March 27, 2009
San Francisco State Distance Carnival

Women's 5000 Meters

1 Ellie Keene Freshman California 13:03.61 17:11.06
2 Kara Lubieniecki Sophomore Chico State 17:44.64 17:23.76
3 Paige Ties Junior Iowa State 13:34.64 17:24.41
4 Alia Gray Freshman Chico State 22:17.67 17:25.05
5 Micky Davis Freshman California 21:05.14 17:34.28
6 Kirsten Sly Freshman Southern Utah 16:22.87 17:36.85
7 Mary Torres   Unattached 14:05.96 17:37.45
8 Taylor Dutch Freshman California 13:24.10 17:38.02
9 Diana Medina Sophomore Southern Utah 20:18.10 17:39.21
10 Natty Plunkett Freshman Seattle Pacific 12:37.35 17:46.69
11 Hallidie Wilt Sophomore Alaska Anchorage 20:49.6 17:48.1
12 Stephanie Caruso Freshman West Virginia 16:28.03 17:53.94
13 Bradi Hutchison Freshman Idaho State 14:30.45 17:54.63
14 Sylvia Bedford Freshman Southern Utah 19:32.20 17:55.41
15 Shannon McVannel Sophomore Chico State 14:55.90 17:59.39
16 Nicole Campbell   West Valley TC 21:04.97 18:01.17
17 Madalyn Olpin Sophomore Southern Utah 20:20.17 18:09.43
18 Kierann Smith   Impala Racing Team 16:35.51 18:13.96
19 Lindsay Nelson   Asics Aggies 17:55.23 18:17.17
20 Kate Harline Junior Seattle Pacific 17:31.68 18:27.03
21 Miriam Kipngeno Freshman Alaska Anchorage 21:03.06 18:27.94
22 Shoshana Keegan Freshman Alaska Anchorage 19:03.45 18:30.14
23 Natalie Webb Freshman Eastern Michigan 19:13.07 18:39.48
24 Flora Lai   Impala Racing Team 20:59.52 18:44.57
25 Samantha Racine Freshman Chico State 22:42.98 18:46.43
26 Ana Mendez   unatt 13:11.17 18:50.23
27 Jeannie Spink   Impala Racing Team 23:29.28 18:56.51
28 Paige Henker   Unnat-Boivin 21:46.25 19:05.83
29 Silvia Manzo Senior Humboldt State 18:16.52 19:14.23
30 Jessica Nelson Sophomore Chico State 13:41.72 19:17.34
31 grecia garcia 5 Unattached 18:47.76 19:22.64
32 Sara Gigliotti   Impala Racing Team 15:34.76 19:28.44
33 Karen Ribble   Impala Racing Team 16:36.93 19:32.86
34 Denisse Correa Junior Academy of Art 25:06.74 19:37.14
35 Hailey Stiers Sophomore UC Santa Cruz 23:39.96 19:53.24
36 Cynthia Toth Sophomore UC Santa Cruz 20:06.82 20:06.82
37 Tanya Ferriera Sophomore San Francisco St. 14:52.66 20:22.82
38 Dominga Arzate Sophomore Hartnell 20:47.82 20:23.35
39 Jenna Zack Senior St. Mary's (Cal.) 20:32.83 20:32.83
  Nicole Giove Freshman Santa Clara NT NT
Women's 5000 Meters Section 1
18 Kierann Smith   Impala Racing Team 20:25.24 21:30.88 18:13.96 15:29.87
21 Miriam Kipngeno Freshman Alaska Anchorage 20:07.66 22:53.85 18:27.94 19:34.42
22 Shoshana Keegan Freshman Alaska Anchorage 15:32.52 21:27.77 18:30.14 14:03.71
24 Flora Lai   Impala Racing Team 20:59.52 22:40.73 18:44.57 17:25.85
26 Ana Mendez   unatt 17:08.51 14:30.28 18:50.23 17:31.12
28 Paige Henker   Unnat-Boivin 15:39.58 21:57.71 19:05.83 21:00.42
29 Silvia Manzo Senior Humboldt State 17:07.27 24:25.88 19:14.23 24:14.33
