April 2- 3, 2010
Florida-Percy Beard Track - Gainesville, FL

Women's 4 x 100 Relay High School

0 P. K. Yonge Kandice Dixon, Adanna Thompson, Katie Jackson, M'Kayla Lumpkins 41.44 1:00.68 51.80 1:02.16 48.35 49.33
0 Winter Haven Wendy Deshommes, Richena Louis, Daphanie Jones, Shawn Scott 44.31 35.55 34.57 57.46 54.54 48.69
0 Wekiva Shanice McCoy, Niaja Griffin, Carmelia Stewart, Rauna Montgomery 1:01.30 1:01.79 38.26 40.22 35.80 49.04
0 Lake Mary Maria Santiago, Tanquayante Williams, Latisha Ward, Alexis Taylor 58.42 52.09 34.57 48.68 38.95 48.68
0 St. Thomas Aquinas Kirsten Nieuwendam, Regine Williams, Lauren Perrodin, Alyssa Gutierrez 1:00.65 37.59 37.09 1:03.16 46.11 50.12
1 Miami Southridge Kayla April, Ebony Morrison, Ywekema Jackson, Marcia Williams 32.81 53.89 48.27 41.24 41.71 46.86
2 Miami Northwestern Kededra Middleton, Shannon Spence, Tatianna Clark, Ravontranice Gage 41.68 56.36 41.21 45.94 53.99 47.36
3 Oak Ridge Denae Fluellen, Shawanna Steplight, Juna Esperance, Lloynecia Matthews 51.9 47.7 58.1 1:00.1 55.3 47.7
4 Lake Wales High School Summer Meeks, Keyanna Smith, SyQyayla Stacey 51.05 44.79 38.05 37.09 58.76 48.16
5 Colonial Madeline Barolet, Jennifer Jimenez, Courtney Johnson, Emily Perkinson 54.49 39.06 35.69 56.90 42.92 48.22
6 Lakewood Cierra Blackshear, Kajira Davis, Sharell Keys, Shavonda Sturgis 54.67 45.48 57.58 55.16 38.71 48.38
7 Treasure Coast Esther Celestin, Eisha Finnie, Evony Phillips, Kayanna Richardson 58.0 1:00.5 1:01.4 45.9 43.0 48.4
8 Gainesville Gelela Cooley, Briona Hopkins, Chante Chatman, Marla Collins 42.87 37.51 49.20 41.41 35.08 48.71
9 Lake Brantley nikitia casey, keria sykes, brittnye smith, nicole poole 45.83 48.75 58.02 46.32 1:02.40 48.75
10 Palmetto Dasha Grooms, Trijala Kelley, Brandy Gordon, Kymbrel Smith 37.60 53.23 52.74 40.04 53.23 48.83
11 Buchholz Ashley Coley, Kylla Williams, Kadeejah Danzy, Chantia Taylor 36.37 51.11 44.72 43.74 1:02.41 49.14
12 Boone Nicole Leveille, Justice Donald, Melissa Marlin, Tyesha White 46.28 1:03.51 48.25 39.88 1:01.05 49.23
13 Tampa Bay Tech Alexia Garcia, Jasmine Wright, Angelina Mills, Tanesha Maxwell 1:01.16 36.50 1:02.64 58.20 48.83 49.32
14 Woodland (Cartersville) Christelle Herron, Chayna Thompson, Tabitha Perkinson, Ashleigh Woods 44.01 35.61 39.07 54.40 51.43 49.45
15 South Dade Kenneisha Shuman, Latorria Grier, Stephany Valesco, Alexis Grier 55.91 43.04 34.63 39.58 44.53 49.47
16 Sickles Chelsey Perkins, Celine Innocent, Stephanie Valles, Jessica Henry 53.49 39.12 52.00 35.66 47.05 49.52
17 American Heritage 36.7 49.6 40.1 57.5 42.6 49.6
17 Dwyer Shanice Pettigrew, Kierra Whiteside, Isha Richardson, Ashley Hicks 55.0 54.5 1:01.0 57.5 1:00.0 49.6
19 Miami Jackson Qunisha Hall, Jasmine McCoy, Terisha Julius, Adriene Smith 48.7 56.6 59.6 53.1 34.7 49.7
20 Leesburg Destiny Williams, Lori Mickens, Danielle Sanders, Alonti Richardson 47.73 57.17 1:01.15 36.79 1:03.14 49.71
21 Titusville Kiona Irving, Malika Young, Amber Porter, Courtney Singleton 57.22 52.24 40.80 38.31 59.70 49.75
22 Miramar Eboni Brown, Jhneal Hector, Shonte Samuels, Ashley Jocelyn 48.35 45.86 55.33 58.32 45.86 49.84
23 Our Lady Of Good Counsel Tejumade Adewole, Adrienne Crutchfield, Taylor Pendergast, Jade Whitaker 57.35 1:04.34 44.39 53.36 42.39 49.87
24 Chiles Ashton Gallaher, Meisha Holton, Kyanna Austin, Christine Palmer 41.27 55.36 1:04.41 49.82 50.83 50.32
25 Vero Beach elantra lind, rameka brannon, courtney stephens, traneisha woolfork 48.40 48.40 1:06.41 47.37 52.51 51.48
26 Freedom (Tampa) Gabrielle Peek, Kelsey Anderson, Quendreka Davis, Jessica Baumann 1:04.37 59.73 42.23 49.43 42.23 51.49
27 Riverview Ashley Favors, Faith Woodard, Alyson Abbott, Briana Bell 47.91 37.09 50.48 1:02.33 36.58 51.51
28 Trinity Catholic Michelle Lopez, Jairiz Rodriquez, Sarah Parrow, Valencia Sims 36.84 47.21 40.99 1:01.74 1:06.41 51.88
