2024 3C2A California State Championships    May 17-18, 2024
100 11.57 (0.5) 2nd (F)
200 23.55 (1.5) 2nd (F)
4x100 49.35 9th (F)
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships    May 3-10, 2024
100 12.09 (-2.9) 1st (F)
100 11.88 (1.3) 1st (P)
200 23.82 (1.3) 1st (F)
200 23.84 (2.6) 1st (P)
4x100 48.68 3rd (F)
4x100 49.49 4th (P)
2024 Western Conference Prelims and Championships    Apr 19-26, 2024
100 11.92 1st (F)
100 12.64 (-2.1) 2nd (P)
200 24.23 1st (F)
200 25.29 (-3.0) 2nd (P)
400 57.03 2nd (P)
Beach Invitational 2024    Apr 12-13, 2024
100 11.82 (2.1) 17th (F)
200 24.02 (2.3) 6th (F)
2024 LBCC Post Meridiem    Apr 5, 2024
4x400 4:46.44 1st (F)
2024 Dave Shannon Invitational    Mar 30, 2024
100 12.18 (-0.5) 1st (F)
200 24.84 (-1.1) 1st (F)
4x100 48.68 1st (F)
2024 WSC Coastal    Mar 22, 2024
400 58.94 1st (F)
Redlands Invitational    Mar 15, 2024
100 11.90 (2.4) 2nd (F)
200 24.43 (3.4) 1st (F)
2024 LBCC Viking Invitational    Mar 8, 2024
100 12.11 1st (F)
200 25.06 1st (F)
2023 CCCAA California State Championships    May 19-20, 2023
4x100 46.97 4th (F)
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships    May 5-12, 2023
100 12.19 (2.8) 8th (F)
100 12.20 (2.1) 8th (P)
200 24.68 (0.9) 6th (F)
200 25.10 (2.4) 6th (P)
4x100 46.46 3rd (F)
4x100 47.46 3rd (P)
2023 Western Conference Prelims and Championships    Apr 21-28, 2023
100 12.20 (0.5) 2nd (F)
100 12.45 (-0.1) 2nd (P)
200 24.72 (1.6) 2nd (F)
200 24.92 (0.8) 4th (P)
4x100 46.50 1st (F)
2023 Vaquero Classic Invitational    Apr 7- 8, 2023
4x100 47.47 1st (F)
2023 El Camino College Dave Shannon Invite    Apr 1, 2023
100 12.56 (2.3) 6th (F)
200 25.78 (0.7) 4th (F)
4x100 47.27 1st (F)
4x400 4:06.43 1st (F)
Mark Conover Classic    Mar 24-25, 2023
4x100 48.02 1st (F)
2023 WSC Coast Meet    Mar 24, 2023
100 12.52 (-0.1) 1st (F)
200 25.95 (-2.6) 2nd (F)
JT 17.77m 58' 4" 9th (F)
Redlands Invitational (Collegiate)    Mar 17, 2023
100 12.80 (-1.3) 15th (F)
200 26.23 (-0.2) 13th (F)
4x100 47.42 2nd (F)
4x400 4:18.98 2nd (F)
2023 Viking Invitational    Mar 10, 2023
4x100 49.80 2nd (F)
2023 RCC Invitational    Mar 3, 2023
4x100 50.08 3rd (F)
100 Meters (Outdoor)
11.57 (0.5)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
12.09 (-2.9)
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
11.88 (1.3)
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
2024 Western Conference Prelims and Championships Apr 19-26, 2024
12.64 (-2.1)
2024 Western Conference Prelims and Championships Apr 19-26, 2024
11.82 (2.1)
Beach Invitational 2024 Apr 12-13, 2024
12.18 (-0.5)
2024 Dave Shannon Invitational Mar 30, 2024
11.90 (2.4)
Redlands Invitational Mar 15, 2024
2024 LBCC Viking Invitational Mar 8, 2024
12.19 (2.8)
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
12.20 (2.1)
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
12.20 (0.5)
2023 Western Conference Prelims and Championships Apr 21-28, 2023
12.45 (-0.1)
2023 Western Conference Prelims and Championships Apr 21-28, 2023
12.56 (2.3)
2023 El Camino College Dave Shannon Invite Apr 1, 2023
12.52 (-0.1)
2023 WSC Coast Meet Mar 24, 2023
12.80 (-1.3)
Redlands Invitational (Collegiate) Mar 17, 2023
200 Meters (Outdoor)
23.55 (1.5)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
23.82 (1.3)
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
23.84 (2.6)
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
2024 Western Conference Prelims and Championships Apr 19-26, 2024
25.29 (-3.0)
2024 Western Conference Prelims and Championships Apr 19-26, 2024
24.02 (2.3)
Beach Invitational 2024 Apr 12-13, 2024
24.84 (-1.1)
2024 Dave Shannon Invitational Mar 30, 2024
24.43 (3.4)
Redlands Invitational Mar 15, 2024
2024 LBCC Viking Invitational Mar 8, 2024
24.68 (0.9)
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
25.10 (2.4)
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
24.72 (1.6)
2023 Western Conference Prelims and Championships Apr 21-28, 2023
24.92 (0.8)
2023 Western Conference Prelims and Championships Apr 21-28, 2023
25.78 (0.7)
2023 El Camino College Dave Shannon Invite Apr 1, 2023
25.95 (-2.6)
2023 WSC Coast Meet Mar 24, 2023
26.23 (-0.2)
Redlands Invitational (Collegiate) Mar 17, 2023
400 Meters (Outdoor)
2024 Western Conference Prelims and Championships Apr 19-26, 2024
2024 WSC Coastal Mar 22, 2024
4 x 100 Relay (Outdoor)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
2024 Dave Shannon Invitational Mar 30, 2024
2023 CCCAA California State Championships May 19-20, 2023
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
2023 Western Conference Prelims and Championships Apr 21-28, 2023
2023 Vaquero Classic Invitational Apr 7- 8, 2023
2023 El Camino College Dave Shannon Invite Apr 1, 2023
Mark Conover Classic Mar 24-25, 2023
Redlands Invitational (Collegiate) Mar 17, 2023
2023 Viking Invitational Mar 10, 2023
2023 RCC Invitational Mar 3, 2023
4 x 400 Relay (Outdoor)
2024 LBCC Post Meridiem Apr 5, 2024
2023 El Camino College Dave Shannon Invite Apr 1, 2023
Redlands Invitational (Collegiate) Mar 17, 2023
Javelin (Outdoor)
58' 4"
2023 WSC Coast Meet Mar 24, 2023

