2024 3C2A California State Championships    May 17-18, 2024
HJ 1.50m 4' 11" 9th (F)
Hep 3808 10th
100H 16.28 (0.7) 9th
HJ 1.54m 5' 0.5" 4th
SP 9.10m 29' 10.25" 6th
200 26.82 (0.5) 7th
LJ 4.53m (+0.0) 14' 10.5" 9th
JT 31.62m 103' 9" 4th
800 3:04.89 12th
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships    May 3- 4, 2024
HJ 1.50m 4' 11" 3rd (F)
TJ 10.28m (1.8) 33' 8.75" 7th (F)
Hep 3556 (2.6) 8th
100H 16.87 7th
HJ 1.50m 4' 11" 2nd
SP 8.74m 28' 8.25" 6th
200 27.63 7th
LJ 4.69m 15' 4.75" 5th
JT 24.97m 81' 11" 6th
800 3:00.80 11th
Big 8 Championships    Apr 23-25, 2024
100H 16.87 (2.0) 5th (F)
100H 16.97 (-1.7) 5th (P)
HJ 1.50m 4' 11" 2nd (F)
LJ 4.69m (0.6) 15' 4.75" 5th (F)
TJ 10.51m (2.6) 34' 5.75" 1st (F)
JT 25.45m 83' 6" 7th (F)
NorCal Multi Championships    Apr 9-10, 2024
Hep 3556 8th
100H 16.87 (1.1) 7th
HJ 1.50m 4' 11" 2nd
SP 8.74m 28' 8.25" 6th
200 27.63 (-0.9) 7th
LJ 4.69m 15' 4.75" 5th
JT 24.97m 81' 11" 6th
800 3:00.80 11th
Mark Conover Classic    Mar 22-23, 2024
100H 20.58 (-0.1) 8th (F)
HJ 1.48m 4' 10.25" 7th (F)
LJ 4.42m (1.7) 14' 6" 10th (F)
MJC Multi    Mar 14-15, 2024
Hep 3378 (3.4) 3rd
100H 17.63 (2.0) 4th
HJ 1.43m 4' 8.25" 3rd
SP 8.99m 29' 6" 3rd
200 27.39 (2.1) 3rd
LJ 4.30m 14' 1.25" 2nd
JT 26.23m 86' 1" 3rd
800 2:58.56 3rd
Jack Albiani    Mar 8, 2024
100 13.40 (+0.0) 16th (F)
100H 19.68 8th (F)
LJ 4.62m 15' 2" 9th (F)
TJ 9.51m 31' 2.5" 7th (F)
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024    Mar 1- 2, 2024
200 27.85 (2.7) 17th (F)
100H 21.23 (2.1) 12th (F)
HJ 1.42m 4' 7.75" 6th (F)
JT 25.71m 84' 4" 9th (F)
Golden Eagle Invitational    Feb 15-17, 2024
Hep 2977 10th
100H 20.74 (0.2) 10th
HJ 1.47m 4' 9.75" 2nd
SP 8.53m 28' 0" 7th
200 28.05 (2.6) 7th
LJ 4.55m (2.6) 14' 11.25" 8th
JT 26.43m 86' 8" 6th
800 3:15.58 10th
2023 CCCAA California State Championships    May 19-20, 2023
LJ 4.90m (1.6) 16' 1" 12th (F)
2023 Northern California CC Championships    May 5-12, 2023
100 12.68 (2.8) 16th (P)
HJ 1.50m 4' 11" 5th (F)
HJ 1.40m 4' 7" 1st (P)
LJ 5.35m 17' 6.75" 5th (F)
LJ 4.93m 16' 2.25" 9th (P)
TJ 10.00m 32' 9.75" 9th (F)
TJ 9.95m 32' 7.75" 9th (P)
2023 Big 8 Conference Championships    Apr 25-28, 2023
100 12.80 (1.8) 11th (P)
HJ 1.45m 4' 9" 3rd (F)
LJ 4.79m 15' 8.75" 7th (F)
TJ 10.28m 33' 8.75" 4th (F)
JT 24.21m 79' 5" 11th (F)
NorCal Preview    Apr 22, 2023
100 NT (2.5)
LJ 4.69m 15' 4.75" 6th (F)
TJ 9.57m 31' 4.75" 3rd (F)
JT 25.67m 84' 3" 7th (F)
2023 OCC Last Chance Meet    Apr 14, 2023
100 13.36 (-4.0) 9th (F)
Stanislaus State Invite 2023    Apr 7- 8, 2023
100 12.90 (1.1) 9th (F)
HJ 1.40m 4' 7" 9th (F)
Jack Albiani Invitational    Mar 30, 2023
100 13.26 (0.6) 13th (F)
HJ 1.40m 4' 7" 5th (F)
JT 22.26m 73' 0" 13th (F)
Mark Conover Classic    Mar 24-25, 2023
100 13.15 (1.5) 15th (F)
200 28.33 (0.7) 20th (F)
Wildcat CUP    Mar 17-18, 2023
100 13.45 (-0.5) 9th (F)
200 28.26 (-0.3) 14th (F)
Reid & Reynon Memorial/Beaver Relays    Mar 3, 2023
100 13.74 (1.6) 8th (F)
200 29.90 (0.8) 10th (F)
Chabot Opener    Feb 25, 2023
4x100 49.96 1st (F)
100 Meters (Outdoor)
13.40 (+0.0)
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
12.68 (2.8)
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
12.80 (1.8)
2023 Big 8 Conference Championships Apr 25-28, 2023
NT (2.5)
NorCal Preview Apr 22, 2023
13.36 (-4.0)
2023 OCC Last Chance Meet Apr 14, 2023
12.90 (1.1)
Stanislaus State Invite 2023 Apr 7- 8, 2023
13.26 (0.6)
Jack Albiani Invitational Mar 30, 2023
13.15 (1.5)
Mark Conover Classic Mar 24-25, 2023
13.45 (-0.5)
Wildcat CUP Mar 17-18, 2023
13.74 (1.6)
Reid & Reynon Memorial/Beaver Relays Mar 3, 2023
200 Meters (Outdoor)
26.82 (0.5)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
27.63 (-0.9)
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
27.39 (2.1)
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
27.85 (2.7)
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 Mar 1- 2, 2024
28.05 (2.6)
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
28.33 (0.7)
Mark Conover Classic Mar 24-25, 2023
28.26 (-0.3)
Wildcat CUP Mar 17-18, 2023
29.90 (0.8)
Reid & Reynon Memorial/Beaver Relays Mar 3, 2023