29 Nease Jada Harris, Alyssa Isaac, Jenna Goldman, Melissa Latronico 1:05.57 58.29 54.13 56.21 1:04.01 52.04
30 Ransom Everglades Amber Sime, Brandy Smith, Amanda Rolle, Chelsea Rogers 53.90 1:01.75 43.44 41.34 37.68 52.33
31 South Fork Lauren Jeck, Samantha Anderson, Kara Haggerty, Melanie Vaughn 37.69 43.00 49.37 55.21 54.15 53.08
32 Gibbs Jessica Bethune, Rosemary Moore, Neysa Jones, Charlika Roney 43.64 48.43 51.62 46.30 1:06.52 53.21
33 Santa Fe Ieshia Gaddy, Rivas Lindsey, Naomi Lux, Latesha Williams 45.42 54.50 57.71 43.82 49.16 53.43
0 Jones Jasmine Sandifer, Jazmyne Gilliam, Alexis Oliver, Imani Barnett NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Dr. Krop Brandi Harrington, Elesha Alyn, N'Kiru Anyagaligbo, Samantha Wright NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Bolles Taylor Newman, Courtney Jamison, Molly Ungrady, Gabby Ragazzo NT NT NT NT NT NT
Women's 4 x 100 Relay High School Section 1
0 St. Thomas Aquinas Nieuwendam, Williams, Perrodin, Gutierrez 50.12
1 Miami Southridge April, Morrison, Jackson, Williams 46.86
2 Miami Northwestern Middleton, Spence, Clark, Gage 47.36
3 Oak Ridge Fluellen, Steplight, Esperance, Matthews 47.7
5 Colonial Barolet, Jimenez, Johnson, Perkinson 48.22
15 South Dade Shuman, Grier, Valesco, Grier 49.47
23 Our Lady Of Good Counsel Adewole, Crutchfield, Pendergast, Whitaker 49.87
Women's 4 x 100 Relay High School Section 2
0 Winter Haven Deshommes, Louis, Jones, Scott 52.59 48.69 52.59 46.26
0 Wekiva McCoy, Griffin, Stewart, Montgomery 39.24 49.04 48.06 1:01.79
4 Lake Wales High School Meeks, Smith, Stacey 45.27 48.16 39.98 49.61
8 Gainesville Cooley, Hopkins, Chatman, Collins 1:01.87 48.71 48.23 58.46
10 Palmetto Grooms, Kelley, Gordon, Smith 1:00.55 48.83 45.90 42.49
17 American Heritage 50.0 49.6 1:00.0 38.1
19 Miami Jackson Hall, McCoy, Julius, Smith 35.7 49.7 43.2 35.2
Women's 4 x 100 Relay High School Section 3
0 Lake Mary Santiago, Williams, Ward, Taylor 44.79 48.68
9 Lake Brantley casey, sykes, smith, poole 58.99 48.75
12 Boone Leveille, Donald, Marlin, White 41.36 49.23
17 Dwyer Pettigrew, Whiteside, Richardson, Hicks 34.7 49.6
25 Vero Beach lind, brannon, stephens, woolfork 56.63 51.48
0 Dr. Krop Harrington, Alyn, Anyagaligbo, Wright NT NT
Women's 4 x 100 Relay High School Section 4
0 P. K. Yonge Dixon, Thompson, Jackson, Lumpkins 58.71 52.29 54.27 42.92 49.33
6 Lakewood Blackshear, Davis, Keys, Sturgis 1:02.41 44.03 57.58 46.45 48.38
7 Treasure Coast Celestin, Finnie, Phillips, Richardson 55.6 1:02.9 45.0 53.7 48.4
13 Tampa Bay Tech Garcia, Wright, Mills, Maxwell 47.35 51.79 42.42 55.74 49.32
14 Woodland (Cartersville) Herron, Thompson, Perkinson, Woods 35.61 52.92 56.38 49.95 49.45
16 Sickles Perkins, Innocent, Valles, Henry 37.14 1:04.38 52.50 59.92 49.52
Women's 4 x 100 Relay High School Section 5
11 Buchholz Coley, Williams, Danzy, Taylor 53.57 49.14
20 Leesburg Williams, Mickens, Sanders, Richardson 55.68 49.71
24 Chiles Gallaher, Holton, Austin, Palmer 53.85 50.32
26 Freedom (Tampa) Peek, Anderson, Davis, Baumann 49.95 51.49
0 Jones Sandifer, Gilliam, Oliver, Barnett NT NT
Women's 4 x 100 Relay High School Section 6
21 Titusville Irving, Young, Porter, Singleton 49.75 52.74 1:04.68
22 Miramar Brown, Hector, Samuels, Jocelyn 49.84 41.87 34.89
27 Riverview Favors, Woodard, Abbott, Bell 51.51 55.63 45.33
28 Trinity Catholic Lopez, Rodriquez, Parrow, Sims 51.88 43.58 59.15
30 Ransom Everglades Sime, Smith, Rolle, Rogers 52.33 1:06.46 52.33
31 South Fork Jeck, Anderson, Haggerty, Vaughn 53.08 1:06.88 55.21
0 Bolles Newman, Jamison, Ungrady, Ragazzo NT NT NT
Women's 4 x 100 Relay High School Section 7
29 Nease Harris, Isaac, Goldman, Latronico 52.04 58.81
32 Gibbs Bethune, Moore, Jones, Roney 53.21 41.51
33 Santa Fe Gaddy, Lindsey, Lux, Williams 53.43 58.78