March 5- 6, 2011
Boston University-Track & Tennis Center - Boston, MA
200m (Banked)

Men's Distance Medley Relay Finals

1 Duquesne Mark Bucklaw, Paul Blinn, Dave Farina, Jim Spisak 9:14.34 9:49.72 10
2 Delaware James Townsend, Vinny Fronczkowski, Mike Tait, Corey Wall 9:44.22 9:50.12 8
3 Penn Darryll Oliver, Brian Rosenthal, Robert Harwood, Matt Chylak 11:54.06 9:50.13 6
4 Connecticut Alex Bennatan, Chris Whyte, Tim Bennatan, Scott Johnson 10:38.27 9:50.99 5
5 Temple Travis Mahoney, Aaron Taylor, Lou Parisi, Eddie Penetar 8:23.52 9:52.37 4
6 Yale Julian Sheinbaum, Daniel Jones, James Shirvell, Matt Bogdan 7:07.9 9:54.4 3
7 Bucknell Chris Boyd, Dennis Logan, Clay Smith, Dustin Horning 12:07.72 10:01.42 2
8 La Salle Kevin Day, Justin Fowler, Colin Barrett, Sean Mallon 7:58.69 10:21.67 1

Men's Distance Medley Relay Preliminaries

1 Delaware James Townsend, Vinny Fronczkowski, Mike Tait, Corey Wall 12:13.41 9:33.72 8:10.92 9:51.46 7:23.60
2 Connecticut Scott Johnson, Kyle Edmonds, Alex Bennatan, Joe Clark 8:38.89 11:13.96 12:13.60 9:56.42 11:49.74
3 Tufts Jamie Norton, Graham Beutler, Jeff Marvel, Sam Haney 11:52.17 8:28.70 10:52.33 9:58.46 12:52.02
4 Duquesne Adam Shrawder, Paul Blinn, Dave Farina, Mark Bucklaw 9:36.30 9:54.12 10:17.89 9:54.12 12:34.54
5 Penn Darryll Oliver, Seck Barry, Robert Harwood, Steven Piscatelli 7:26.65 7:44.52 9:31.71 9:55.53 11:42.73
6 Bucknell Dustin Horning, Dennis Logan, Clay Smith, Chris Boyd 8:15.21 12:13.86 12:01.93 9:56.63 7:21.51
7 La Salle Kevin Day, Justin Fowler, Colin Barrett, Sean Mallon 11:44.36 12:55.99 10:14.82 9:56.91 7:39.62
8 Temple Travis Mahoney, Aaron Taylor, Lou Parisi, Eddie Penetar 8:17.11 12:46.62 8:53.04 9:58.92 11:10.79
9 Yale Julian Sheinbaum, Daniel Jones, James Shirvell, Matt Bogdan 11:22.80 12:04.72 11:16.81 9:58.94 12:40.66
10 Navy Cody Thompson, Lorenzo Armijo, Weston Kennedy, Michael Sheehan 10:11.15 7:05.41 9:17.22 9:59.16 9:53.17
11 St. Francis (N.Y.) Paul Gilhuley, Anthony Andrews, Joseph Gilhuley, Rafal Ksepka 9:35.74 10:53.70 12:35.65 9:59.72 10:11.72
12 Colgate Christopher Johnson, Grahm Tooker, Dan Schwaibold, Daniel Gleason 8:19.36 7:19.19 7:07.16 10:01.63 9:43.59
13 Wagner Dan Zaccariello, Derek Schultz, Colin Macdonald, Thomas Iannacone 10:21.03 12:45.74 7:20.15 10:02.94 11:39.41
14 Rutgers Ben Forrest, Hamer Farag, Casey Weiss, Nick Miehe 9:21.00 7:08.29 12:58.16 10:03.22 7:44.48
15 St. Francis (Pa.) Nick Gibson, Daniel Drozdowsky, Chris Behre, Kyle Gibson 9:33.53 8:33.16 8:57.31 10:03.71 12:58.79
16 William and Mary Liam Anastasia-Murph, Chris McIntosh, David Blitzer, Josh Hardin 9:09.43 10:33.95 8:09.05 10:03.76 10:33.95
17 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Aaron Leskow, Griffith Roberts, Andrew Townsend, Tom O'Kane 8:46.60 9:53.18 8:34.49 10:05.28 8:52.65
18 George Mason Robert Reynolds, Tyler Golden, Andrew McGreal, Daniel Callan 12:55.66 11:00.52 8:22.97 10:05.98 10:30.22
19 Fordham Thomas Kelly, Sam Houston, Tim Hutchinson, Michael Belgiovine 13:16.62 12:58.23 12:33.72 10:12.78 12:03.08
20 Lehigh Stephen Abate, Kenneth Wilkinson, Niall Buckley, Samuel Bernitt 9:05.3 7:45.7 8:16.3 10:12.8 12:03.1
