2024 3C2A California State Championships    May 17-18, 2024
4x100 40.92 6th (F)
Dec 5898 10th
100 11.02 (1.1) 1st
LJ 6.15m (-1.0) 20' 2.25" 9th
SP 9.18m 30' 1.5" 11th
HJ 1.70m 5' 7" 9th
400 50.04 3rd
110H 16.13 (0.7) 3rd
DT 26.10m 85' 7" 11th
PV 3.25m 10' 8" 11th
JT 37.42m 122' 9" 11th
1500 4:36.94 3rd
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships    May 3- 4, 2024
110H 15.98 (1.1) 7th (F)
110H 16.33 (+0.0) 10th (P)
400H 55.29 2nd (F)
400H 55.59 3rd (P)
4x100 41.52 4th (F)
Dec 5736 (2.6) 4th
100 11.20 1st
LJ 5.79m 19' 0" 8th
SP 9.13m 29' 11.5" 12th
HJ 1.74m 5' 8.5" 5th
400 50.22 1st
110H 16.89 3rd
DT 27.71m 90' 11" 7th
PV 3.00m 9' 10" 10th
JT 38.48m 126' 3" 9th
1500 4:32.33 1st
Big 8 Championships    Apr 23-25, 2024
110H 15.95 (1.6) 4th (F)
110H 16.04 (0.6) 5th (P)
400H 55.86 3rd (F)
400H 56.92 5th (P)
4x100 41.77 5th (F)
HJ 1.70m 5' 7" 10th (F)
NorCal Multi Championships    Apr 9-10, 2024
Dec 5736 4th
100 11.20 (0.1) 1st
LJ 5.79m 19' 0" 8th
SP 9.13m 29' 11.5" 12th
HJ 1.74m 5' 8.5" 5th
400 50.22 1st
110H 16.89 (-0.7) 3rd
DT 27.71m 90' 11" 7th
PV 3.00m 9' 10" 10th
JT 38.48m 126' 3" 9th
1500 4:32.33 1st
Coast vs. Valley    Apr 5, 2024
4x100 41.93 1st (F)
Mark Conover Classic    Mar 22-23, 2024
110H 16.57 (+0.0) 10th (F)
400H 58.40 8th (F)
4x400 3:45.92 4th (F)
LJ 5.73m (+0.0) 18' 9.75" 8th (F)
MJC Multi    Mar 14-15, 2024
Dec 5714 (3.4) 3rd
100 11.04 (3.4) 1st
LJ 5.93m 19' 5.5" 5th
SP 8.75m 28' 8.5" 6th
HJ 1.76m 5' 9.25" 2nd
400 51.44 1st
110H 16.19 (1.5) 1st
DT 27.42m 89' 11" 5th
PV 2.94m 9' 7.75" 6th
JT 34.24m 112' 4" 5th
1500 4:35.03 1st
Jack Albiani    Mar 8, 2024
4x100 44.97 11th (F)
4x400 3:36.82 8th (F)
HJ 1.60m 5' 3" 10th (F)
PV 2.90m 9' 6.25" 11th (F)
2024 RCC Invitational    Mar 1, 2024
110H 16.20 (2.8) 13th (F)
400H 58.67 8th (F)
LJ 5.78m (0.1) 18' 11.75" 18th (F)
Golden Eagle Invitational    Feb 15-17, 2024
Dec 5378 4th
100 11.22 (1.1) 2nd
LJ 5.45m (0.9) 17' 10.75" 8th
SP 9.02m 29' 7.25" 9th
HJ 1.65m 5' 5" 6th
400 51.79 1st
110H 16.47 (2.7) 2nd
DT 24.55m 80' 6" 11th
PV 2.90m 9' 6.25" 9th
JT 36.55m 119' 11" 7th
1500 4:42.34 1st
100 Meters (Outdoor)
11.02 (1.1)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
11.20 (0.1)
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
11.04 (3.4)
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
11.22 (1.1)
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
400 Meters (Outdoor)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
1500 Meters (Outdoor)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
110 Hurdles (Outdoor)
16.13 (0.7)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
15.98 (1.1)
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
16.33 (+0.0)
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
15.95 (1.6)
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
16.04 (0.6)
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
16.89 (-0.7)
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
16.57 (+0.0)
Mark Conover Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
16.19 (1.5)
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
16.20 (2.8)
2024 RCC Invitational Mar 1, 2024
16.47 (2.7)
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
400 Hurdles (Outdoor)
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
Mark Conover Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
400 Hurdles (Outdoor)
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
2024 RCC Invitational Mar 1, 2024
4 x 100 Relay (Outdoor)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
Coast vs. Valley Apr 5, 2024
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
4 x 400 Relay (Outdoor)
Mark Conover Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
High Jump (Outdoor)
5' 7"
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
5' 8.5"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
5' 7"
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
5' 8.5"
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
5' 9.25"
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
5' 3"
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
5' 5"
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
Pole Vault (Outdoor)
10' 8"
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
9' 10"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
9' 10"
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
9' 7.75"
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