30 Jessica Nelson Sophomore Chico State 18:19.48 23:08.81 19:17.34 16:58.46
31 grecia garcia 5 Unattached 25:11.44 20:44.03 19:22.64 20:55.66
32 Sara Gigliotti   Impala Racing Team 17:19.92 21:13.60 19:28.44 14:24.65
33 Karen Ribble   Impala Racing Team 23:50.89 13:41.01 19:32.86 13:52.73
34 Denisse Correa Junior Academy of Art 22:21.94 14:54.63 19:37.14 19:37.14
35 Hailey Stiers Sophomore UC Santa Cruz 16:06.53 18:17.78 19:53.24 18:41.65
36 Cynthia Toth Sophomore UC Santa Cruz 21:31.30 25:32.67 20:06.82 20:30.96
37 Tanya Ferriera Sophomore San Francisco St. 15:41.58 16:30.49 20:22.82 22:12.88
38 Dominga Arzate Sophomore Hartnell 16:18.68 25:16.96 20:23.35 19:22.19
39 Jenna Zack Senior St. Mary's (Cal.) 25:04.06 19:06.54 20:32.83 22:23.79
Women's 5000 Meters Section 2
1 Ellie Keene Freshman California 13:13.92 20:16.65 13:44.85 17:11.06 15:27.96 18:54.17
2 Kara Lubieniecki Sophomore Chico State 16:21.14 16:52.45 17:44.64 17:23.76 16:00.26 21:55.14
3 Paige Ties Junior Iowa State 14:05.98 17:03.53 18:06.19 17:24.41 17:24.41 12:11.09
4 Alia Gray Freshman Chico State 17:35.50 20:22.71 21:35.87 17:25.05 16:01.45 15:51.00
5 Micky Davis Freshman California 15:38.31 16:41.57 13:31.80 17:34.28 21:47.31 20:12.43
6 Kirsten Sly Freshman Southern Utah 13:23.21 17:15.72 14:16.05 17:36.85 20:15.38 13:54.92
7 Mary Torres   Unattached 20:58.37 20:37.22 13:55.39 17:37.45 15:19.99 12:20.22
8 Taylor Dutch Freshman California 21:09.63 12:41.78 14:59.32 17:38.02 22:44.85 16:45.12
9 Diana Medina Sophomore Southern Utah 14:17.96 16:56.85 16:03.89 17:39.21 17:28.62 13:56.78
10 Natty Plunkett Freshman Seattle Pacific 16:32.03 19:22.70 19:01.36 17:46.69 16:10.69 22:24.03
11 Hallidie Wilt Sophomore Alaska Anchorage 14:35.8 14:46.5 18:30.8 17:48.1 16:44.0 14:57.2
12 Stephanie Caruso Freshman West Virginia 14:40.63 19:52.08 18:26.16 17:53.94 14:51.37 17:10.99
13 Bradi Hutchison Freshman Idaho State 17:22.40 21:29.56 17:43.89 17:54.63 15:24.19 14:51.95
14 Sylvia Bedford Freshman Southern Utah 16:29.38 17:12.40 15:03.35 17:55.41 22:56.53 17:55.41
15 Shannon McVannel Sophomore Chico State 21:35.27 13:07.96 14:34.31 17:59.39 14:12.72 21:24.48
16 Nicole Campbell   West Valley TC 18:01.17 17:17.93 20:00.10 18:01.17 17:28.74 14:24.94
17 Madalyn Olpin Sophomore Southern Utah 21:36.43 17:25.86 17:04.07 18:09.43 19:03.91 22:20.00
19 Lindsay Nelson   Asics Aggies 19:23.00 22:18.55 21:01.75 18:17.17 18:50.09 18:17.17
20 Kate Harline Junior Seattle Pacific 14:34.56 14:12.42 21:02.02 18:27.03 18:49.17 13:06.00
23 Natalie Webb Freshman Eastern Michigan 19:13.07 24:04.13 18:28.29 18:39.48 14:55.59 23:41.74
25 Samantha Racine Freshman Chico State 23:39.31 17:16.32 15:12.41 18:46.43 21:24.13 21:35.40
27 Jeannie Spink   Impala Racing Team 16:06.04 24:26.10 20:27.43 18:56.51 19:53.34 14:46.48
  Nicole Giove Freshman Santa Clara NT NT NT NT NT NT