21 Va. Military Institute Ermin Mujezinovic, Kyle Fuller, Jason Thorpe, Cabell Willis 13:11.46 10:56.48 9:30.59 10:13.53 9:55.13
22 Marist Ben Windisch, Phil Krupka, Kyle Havard, Billy Posch 9:06.07 8:53.80 12:28.55 10:13.56 12:16.28
23 Monmouth Pat Egan, Eric Fay, Ford Palmer, Sean Hartnett 8:30.56 13:01.22 10:58.19 10:15.13 7:16.75
24 Stony Brook James Snak, Christopher Priore, Michael Lopizzo, Daniel Denis 10:40.19 13:07.92 8:49.39 10:15.56 12:30.99
25 UMass Amherst Jared Reddy, Zachary Hildenbrandt, Michael McDonough, Patrick McAllister 7:24.51 7:43.29 11:28.67 10:26.06 12:43.80
Men's Distance Medley Relay Preliminaries Heat 1
2 Connecticut Johnson, Edmonds, Bennatan, Clark 9:38.53 9:56.42 11:13.96 7:51.18 9:32.57 12:25.53 7:03.46
7 La Salle Day, Fowler, Barrett, Mallon 12:20.17 9:56.91 7:51.56 10:44.67 9:21.10 12:44.05 12:38.08
10 Navy Thompson, Armijo, Kennedy, Sheehan 9:23.21 9:59.16 10:29.12 10:41.11 9:17.22 12:04.99 10:35.11
11 St. Francis (N.Y.) Gilhuley, Andrews, Gilhuley, Ksepka 7:53.78 9:59.72 10:23.71 8:53.75 8:47.76 11:29.68 11:59.67
13 Wagner Zaccariello, Schultz, Macdonald, Iannacone 8:32.50 10:02.94 12:45.74 8:50.59 11:27.36 7:14.12 8:56.62
14 Rutgers Forrest, Farag, Weiss, Miehe 9:33.06 10:03.22 11:33.71 9:39.10 11:09.58 8:02.58 8:14.64
20 Lehigh Abate, Wilkinson, Buckley, Bernitt 10:55.6 10:12.8 11:44.7 9:48.2 10:12.8 8:47.0 13:04.3
23 Monmouth Egan, Fay, Palmer, Hartnett 10:45.89 10:15.13 10:58.19 9:56.68 9:50.53 8:30.56 12:55.07
24 Stony Brook Snak, Priore, Lopizzo, Denis 12:18.68 10:15.56 10:27.88 12:49.45 11:41.74 12:49.45 10:03.25
Men's Distance Medley Relay Preliminaries Heat 2
1 Delaware Townsend, Fronczkowski, Tait, Wall 7:41.34 6:54.03 9:51.46 9:04.15 7:35.43 8:58.23 7:53.17
4 Duquesne Shrawder, Blinn, Farina, Bucklaw 11:41.07 11:47.01 9:54.12 11:52.95 11:23.24 7:19.65 9:06.59
5 Penn Oliver, Barry, Harwood, Piscatelli 11:36.77 9:49.58 9:55.53 10:37.22 11:42.73 10:07.44 9:25.76
6 Bucknell Horning, Logan, Smith, Boyd 11:08.23 10:50.33 9:56.63 10:08.57 9:56.63 10:32.43 12:49.66
16 William and Mary Anastasia-Murph, McIntosh, Blitzer, Hardin 7:20.75 10:21.88 10:03.76 10:03.76 12:04.52 10:09.80 11:58.48
18 George Mason Reynolds, Golden, McGreal, Callan 12:55.66 10:24.16 10:05.98 8:16.91 7:40.55 8:35.09 7:04.19
19 Fordham Kelly, Houston, Hutchinson, Belgiovine 10:00.53 10:12.78 10:12.78 10:00.53 10:25.04 11:26.32 11:14.06
22 Marist Windisch, Krupka, Havard, Posch 7:40.17 10:50.38 10:13.56 13:05.36 9:36.75 8:29.26 10:31.97
Men's Distance Medley Relay Preliminaries Heat 3
3 Tufts Norton, Beutler, Marvel, Haney 8:04.76 10:58.31 9:58.46
8 Temple Mahoney, Taylor, Parisi, Penetar 12:40.63 12:46.62 9:58.92
9 Yale Sheinbaum, Jones, Shirvell, Bogdan 11:52.74 9:29.00 9:58.94
12 Colgate Johnson, Tooker, Schwaibold, Gleason 12:13.99 9:13.50 10:01.63
15 St. Francis (Pa.) Gibson, Drozdowsky, Behre, Gibson 10:45.97 8:39.19 10:03.71
17 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Leskow, Roberts, Townsend, O'Kane 9:28.97 8:10.28 10:05.28
21 Va. Military Institute Mujezinovic, Fuller, Thorpe, Willis 7:58.56 13:05.32 10:13.53
25 UMass Amherst Reddy, Hildenbrandt, McDonough, McAllister 12:50.06 8:39.63 10:26.06