800 Meters (Outdoor)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
100 Hurdles (Outdoor)
16.28 (0.7)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
20.74 (0.2)
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
100 Hurdles (Outdoor)
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
16.87 (2.0)
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
16.97 (-1.7)
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
16.87 (1.1)
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
20.58 (-0.1)
Mark Conover Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
17.63 (2.0)
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
21.23 (2.1)
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 Mar 1- 2, 2024
4 x 100 Relay (Outdoor)
Chabot Opener Feb 25, 2023
High Jump (Outdoor)
5' 0.5"
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
4' 11"
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
4' 11"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
4' 11"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
4' 11"
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
4' 11"
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
4' 10.25"
Mark Conover Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
4' 8.25"
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
4' 7.75"
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 Mar 1- 2, 2024
4' 9.75"
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
4' 11"
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
4' 7"
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
4' 9"
2023 Big 8 Conference Championships Apr 25-28, 2023
4' 7"
Stanislaus State Invite 2023 Apr 7- 8, 2023
4' 7"
Jack Albiani Invitational Mar 30, 2023
Long Jump (Outdoor)
4.53m (+0.0)
14' 10.5"
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
15' 4.75"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
4.69m (0.6)
15' 4.75"
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
15' 4.75"
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
4.42m (1.7)
14' 6"
Mark Conover Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
14' 1.25"
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
15' 2"
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
4.55m (2.6)
14' 11.25"
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
4.90m (1.6)
16' 1"
2023 CCCAA California State Championships May 19-20, 2023
17' 6.75"
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
16' 2.25"
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
15' 8.75"
2023 Big 8 Conference Championships Apr 25-28, 2023
15' 4.75"
NorCal Preview Apr 22, 2023
Triple Jump (Outdoor)
10.28m (1.8)
33' 8.75"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
10.51m (2.6)
34' 5.75"
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
31' 2.5"
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
32' 9.75"
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
32' 7.75"
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
33' 8.75"
2023 Big 8 Conference Championships Apr 25-28, 2023
31' 4.75"
NorCal Preview Apr 22, 2023
Shot Put (Outdoor)
29' 10.25"
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
28' 8.25"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
28' 8.25"
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
29' 6"
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
28' 0"
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
Javelin (Outdoor)
103' 9"
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
81' 11"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
83' 6"
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
81' 11"
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
86' 1"
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
84' 4"
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 Mar 1- 2, 2024
86' 8"
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024
79' 5"
2023 Big 8 Conference Championships Apr 25-28, 2023
84' 3"
NorCal Preview Apr 22, 2023
73' 0"
Jack Albiani Invitational Mar 30, 2023
Heptathlon (Outdoor)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
3556 (2.6)
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships Apr 9-10, 2024