9' 6.25"
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
9' 6.25"
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
Long Jump (Outdoor)
6.15m (-1.0)
20' 2.25"
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
19' 0"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
19' 0"
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
5.73m (+0.0)
18' 9.75"
Mark Conover Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
19' 5.5"
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
5.78m (0.1)
18' 11.75"
2024 RCC Invitational Mar 1, 2024
5.45m (0.9)
17' 10.75"
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
Shot Put (Outdoor)
30' 1.5"
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
29' 11.5"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
29' 11.5"
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
28' 8.5"
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
29' 7.25"
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
Discus (Outdoor)
85' 7"
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
90' 11"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
90' 11"
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
89' 11"
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
80' 6"
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
Javelin (Outdoor)
122' 9"
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
126' 3"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
126' 3"
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
112' 4"
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
119' 11"
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
Decathlon (Outdoor)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
5736 (2.6)
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
5714 (3.4)
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024

2024 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.02 (1.1)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
11.20 (0.1)
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
11.04 (3.4)
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
11.22 (1.1)
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
400 Meters
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
1500 Meters
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
110 Hurdles
16.13 (0.7)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
15.98 (1.1)
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
16.33 (+0.0)
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
15.95 (1.6)
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
16.04 (0.6)
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
16.89 (-0.7)
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
16.57 (+0.0)
Mark Conover Classic March 22-23, 2024
16.19 (1.5)
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
16.20 (2.8)
2024 RCC Invitational March 1, 2024
16.47 (2.7)
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
400 Hurdles
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
Mark Conover Classic March 22-23, 2024
400 Hurdles
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
2024 RCC Invitational March 1, 2024
4 x 100 Relay
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
Coast vs. Valley April 5, 2024
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
4 x 400 Relay
Mark Conover Classic March 22-23, 2024
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
High Jump
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
Pole Vault
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
Long Jump
6.15m (-1.0)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
5.73m (+0.0)
Mark Conover Classic March 22-23, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
5.78m (0.1)
2024 RCC Invitational March 1, 2024
5.45m (0.9)
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
Shot Put
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
5736 (2.6)
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
5714 (3.4)
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
100 Meters (Outdoors)
11.02 (1.1)
400 Meters (Outdoors)
1500 Meters (Outdoors)
(Apr 9-10, 2024)
110 Hurdles (Outdoors)
15.95 (1.6)
(Apr 23-25, 2024)
400 Hurdles (Outdoors)
400 Hurdles (Outdoors)
(Apr 23-25, 2024)
High Jump (Outdoors)
(Mar 14-15, 2024)
Pole Vault (Outdoors)
Long Jump (Outdoors)
6.15m (-1.0)
Shot Put (Outdoors)
Discus (Outdoors)
(Apr 9-10, 2024)
Javelin (Outdoors)
(Apr 9-10, 2024)
Decathlon (Outdoors)