, Schmidt, Malsam, Cox 4:43.95 3:41.83 3:04.12 3:04.12 3:37.40 2:46.38
6 Flandreau HS Johanson, Parsley, Parsley, Behrens 3:22.4 3:42.5 4:24.7 4:11.4 3:49.1 4:15.8
10 LacQuiParle Valley-Dawson Banken, Hoium, Robertson, Swenson 4:47.22 3:44.39 4:33.76 3:35.42 4:22.54 3:55.61
11 Platte-Geddes HS Werkmeister, Wagner, Hoeksema, Ringling 4:12.72 3:45.64 4:35.28 3:02.77 4:35.28 2:49.23
18 SF Christian HS DeVaney, Korn, Brooks, Miller 4:27.84 3:48.92 4:14.11 3:14.59 4:34.71 3:19.16