March 21, 2009
Sacramento St. - Sacramento, CA

Men's 100 Meters

1 Jeff Laynes   Brooks 7.79 8.00 9.84 11.57 13.30 10.81 8.22
2 Mike Pyrtle Freshman Merritt 10.97 9.89 12.82 14.01 11.62 10.86 10.32
3 AJ Reed   Unattached 10.9 7.6 8.5 10.7 9.3 10.9 13.2
4 Antwun Baker Junior Southern Oregon 9.36 7.71 9.36 11.45 14.21 11.01 13.88
5 Cole Johnston Freshman Shasta 10.47 14.00 10.80 12.02 9.48 11.02 11.02
5 Darius Ray Freshman Butte 13.45 14.11 8.93 13.78 8.27 11.02 11.58
7 Gavin Banks Freshman UC Davis 8.17 13.91 12.81 12.04 12.15 11.04 9.39
8 Shane Daniel Sophomore American River 11.16 8.62 8.18 9.95 12.49 11.05 13.15
8 Kevin Gonzales Freshman De Anza 11.16 14.04 10.06 8.40 11.72 11.05 9.51
10 Bojurie Rogers-Wright Junior Chico State 13.18 11.30 8.97 9.97 10.41 11.07 11.85
11 David Carcamo Freshman Modesto 10.10 12.09 10.87 7.77 10.43 11.09 9.87
12 Justin Mayo Sophomore CCSF 12.5 8.7 12.9 10.6 8.1 11.1 9.5
12 Andy White SO Sacramento State Universi 13.9 10.8 8.2 13.5 13.8 11.1 13.8
14 Nick Lonnegren Sophomore Chico State 12.00 14.11 11.78 10.56 14.34 11.11 9.34
14 Akeem Jackson Senior Southern Oregon 8.89 8.45 14.22 11.78 9.00 11.11 14.45
16 Stanley Arukwe Freshman Modesto 9.13 13.25 10.47 9.69 10.35 11.13 10.24
17 Kyle Johnston Freshman Shasta 10.03 9.14 11.59 14.26 14.15 11.14 11.70
18 Anthony Oliva Freshman Butte 9.98 8.75 8.52 11.77 13.23 11.21 9.42
19 Maurice Whitlock Sophomore CCSF 8.91 7.89 8.68 8.12 14.32 11.27 10.26
20 Kwame Agyemang Sophomore De Anza 12.02 13.95 12.48 13.27 12.70 11.34 10.66
21 rory john   Unattached 9.08 10.11 14.65 12.83 8.52 11.35 9.20
22 Tron Hardy Junior San Jose St. 11.59 9.32 11.02 13.64 14.32 11.36 8.98
22 Trevor Rogers Freshman CCSF 8.86 11.14 8.30 10.68 12.61 11.36 11.25
24 Demitrius Snaer   Pirates 12.86 14.46 9.79 8.20 10.70 11.38 12.86
25 Chris Valls Freshman American River 14.36 9.00 9.23 13.67 13.10 11.39 9.80
26 Manu Ngatikaura Sophomore San Jose 14.84 10.73 10.96 10.73 10.39 11.41 8.33
27 Andy Goad Freshman Diablo Valley 13.71 9.14 9.14 12.22 11.31 11.42 9.71
28 Charles Hudson Sophomore De Anza 12.58 9.83 9.61 14.06 9.26 11.43 14.06
29 Cory Ploof Freshman U. of Mary 13.85 10.41 8.47 9.96 12.93 11.44 13.50
30 Joe Floriolli Senior Chico State 9.74 10.31 10.77 8.25 9.16 11.45 11.00
31 Ryan Fitzpatrick Senior Unattached 10.55 10.20 14.10 12.95 9.52 11.46 12.84
31 Steven Nichols   Unattached 12.04 12.27 12.15 11.12 9.63 11.46 8.26
33 Tino Hardy Junior San Jose St. 13.97 14.89 13.16 9.12 11.89 11.54 9.35
33 Roberto Ayala Sophomore Modesto 8.31 9.93 12.58 9.47 8.77 11.54 10.74
35 Brandon McGraw Sophomore Southern Oregon 8.20 12.36 14.21 14.21 9.01 11.55 12.82
36 Ricky Ward Junior William Jessup 8.23 14.84 8.46 10.09 13.68 11.59 14.61
37 Andrew Bennett Sophomore San Jose St. 8.48 11.73 14.75 9.29 8.94 11.61 15.10
38 Ronald Brookins SO Sacramento State Universi 13.5 15.0 12.1 12.4 14.5 11.7 12.7
39 Boris Davis Freshman American River 13.14 11.50 13.73 9.39 14.55 11.73 10.80
40 Jory Lum Freshman Oregon Tech 10.22 15.03 12.33 9.87 10.45 11.74 10.34
41 Mathew Brown   Unattached 12.58 9.52 8.82 12.11 15.04 11.75 11.17
42 Chris Kirkwood   Unattached 9.69 9.92 11.81 8.74 13.11 11.81 8.39
43 Carl Aufdermaur Freshman Modesto 8.40 8.64 12.54 13.14 8.52 11.83 14.79
44 Matt Schubert Junior Oregon Tech 9.18 13.64 9.42 10.87 8.69 12.07 15.09
