May 14-16, 2010
Princeton - Princeton, NJ

Men's 4 x 800 Relay Preliminaries

1 Connecticut Dan Holst, Scott Johnson, Alex Bennatan, Tim Bennatan 6:04.92 7:30.51 7:44.03
2 Penn Matt Chylak, Kevin Kiley, Michael Cunningham, Brian Fulton 8:16.59 7:31.44 9:46.88
3 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Stephen Young, Andrew Townsend, Ryan Garvin, Luke Fischer 9:06.31 7:31.49 7:26.98
4 Fordham Tim Hutchinson, Kevin Fitzgerald, John Cosgrove, Brian Schmidt 7:21.55 7:30.56 9:32.22
5 Albany Aaron Lozier, Paul Lagno, Sean Halpin, Nicolas Santos 8:20.36 7:30.77 7:08.24
6 Brown Chris Collins, Zach Malet, Christian Trautwein, Anthony Schurz 7:03.93 7:30.98 7:35.49
7 George Mason Tyler Golden, Sam Horn, Robert Reynolds, Michael Pachella 6:28.29 7:31.49 7:13.43
8 Navy George Stevenson, David Ash, Matthew Evers, Lucas Connelly 6:47.13 7:32.36 9:07.36
9 La Salle Nick Crits, Paul Reilly, Terence McPeak, Trevon Rainford 6:38.74 7:33.11 7:19.52
10 Princeton Michael Palmisano, Tyler King, Russell Dinkins, Peter Callahan 5:49.35 7:33.69 5:49.35
11 Cornell Andy Arnold, Will McFall, Tommy Roy, David McCuiston 9:49.83 7:33.71 6:07.51
12 Delaware Nate Twer, Mike Tait, James Townsend, Corey Wall 7:56.89 7:34.18 8:28.69
13 Army Andrew Tingan, Thomas Meyer, Corbin Helis, Bryce Livingston 8:09.35 7:37.33 6:42.45
14 Lehigh Matthew Foley, Vincent Chiusano, Stephen Abate, Kyle O'Connor 7:52.76 7:38.99 9:15.38
15 Stony Brook Brandon Leung, Daire Bermingham, Shamell Forbes, Michael Lopizzo 6:21.00 7:39.03 8:29.53
16 Columbia Mike Weisbuch, Adam Behnke, Evan Tsembelis, Matt Casey 8:34.49 7:39.36 9:25.02
17 Rutgers 9:44.04 7:39.87 5:49.51
18 Duquesne Adam Shrawder, Kyle Dorman, Cole Klinchock, Dave Farina 8:49.63 7:40.54 6:40.67
19 Va. Military Institute Jason Thorpe, Ian McGinn, Ermin Mujezinovic, Dean Gonsalves 8:00.45 7:41.97 9:37.47
20 UMBC Michael Christmas, Roy Jones, Joshua Hewitson, Chris Snyder 9:19.50 7:42.39 9:28.74
21 St. Francis (N.Y.) Paul Gilhuley, Joseph Gilhuley, Brian Nersten, Rafal Ksepka 9:15.35 7:42.79 7:33.54
22 William and Mary Zach Tennant, Peter Dorrell, Peter Asaro, Liam Anastasia-Murph 7:53.75 7:44.46 9:17.36
23 Delaware State Kelli Thibou, Kouri Falconer, Isaiah Brisco, Jamaal Devore 9:55.42 7:45.17 6:58.66
24 Liberty Paul Arslain, Drew Edwards, Jordan Bright, Isaac Wendland 8:13.32 7:49.82 7:12.24
25 Seton Hall Marvin Carter, Jared Hanko, Dorian Ellerbe, Dwight Parker 9:19.20 7:49.91 8:41.60
0 Georgetown NT NT NT
Men's 4 x 800 Relay Preliminaries Heat 1
3 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Young, Townsend, Garvin, Fischer 6:23.77 7:26.98 6:37.32 8:25.67 6:55.37 7:31.49 5:47.65
