March 18-19, 2005
SDSU - San Diego, CA

Men's 400 Meters

1 Carlos Gonzalez   Unattached 48.99 45.63 48.03 40.83 44.19 48.99 58.60
2 Carlos Moore   Southern CA Cheetahs 1:03.04 1:02.07 48.49 56.74 46.07 40.74 56.74
3 JJ Wood Senior Southern Utah 57.74 53.38 48.52 57.74 38.82 40.28 59.68
4 Torrance Chaplin   Unattached 34.29 38.70 48.98 34.29 45.07 57.31 59.27
5 Jon Collins Sophomore U-Cerritos 57.27 1:04.19 49.37 1:01.72 39.99 49.87 38.02
6 Johnathan Roberts Freshman Mt. San Antonio 38.5 1:00.7 49.4 1:00.2 44.4 44.4 37.0
7 Jamario McClain Sophomore Cerritos 1:03.91 56.48 49.54 57.97 35.67 39.14 53.01
8 David Howard Sophomore Cerritos 49.7 36.2 49.7 43.2 39.2 52.1 43.7
9 Alex Ponce Freshman Glendale 1:03.8 35.9 49.9 53.8 42.9 54.3 52.3
10 Ramon White Freshman Cerritos 42.57 42.07 50.08 57.10 37.56 35.06 49.58
11 Borja Cervera Freshman Alliant International 51.14 1:03.67 50.13 35.60 47.63 38.10 37.10
12 Erik Van Aken Freshman Vanguard U. 44.65 56.18 50.16 35.62 41.64 38.63 36.62
12 Patrick Swan Freshman Middlebury 41.14 55.18 50.16 38.13 52.17 58.19 1:00.70
14 Reginald Kemp Freshman Santa Ana 54.19 1:05.23 50.17 58.70 58.70 58.70 43.65
15 Nick Digani Senior Middlebury 1:01.32 46.75 50.26 50.26 52.27 54.79 39.71
16 Robert Trada Junior Cal St. San Marcos 53.8 58.8 50.3 40.7 55.8 36.2 56.3
17 Nathaniel Darling Freshman Moorpark 52.38 43.82 50.36 59.43 1:02.45 42.81 50.36
18 Matthew Hamilton Freshman Cal St. San Marcos 44.96 55.06 50.51 46.98 1:03.65 46.47 54.05
19 Joseph Gaines Freshman Southwestern 54.99 39.20 50.91 40.22 1:01.10 51.93 50.91
20 rodney brown Sophomore Unattached 49.46 54.56 50.99 50.48 46.40 36.72 1:05.78
21 Jonathan Rozelle Sophomore U-Glendale 38.26 47.44 51.01 1:05.30 48.97 43.87 37.75
22 Chad Latourelle Freshman Mt. San Antonio 53.3 40.5 51.3 41.0 47.7 41.5 1:00.5
23 David Catchings Junior University of La verne 56.73 1:03.44 51.57 49.51 1:03.95 51.57 47.96
24 Dennis Pollard Freshman Orange Coast 42.60 55.59 51.95 47.28 57.15 51.95 1:01.82
25 Mike Price Freshman Cerritos 1:04.37 47.10 52.33 45.01 49.72 52.33 1:05.94
26 Jeremy Stevens Freshman Moorpark 50.27 51.84 52.36 1:07.02 41.37 38.75 56.03
27 Chris Schmidt Sophomore Middlebury 38.91 1:02.04 52.57 49.95 1:03.61 1:06.77 1:05.72
28 Rodney Brown Freshman Southwestern 47.94 46.36 52.68 1:01.11 1:04.27 44.78 1:00.59
29 Robert Oyamo Junior Alliant International 1:03.41 43.16 53.28 45.82 42.63 1:01.28 58.61
30 Drew Dilworth Junior Cal St. Fullerton 52.37 42.21 53.43 44.35 1:06.26 1:05.19 1:01.45
31 Tim Walker Senior Unattached 57.88 1:02.17 53.59 47.70 53.06 57.88 48.77
32 Fiat Johnson Freshman San Diego Mesa 56.40 39.59 54.23 52.61 1:08.33 42.85 1:07.25
34 Matt Malek Freshman Middlebury 55.18 39.88 54.63 59.00 1:02.83 49.72 45.35
35 Michael Whitehead Freshman Santa Ana 52.78 1:02.13 54.98 38.49 57.73 42.34 1:08.73
36 Marcus Carroll   Unattached 1:02. 1:07. 55. 59. 55. 59. 53.
37 Bryan Shealy Freshman Cal St. San Marcos 1:00.81 1:11.87 55.28 48.10 46.44 53.63 39.81
38 Sergey Ulchenko Freshman Glendale 1:01.97 44.27 55.33 1:01.97 41.50 1:03.08 1:07.51
0 Travis Laster Freshman Mt. San Antonio NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Michael Griffith Freshman Santa Ana NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Taurean Jones Sophomore Glendale NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Nicholas Banks Freshman San Diego Mesa NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Josh Seaver Freshman Cal St. Fullerton NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Chris Johnson Freshman Scottsdale CC NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Nick Brokhausen Freshman Unattached NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 David Johnson Sophomore Riverside NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Tyrae Jones Sophomore San Diego Mesa NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Marshall Dobkin Freshman Mt. San Antonio NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Korey Cook Sophomore Moorpark NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Chris Pelliccia Sophomore Middlebury NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Steven Club Freshman Mt. San Antonio NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Kyle Wimberly Freshman Moorpark NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Milton Browne   New Era Track Club NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Dan McGhee Sophomore Cuyamaca NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
Men's 400 Meters Section 1
1 Carlos Gonzalez   Unattached 48.03 37.47 58.60
2 Carlos Moore   Southern CA Cheetahs 48.49 36.37 39.28
3 JJ Wood Senior Southern Utah 48.52 37.85 56.77
4 Torrance Chaplin   Unattached 48.98 34.29 51.43
6 Johnathan Roberts Freshman Mt. San Antonio 49.4 58.2 48.4
15 Nick Digani Senior Middlebury 50.26 49.26 1:05.34
0 Korey Cook Sophomore Moorpark NT NT NT
0 Milton Browne   New Era Track Club NT NT NT
0 David Johnson Sophomore Riverside NT NT NT
Men's 400 Meters Section 2
7 Jamario McClain Sophomore Cerritos 49.54
8 David Howard Sophomore Cerritos 49.7
11 Borja Cervera Freshman Alliant International 50.13
12 Erik Van Aken Freshman Vanguard U. 50.16
22 Chad Latourelle Freshman Mt. San Antonio 51.3
23 David Catchings Junior University of La verne 51.57
30 Drew Dilworth Junior Cal St. Fullerton 53.43
0 Nick Brokhausen Freshman Unattached NT
0 Chris Johnson Freshman Scottsdale CC NT
Men's 400 Meters Section 3
5 Jon Collins Sophomore U-Cerritos 49.37 59.74 1:02.21 39.50 1:04.19 46.41 52.34
10 Ramon White Freshman Cerritos 50.08 39.07 1:04.11 51.59 50.08 1:04.11 59.10
12 Patrick Swan Freshman Middlebury 50.16 42.14 59.19 48.66 1:02.70 35.12 35.12
16 Robert Trada Junior Cal St. San Marcos 50.3 53.8 58.3 1:02.8 1:02.3 59.3 41.7
20 rodney brown Sophomore Unattached 50.99 41.31 50.48 53.03 36.21 1:03.23 37.74
21 Jonathan Rozelle Sophomore U-Glendale 51.01 1:03.77 59.18 49.99 1:04.79 45.40 52.54
25 Mike Price Freshman Cerritos 52.33 1:08.03 39.25 46.05 51.81 1:03.85 1:05.42
0 Travis Laster Freshman Mt. San Antonio NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Chris Pelliccia Sophomore Middlebury NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
Men's 400 Meters Section 4
9 Alex Ponce Freshman Glendale 49.9 41.9
14 Reginald Kemp Freshman Santa Ana 50.17 1:02.21
17 Nathaniel Darling Freshman Moorpark 50.36 54.90
18 Matthew Hamilton Freshman Cal St. San Marcos 50.51 1:04.66
29 Robert Oyamo Junior Alliant International 53.28 38.90
0 Josh Seaver Freshman Cal St. Fullerton NT NT
0 Tyrae Jones Sophomore San Diego Mesa NT NT
0 Kyle Wimberly Freshman Moorpark NT NT
0 Taurean Jones Sophomore Glendale NT NT
Men's 400 Meters Section 5
19 Joseph Gaines Freshman Southwestern 50.91
24 Dennis Pollard Freshman Orange Coast 51.95
27 Chris Schmidt Sophomore Middlebury 52.57
31 Tim Walker Senior Unattached 53.59
32 Fiat Johnson Freshman San Diego Mesa 54.23
34 Matt Malek Freshman Middlebury 54.63
36 Marcus Carroll   Unattached 55.
0 Marshall Dobkin Freshman Mt. San Antonio NT
0 Nicholas Banks Freshman San Diego Mesa NT
Men's 400 Meters Section 6
26 Jeremy Stevens Freshman Moorpark 1:05.45 52.36 46.08
28 Rodney Brown Freshman Southwestern 49.00 52.68 44.78
35 Michael Whitehead Freshman Santa Ana 58.83 54.98 40.69
37 Bryan Shealy Freshman Cal St. San Marcos 39.25 55.28 1:06.89
38 Sergey Ulchenko Freshman Glendale 49.80 55.33 48.69
0 Dan McGhee Sophomore Cuyamaca NT NT NT
0 Steven Club Freshman Mt. San Antonio NT NT NT
0 Michael Griffith Freshman Santa Ana NT NT NT