3378 (3.4)
MJC Multi Mar 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational Feb 15-17, 2024

2024 Outdoors

100 Meters
13.40 (+0.0)
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
200 Meters
26.82 (0.5)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
27.63 (-0.9)
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
27.39 (2.1)
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
27.85 (2.7)
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 March 1- 2, 2024
28.05 (2.6)
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
800 Meters
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
100 Hurdles
16.28 (0.7)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
20.74 (0.2)
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
100 Hurdles
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
16.87 (2.0)
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
16.97 (-1.7)
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
16.87 (1.1)
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
20.58 (-0.1)
Mark Conover Classic March 22-23, 2024
17.63 (2.0)
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
21.23 (2.1)
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 March 1- 2, 2024
High Jump
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
Mark Conover Classic March 22-23, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 March 1- 2, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
Long Jump
4.53m (+0.0)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
4.69m (0.6)
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
4.42m (1.7)
Mark Conover Classic March 22-23, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
4.55m (2.6)
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
Triple Jump
10.28m (1.8)
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
10.51m (2.6)
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
Shot Put
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 March 1- 2, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
3556 (2.6)
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
NorCal Multi Championships April 9-10, 2024
3378 (3.4)
MJC Multi March 14-15, 2024
Golden Eagle Invitational February 15-17, 2024

2023 Outdoors

100 Meters
12.68 (2.8)
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
12.80 (1.8)
2023 Big 8 Conference Championships April 25-28, 2023
NT (2.5)
NorCal Preview April 22, 2023
13.36 (-4.0)
2023 OCC Last Chance Meet April 14, 2023
12.90 (1.1)
Stanislaus State Invite 2023 April 7- 8, 2023
13.26 (0.6)
Jack Albiani Invitational March 30, 2023
13.15 (1.5)
Mark Conover Classic March 24-25, 2023
13.45 (-0.5)
Wildcat CUP March 17-18, 2023
13.74 (1.6)
Reid & Reynon Memorial/Beaver Relays March 3, 2023
200 Meters
28.33 (0.7)
Mark Conover Classic March 24-25, 2023
28.26 (-0.3)
Wildcat CUP March 17-18, 2023
29.90 (0.8)
Reid & Reynon Memorial/Beaver Relays March 3, 2023
4 x 100 Relay
Chabot Opener February 25, 2023
High Jump
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
2023 Big 8 Conference Championships April 25-28, 2023
Stanislaus State Invite 2023 April 7- 8, 2023
Jack Albiani Invitational March 30, 2023
Long Jump
4.90m (1.6)
2023 CCCAA California State Championships May 19-20, 2023
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
2023 Big 8 Conference Championships April 25-28, 2023
NorCal Preview April 22, 2023
Triple Jump
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
2023 Northern California CC Championships May 5-12, 2023
2023 Big 8 Conference Championships April 25-28, 2023
NorCal Preview April 22, 2023
2023 Big 8 Conference Championships April 25-28, 2023
NorCal Preview April 22, 2023
Jack Albiani Invitational March 30, 2023
100 Meters (Outdoors)
13.40 (+0.0)
(Mar 8, 2024)
12.80 (1.8)
200 Meters (Outdoors)
26.82 (0.5)
28.26 (-0.3)
(Mar 17-18, 2023)
800 Meters (Outdoors)
(Mar 14-15, 2024)
100 Hurdles (Outdoors)
16.28 (0.7)
100 Hurdles (Outdoors)
High Jump (Outdoors)
Long Jump (Outdoors)
(Apr 9-10, 2024)
Triple Jump (Outdoors)
10.51m (2.6)
(Apr 23-25, 2024)
Shot Put (Outdoors)
Javelin (Outdoors)
(Apr 22, 2023)
Heptathlon (Outdoors)