9 La Salle Crits, Reilly, McPeak, Rainford 9:21.86 9:44.52 7:01.40 7:55.77 9:44.52 7:33.11 8:09.36
12 Delaware Twer, Tait, Townsend, Wall 6:21.52 8:10.52 5:58.81 8:51.39 8:51.39 7:34.18 8:05.98
13 Army Tingan, Meyer, Helis, Livingston 7:55.63 7:32.76 8:59.65 7:28.19 9:36.24 7:37.33 9:08.80
15 Stony Brook Leung, Bermingham, Forbes, Lopizzo 6:02.64 7:16.08 6:11.82 5:53.46 6:53.13 7:39.03 7:20.67
18 Duquesne Shrawder, Dorman, Klinchock, Farina 6:40.67 5:40.80 9:12.65 8:40.41 8:45.02 7:40.54 7:40.54
22 William and Mary Tennant, Dorrell, Asaro, Anastasia-Murph 6:34.80 8:35.55 6:20.86 7:30.53 6:11.57 7:44.46 7:53.75
24 Liberty Arslain, Edwards, Bright, Wendland 6:20.56 9:19.09 5:42.97 9:51.98 9:56.68 7:49.82 6:29.95
0 Georgetown NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
Men's 4 x 800 Relay Preliminaries Heat 2
1 Connecticut Holst, Johnson, Bennatan, Bennatan 8:29.08 6:04.92 6:22.94 5:24.37 8:29.08 7:30.51
4 Fordham Hutchinson, Fitzgerald, Cosgrove, Schmidt 7:48.59 7:30.56 6:31.99 5:37.92 9:05.18 7:30.56
5 Albany Lozier, Lagno, Halpin, Santos 8:20.36 5:51.60 7:21.76 8:56.42 9:18.96 7:30.77
6 Brown Collins, Malet, Trautwein, Schurz 6:45.89 6:23.34 7:03.93 7:49.02 7:35.49 7:30.98
10 Princeton Palmisano, King, Dinkins, Callahan 7:38.23 9:04.43 9:18.04 7:20.08 8:41.75 7:33.69
17 Rutgers 7:12.28 7:07.68 9:44.04 9:57.84 9:11.85 7:39.87
20 UMBC Christmas, Jones, Hewitson, Snyder 6:05.29 5:42.17 6:51.53 5:37.55 6:56.16 7:42.39
21 St. Francis (N.Y.) Gilhuley, Gilhuley, Nersten, Ksepka 5:56.35 6:47.26 7:15.03 8:01.31 6:14.86 7:42.79
25 Seton Hall Carter, Hanko, Ellerbe, Parker 9:33.29 5:28.94 5:47.74 6:58.22 8:04.01 7:49.91
Men's 4 x 800 Relay Preliminaries Heat 3
2 Penn Chylak, Kiley, Cunningham, Fulton 6:46.30 7:31.44 6:14.70 7:26.93 8:39.16 8:21.10 9:06.25
7 George Mason Golden, Horn, Reynolds, Pachella 6:37.32 7:31.49 7:17.95 7:58.58 9:46.94 8:30.19 7:04.40
8 Navy Stevenson, Ash, Evers, Connelly 8:17.60 7:32.36 5:25.70 6:15.46 8:26.65 5:16.66 6:47.13
11 Cornell Arnold, McFall, Roy, McCuiston 7:51.86 7:33.71 9:31.68 8:23.62 8:32.70 7:15.57 6:02.97
14 Lehigh Foley, Chiusano, Abate, O'Connor 5:58.02 7:38.99 7:25.22 6:34.74 9:15.38 9:52.10 7:20.63
16 Columbia Weisbuch, Behnke, Tsembelis, Casey 9:11.24 7:39.36 7:16.40 7:53.14 6:35.05 8:29.89 7:53.14
19 Va. Military Institute Thorpe, McGinn, Mujezinovic, Gonsalves 5:46.48 7:41.97 8:55.89 6:37.30 8:32.79 7:32.73 9:55.95
23 Delaware State Thibou, Falconer, Brisco, Devore 8:40.99 7:45.17 7:26.57 8:40.99 6:58.66 6:44.70 7:40.52