March 26-27, 2010
NC State - Raleigh, NC

Women's 4 x 800 Relay

1 Georgetown Lauren Borduin, Kirsten Kasper, Avril Ogrodnick, Christine Whalen 7:28.99 8:54.51 9:05.20 11:18.83 9:37.27 10:20.04
2 Virginia 10:47. 8:55. 9:05. 7:13. 7:24. 9:59.
3 North Carolina Callie Pottinger, Marisa Dobbins, LeeAnna Godwin, Tasha Stanley 8:12.49 9:01.19 7:45.43 10:54.84 8:34.13 8:17.90
4 Wake Forest Caitlin Crawford, Kim Vos, Hannah McArdle, Molly Binder 7:52.64 9:03.26 8:36.10 10:19.32 11:35.38 11:40.81
5 La Salle Maureen Benner, Wendy Hutchinson, Caitlin Storbeck, Kellilyn Fierras 8:44.51 9:06.36 8:55.44 11:22.95 11:44.81 11:33.88
6 Seton Hall Hughnique Rolle, Keshia Rudolph, KeAira Dickerson, Alexandra Hehn 10:47.19 9:13.15 9:57.41 8:12.31 6:38.27 11:20.38
7 East Carolina Brittany Copeland, Amanda Lapp, Samantha Lichtner, Brooke Kott 11:49.75 9:14.49 6:33.69 6:28.15 8:24.59 10:26.58
8 Cincinnati Kathy Klump, Megan McAuley, Jenny Harsh, Jenna Heaton 10:35.43 9:17.39 9:34.12 8:49.52 11:14.45 9:56.41
9 James Madison Katie Harman, Heather Lambert, Annie Reiner, Carole Spoth 10:18.78 9:17.46 8:49.59 10:18.78 9:50.91 8:44.02
10 St. Francis (Pa.) Katie Cianci, Danielle Williams, Hannah Reist, Jennifer Haffner 9:12.38 9:23.65 6:40.20 10:25.66 8:49.83 6:51.47
11 North Carolina St. Amira Chowyuk, Anna Gillespie, Leah Vaughn, Marika Walker 8:30.84 9:27.59 12:17.87 7:17.05 6:42.99 10:13.00
12 Duquesne Colleen Gilmore, Laura Vehlies, Carly Brickett, Meghan VanHouten 7:46.21 9:28.55 8:54.44 7:23.47 11:33.64 9:11.50
13 Radford Brittany Christian, Cori Tedesco, Britney Whittaker, Maggie Wissler 12:03.29 9:29.52 9:46.61 10:32.17 8:43.96 9:23.83
14 N. Carolina A&T Janessa Benn, Diamond Marks, Samira Johnson, Janee Cadlett 9:29.73 9:29.73 7:24.39 9:12.64 10:32.40 12:03.56
15 Elon Courtney Whalen, Melanie Reyer, Emily Tryon, Jennine Strange 9:53.26 9:35.98 12:23.02 7:40.79 10:45.10 11:19.66
16 Winston-Salem St. Tyrah Winfrey, Manuela Rigaud, Korin Shepherd, Taylor Calamese 6:50.82 9:38.62 7:02.40 8:58.12 9:38.62 6:50.82
17 Bowie State Shayla Davis, Jasmine Butler, Shamika Patton, Brittany Williams 8:57.77 9:44.53 8:40.24 7:06.71 10:48.83 9:03.62
18 Ferris State Alyssa Osika, Paige Onweller, Shelby Janutol, Sarah Creed 7:31.02 9:45.74 10:09.17 11:07.75 9:04.74 9:57.46
19 Col. of Charleston Kristen Wolfe, Callen Powers, Emily Nagle, Tierney Willard 7:26.07 9:54.75 8:55.28 8:37.44 10:00.70 10:54.23
20 High Point Vanessa Piacente, Dani Paul, Kelsey Paine, Kaylyn Peck 9:21.46 9:57.29 9:57.29 12:38.56 7:51.86 11:20.91
21 Johnson C. Smith Jesseca Gray, Quanisha Miller, Dennielle Howes, Nada Al-Arahshun 10:46.65 10:46.65 13:34.78 9:03.19 9:48.46 12:04.25
22 Mount Olive Rocio Alvarado, Tiondra Miller, Melissa Moore, Caitlin Pye 9:58.54 11:05.04 9:38.59 8:45.39 11:58.25 8:12.13
