March 25-26, 2011
LSU-Bernie Moore Track - Baton Rouge, LA

Women's Sprint Medley Relay High School

1 The Woodlands Kaylee McCarthy, Alexis Crowe, Lindsay Wilken, Katie Willard 2:58.73 4:04.83
2 UMS-Wright Allie Parker, Daly Miller, Kristen Lazarchic, Kathryn Lazarchic 3:48.55 4:16.79
3 Bourgeois, H.L. Marquisha Haynes, Vanessa Williams, Rechelle Lafont, Jessica Coleman 3:09.27 4:19.27
4 Ruston Sunni Mcallister, Nakera Jenkins, Madison Meyer, Hannah Mcintire 4:38.74 4:22.96
5 Houston Lynda Means, Kearra Taylor, Martina Little, Kelsey Jackson 3:21.48 4:28.64
6 Hancock Samantha Sattler, Ariel Whavers, Anna Poteet, Evie Savage 3:40.53 4:28.93
7 St. Joseph's, Baton Rouge Bria Murray, Emily Mitchell, Laura Powell, Anna Maxwell 4:21.88 4:32.79
8 St. Thomas Aquinas Brittany Brumfield, Taylor Kast, Averielle Steward, Carmen Brothers 4:32.92 4:32.92
9 University Lab Katie Sands, Lauren Halliburton, Kayla Harris, Diamond Jackson 5:04.23 4:34.08
10 McKinley Valencia Chatman, Tayler Louis, Jacy Hollins, Tramaine Shannon 5:08.1 4:45.3
11 East Ascension Chaquera Caldwell, Jalasia Fernandez, Jalaicee Banks, Rashine Taylor 6:11.17 4:49.97
12 Denham Springs Mallory Stout, Morgan McBride, Darian Jarreau, Rebekah Farlow 5:38.8 4:52.1
13 Hutchison School Bess Nelson, May Montague, Evelyn Reed, Annie Montague 5:18.05 4:54.49
14 McComb Raven Tucker, Diamond Crumedy, Quanita Godbold, Rachel Jones 4:13.33 4:54.56
15 White Station Diarra Smith, Tierra Lebeauf, Nadia Good, Ellyncia Haywood 5:16.25 5:01.19
16 Williamson khadijah Inge, Taneka Betts, Tenia Lockett, Claraesaw McCall 6:40.70 5:20.56
Women's Sprint Medley Relay High School Section 1
1 The Woodlands McCarthy, Crowe, Wilken, Willard 3:13.42 4:04.83 4:39.11
2 UMS-Wright Parker, Miller, Lazarchic, Lazarchic 2:59.76 4:16.79 5:03.02
3 Bourgeois, H.L. Haynes, Williams, Lafont, Coleman 3:06.68 4:19.27 5:00.76
4 Ruston Mcallister, Jenkins, Meyer, Mcintire 4:33.48 4:22.96 4:25.59
6 Hancock Sattler, Whavers, Poteet, Savage 5:09.27 4:28.93 5:46.92
8 St. Thomas Aquinas Brumfield, Kast, Steward, Brothers 5:30.24 4:32.92 3:19.24
9 University Lab Sands, Halliburton, Harris, Jackson 4:23.12 4:34.08 5:15.20
14 McComb Tucker, Crumedy, Godbold, Jones 5:00.46 4:54.56 4:33.94
Women's Sprint Medley Relay High School Section 2
5 Houston Means, Taylor, Little, Jackson 4:42.08 4:42.08 4:28.64
7 St. Joseph's, Baton Rouge Murray, Mitchell, Powell, Maxwell 3:19.14 5:27.35 4:32.79
10 McKinley Chatman, Louis, Hollins, Shannon 4:42.4 5:08.1 4:45.3
11 East Ascension Caldwell, Fernandez, Banks, Taylor 5:45.07 4:18.08 4:49.97
12 Denham Springs Stout, McBride, Jarreau, Farlow 4:43.3 4:43.3 4:52.1
13 Hutchison School Nelson, Montague, Reed, Montague 4:22.10 5:26.89 4:54.49
15 White Station Smith, Lebeauf, Good, Haywood 5:16.25 5:13.24 5:01.19
16 Williamson Inge, Betts, Lockett, McCall 5:07.74 4:58.12 5:20.56