45 Jesse Rodriguez Junior Vanguard 10.66 8.84 11.99 14.17 15.02 12.11 13.08
46 Anthony Beasley   Unattached 9.2 10.2 12.3 12.9 9.4 12.3 11.5
47 Nathan Phillips Sophomore Vanguard 14.3 11.1 11.0 13.8 16.0 12.7 12.8
48 John Harris Freshman Academy of Art 11.68 16.59 10.22 15.26 16.72 13.27 15.66
49 Dayne Coyne Sophomore Academy of Art 9.88 12.28 12.42 9.88 16.79 14.11 13.97
Men's 100 Meters Section 1
W: -0.6
1 Jeff Laynes   Brooks 12.11 10.81 12.65 7.68 11.57 10.17 10.71
2 Mike Pyrtle Freshman Merritt 7.61 10.86 8.58 10.65 11.19 8.80 12.38
3 AJ Reed   Unattached 10.1 10.9 13.8 13.9 12.0 13.6 8.9
7 Gavin Banks Freshman UC Davis 9.72 11.04 8.28 13.03 13.69 9.83 9.61
12 Andy White SO Sacramento State Universi 12.2 11.1 10.6 8.1 11.6 14.0 12.8
22 Tron Hardy Junior San Jose St. 14.77 11.36 13.18 14.32 7.96 13.18 10.68
29 Cory Ploof Freshman U. of Mary 10.99 11.44 14.30 10.64 13.50 11.79 13.39
31 Ryan Fitzpatrick Senior Unattached 14.33 11.46 12.95 9.06 8.71 13.87 10.09
38 Ronald Brookins SO Sacramento State Universi 15.0 11.7 13.4 10.1 12.1 11.4 10.8
Men's 100 Meters Section 2
W: -1.1
4 Antwun Baker Junior Southern Oregon 8.37 9.03 11.01
5 Darius Ray Freshman Butte 10.69 10.91 11.02
8 Shane Daniel Sophomore American River 7.74 12.05 11.05
10 Bojurie Rogers-Wright Junior Chico State 10.41 8.42 11.07
11 David Carcamo Freshman Modesto 9.65 9.76 11.09
12 Justin Mayo Sophomore CCSF 12.3 13.9 11.1
21 rory john   Unattached 14.76 13.74 11.35
26 Manu Ngatikaura Sophomore San Jose 8.56 11.30 11.41
31 Steven Nichols   Unattached 8.71 8.14 11.46
Men's 100 Meters Section 3
W: -0.8
8 Kevin Gonzales Freshman De Anza 11.05 13.71
14 Nick Lonnegren Sophomore Chico State 11.11 9.23
22 Trevor Rogers Freshman CCSF 11.36 8.75
24 Demitrius Snaer   Pirates 11.38 8.54
28 Charles Hudson Sophomore De Anza 11.43 8.01
30 Joe Floriolli Senior Chico State 11.45 13.06
33 Tino Hardy Junior San Jose St. 11.54 9.01
46 Anthony Beasley   Unattached 12.3 12.0
Men's 100 Meters Section 4
W: -0.4
14 Akeem Jackson Senior Southern Oregon 10.67 8.34 11.11 14.45 9.23 12.11 8.00
16 Stanley Arukwe Freshman Modesto 9.35 11.47 11.13 13.47 13.14 10.69 9.46
17 Kyle Johnston Freshman Shasta 10.70 9.70 11.14 11.14 10.70 14.04 8.02
18 Anthony Oliva Freshman Butte 13.79 9.53 11.21 13.23 10.32 9.87 12.22
19 Maurice Whitlock Sophomore CCSF 13.75 10.94 11.27 13.30 9.13 8.01 13.64
20 Kwame Agyemang Sophomore De Anza 10.32 12.36 11.34 9.30 9.64 11.80 11.68
25 Chris Valls Freshman American River 8.77 10.94 11.39 14.58 12.31 8.09 13.10
36 Ricky Ward Junior William Jessup 13.80 12.75 11.59 10.32 9.62 14.49 10.90
41 Mathew Brown   Unattached 13.52 10.81 11.75 14.93 11.64 14.81 8.23
Men's 100 Meters Section 5
W: -0.2
27 Andy Goad Freshman Diablo Valley 11.77 11.42 12.79
33 Roberto Ayala Sophomore Modesto 9.01 11.54 13.74
35 Brandon McGraw Sophomore Southern Oregon 12.13 11.55 13.63
37 Andrew Bennett Sophomore San Jose St. 12.78 11.61 13.01
39 Boris Davis Freshman American River 9.97 11.73 8.68
40 Jory Lum Freshman Oregon Tech 9.16 11.74 11.39
Men's 100 Meters Section 6
W: +0.0
5 Cole Johnston Freshman Shasta 11.02
42 Chris Kirkwood   Unattached 11.81
43 Carl Aufdermaur Freshman Modesto 11.83
44 Matt Schubert Junior Oregon Tech 12.07
45 Jesse Rodriguez Junior Vanguard 12.11
47 Nathan Phillips Sophomore Vanguard 12.7
48 John Harris Freshman Academy of Art 13.27
49 Dayne Coyne Sophomore Academy of Art 14.11