0 VCU Nicole Walters, Sarah Earman, Heather DelaCruz, Hannah Leffew NT NT NT NT NT NT
Women's 4 x 800 Relay Section 1
1 Georgetown Borduin, Kasper, Ogrodnick, Whalen 11:34.87 6:19.51 6:56.92 8:59.86 8:54.51
2 Virginia 9:11. 10:42. 7:02. 8:38. 8:55.
3 North Carolina Pottinger, Dobbins, Godwin, Stanley 9:28.25 9:55.31 10:49.43 10:06.14 9:01.19
4 Wake Forest Crawford, Vos, McArdle, Binder 10:24.75 8:14.37 8:08.94 10:30.19 9:03.26
5 La Salle Benner, Hutchinson, Storbeck, Fierras 10:39.25 7:11.63 6:27.92 11:01.10 9:06.36
6 Seton Hall Rolle, Rudolph, Dickerson, Hehn 10:58.25 10:58.25 6:32.74 10:52.72 9:13.15
7 East Carolina Copeland, Lapp, Lichtner, Kott 7:29.14 11:44.21 9:42.22 6:33.69 9:14.49
8 Cincinnati Klump, McAuley, Harsh, Heaton 9:50.84 9:56.41 8:16.08 9:06.25 9:17.39
9 James Madison Harman, Lambert, Reiner, Spoth 9:50.91 9:50.91 8:38.44 6:41.38 9:17.46
14 N. Carolina A&T Benn, Marks, Johnson, Cadlett 9:24.04 12:20.65 9:52.52 7:41.49 9:29.73
Women's 4 x 800 Relay Section 2
10 St. Francis (Pa.) Cianci, Williams, Reist, Haffner 7:19.65 10:25.66 8:55.47 7:36.56 9:23.65
11 North Carolina St. Chowyuk, Gillespie, Vaughn, Walker 11:04.08 9:33.27 7:51.10 7:11.37 9:27.59
12 Duquesne Gilmore, Vehlies, Brickett, VanHouten 11:27.95 9:51.30 9:56.98 8:43.07 9:28.55
13 Radford Christian, Tedesco, Whittaker, Wissler 10:03.70 8:26.88 12:08.99 6:38.67 9:29.52
15 Elon Whalen, Reyer, Tryon, Strange 9:30.22 11:59.98 10:10.54 9:24.46 9:35.98
16 Winston-Salem St. Winfrey, Rigaud, Shepherd, Calamese 9:15.48 12:20.64 12:20.64 11:40.13 9:38.62
17 Bowie State Davis, Butler, Patton, Williams 11:23.90 7:35.94 10:02.07 10:13.76 9:44.53
18 Ferris State Osika, Onweller, Janutol, Creed 9:51.60 12:41.47 9:22.31 7:19.31 9:45.74
19 Col. of Charleston Wolfe, Powers, Nagle, Willard 12:41.28 8:25.54 10:06.65 11:41.81 9:54.75
20 High Point Piacente, Paul, Paine, Peck 12:44.54 12:26.62 12:20.64 6:58.11 9:57.29
21 Johnson C. Smith Gray, Miller, Howes, Al-Arahshun 10:53.12 12:23.65 8:56.72 8:56.72 10:46.65
22 Mount Olive Alvarado, Miller, Moore, Pye 14:04.60 12:24.85 14:17.91 13:57.95 11:05.04
0 VCU Walters, Earman, DelaCruz, Leffew NT NT NT NT NT