2024 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.57 (0.5)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
12.09 (-2.9)
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
11.88 (1.3)
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
2024 Western Conference Prelims and Championships April 19-26, 2024
12.64 (-2.1)
2024 Western Conference Prelims and Championships April 19-26, 2024
11.82 (2.1)
Beach Invitational 2024 April 12-13, 2024
12.18 (-0.5)
2024 Dave Shannon Invitational March 30, 2024
11.90 (2.4)
Redlands Invitational March 15, 2024
2024 LBCC Viking Invitational March 8, 2024
200 Meters
23.55 (1.5)
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
23.82 (1.3)
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
23.84 (2.6)
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
2024 Western Conference Prelims and Championships April 19-26, 2024
25.29 (-3.0)
2024 Western Conference Prelims and Championships April 19-26, 2024
24.02 (2.3)
Beach Invitational 2024 April 12-13, 2024
24.84 (-1.1)
2024 Dave Shannon Invitational March 30, 2024
24.43 (3.4)
Redlands Invitational March 15, 2024
2024 LBCC Viking Invitational March 8, 2024
400 Meters
2024 Western Conference Prelims and Championships April 19-26, 2024
2024 WSC Coastal March 22, 2024
4 x 100 Relay
2024 3C2A California State Championships May 17-18, 2024
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
2024 3C2A Southern California Prelims and Championships May 3-10, 2024
2024 Dave Shannon Invitational March 30, 2024
4 x 400 Relay
2024 LBCC Post Meridiem April 5, 2024

2023 Outdoors

100 Meters
12.19 (2.8)
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
12.20 (2.1)
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
12.20 (0.5)
2023 Western Conference Prelims and Championships April 21-28, 2023
12.45 (-0.1)
2023 Western Conference Prelims and Championships April 21-28, 2023
12.56 (2.3)
2023 El Camino College Dave Shannon Invite April 1, 2023
12.52 (-0.1)
2023 WSC Coast Meet March 24, 2023
12.80 (-1.3)
Redlands Invitational (Collegiate) March 17, 2023
200 Meters
24.68 (0.9)
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
25.10 (2.4)
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
24.72 (1.6)
2023 Western Conference Prelims and Championships April 21-28, 2023
24.92 (0.8)
2023 Western Conference Prelims and Championships April 21-28, 2023
25.78 (0.7)
2023 El Camino College Dave Shannon Invite April 1, 2023
25.95 (-2.6)
2023 WSC Coast Meet March 24, 2023
26.23 (-0.2)
Redlands Invitational (Collegiate) March 17, 2023
4 x 100 Relay
2023 CCCAA California State Championships May 19-20, 2023
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
2023 CCCAA Southern California Prelims and Championships May 5-12, 2023
2023 Western Conference Prelims and Championships April 21-28, 2023
2023 Vaquero Classic Invitational April 7- 8, 2023
2023 El Camino College Dave Shannon Invite April 1, 2023
Mark Conover Classic March 24-25, 2023
Redlands Invitational (Collegiate) March 17, 2023
2023 Viking Invitational March 10, 2023
2023 RCC Invitational March 3, 2023
4 x 400 Relay
2023 El Camino College Dave Shannon Invite April 1, 2023
Redlands Invitational (Collegiate) March 17, 2023
2023 WSC Coast Meet March 24, 2023
100 Meters (Outdoors)
11.57 (0.5)
12.20 (0.5)
200 Meters (Outdoors)
23.55 (1.5)
24.68 (0.9)
400 Meters (Outdoors)
Javelin (Outdoors)
(Mar 24, 2023)